{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, UnboxedTuples, CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} -- | -- Module : Data.Text.Read -- Copyright : (c) 2010, 2011 Bryan O'Sullivan -- -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : bos@serpentine.com -- Portability : GHC -- -- Functions used frequently when reading textual data. module Data.Text.Read ( Reader , decimal , hexadecimal , signed , rational , double ) where import Control.Monad (liftM) import Data.Char (isDigit, isHexDigit) import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64) import Data.Ratio ((%)) import Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Internal.Private (span_) import Data.Text.Internal.Read import Data.Word (Word, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64) -- | Read some text. If the read succeeds, return its value and the -- remaining text, otherwise an error message. type Reader a = IReader Text a type Parser a = IParser Text a -- | Read a decimal integer. The input must begin with at least one -- decimal digit, and is consumed until a non-digit or end of string -- is reached. -- -- This function does not handle leading sign characters. If you need -- to handle signed input, use @'signed' 'decimal'@. -- -- /Note/: For fixed-width integer types, this function does not -- attempt to detect overflow, so a sufficiently long input may give -- incorrect results. If you are worried about overflow, use -- 'Integer' for your result type. decimal :: Integral a => Reader a {-# SPECIALIZE decimal :: Reader Int #-} {-# SPECIALIZE decimal :: Reader Int8 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE decimal :: Reader Int16 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE decimal :: Reader Int32 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE decimal :: Reader Int64 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE decimal :: Reader Integer #-} {-# SPECIALIZE decimal :: Reader Data.Word.Word #-} {-# SPECIALIZE decimal :: Reader Word8 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE decimal :: Reader Word16 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE decimal :: Reader Word32 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE decimal :: Reader Word64 #-} decimal txt | T.null h = Left "input does not start with a digit" | otherwise = Right (T.foldl' go 0 h, t) where (# h,t #) = span_ isDigit txt go n d = (n * 10 + fromIntegral (digitToInt d)) -- | Read a hexadecimal integer, consisting of an optional leading -- @\"0x\"@ followed by at least one hexadecimal digit. Input is -- consumed until a non-hex-digit or end of string is reached. -- This function is case insensitive. -- -- This function does not handle leading sign characters. If you need -- to handle signed input, use @'signed' 'hexadecimal'@. -- -- /Note/: For fixed-width integer types, this function does not -- attempt to detect overflow, so a sufficiently long input may give -- incorrect results. If you are worried about overflow, use -- 'Integer' for your result type. hexadecimal :: Integral a => Reader a {-# SPECIALIZE hexadecimal :: Reader Int #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hexadecimal :: Reader Int8 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hexadecimal :: Reader Int16 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hexadecimal :: Reader Int32 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hexadecimal :: Reader Int64 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hexadecimal :: Reader Integer #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hexadecimal :: Reader Word #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hexadecimal :: Reader Word8 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hexadecimal :: Reader Word16 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hexadecimal :: Reader Word32 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hexadecimal :: Reader Word64 #-} hexadecimal txt | h == "0x" || h == "0X" = hex t | otherwise = hex txt where (h,t) = T.splitAt 2 txt hex :: Integral a => Reader a {-# SPECIALIZE hex :: Reader Int #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hex :: Reader Int8 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hex :: Reader Int16 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hex :: Reader Int32 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hex :: Reader Int64 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hex :: Reader Integer #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hex :: Reader Word #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hex :: Reader Word8 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hex :: Reader Word16 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hex :: Reader Word32 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE hex :: Reader Word64 #-} hex txt | T.null h = Left "input does not start with a hexadecimal digit" | otherwise = Right (T.foldl' go 0 h, t) where (# h,t #) = span_ isHexDigit txt go n d = (n * 16 + fromIntegral (hexDigitToInt d)) -- | Read an optional leading sign character (@\'-\'@ or @\'+\'@) and -- apply it to the result of applying the given reader. signed :: Num a => Reader a -> Reader a {-# INLINE signed #-} signed f = runP (signa (P f)) -- | Read a rational number. -- -- This function accepts an optional leading sign character, followed -- by at least one decimal digit. The syntax similar to that accepted -- by the 'read' function, with the exception that a trailing @\'.\'@ -- or @\'e\'@ /not/ followed by a number is not consumed. -- -- Examples (with behaviour identical to 'read'): -- -- >rational "3" == Right (3.0, "") -- >rational "3.1" == Right (3.1, "") -- >rational "3e4" == Right (30000.0, "") -- >rational "3.1e4" == Right (31000.0, "") -- >rational ".3" == Left "input does not start with a digit" -- >rational "e3" == Left "input does not start with a digit" -- -- Examples of differences from 'read': -- -- >rational "3.foo" == Right (3.0, ".foo") -- >rational "3e" == Right (3.0, "e") rational :: Fractional a => Reader a {-# SPECIALIZE rational :: Reader Double #-} rational = floaty $ \real frac fracDenom -> fromRational $ real % 1 + frac % fracDenom -- | Read a rational number. -- -- The syntax accepted by this function is the same as for 'rational'. -- -- /Note/: This function is almost ten times faster than 'rational', -- but is slightly less accurate. -- -- The 'Double' type supports about 16 decimal places of accuracy. -- For 94.2% of numbers, this function and 'rational' give identical -- results, but for the remaining 5.8%, this function loses precision -- around the 15th decimal place. For 0.001% of numbers, this -- function will lose precision at the 13th or 14th decimal place. double :: Reader Double double = floaty $ \real frac fracDenom -> fromInteger real + fromInteger frac / fromInteger fracDenom signa :: Num a => Parser a -> Parser a {-# SPECIALIZE signa :: Parser Int -> Parser Int #-} {-# SPECIALIZE signa :: Parser Int8 -> Parser Int8 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE signa :: Parser Int16 -> Parser Int16 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE signa :: Parser Int32 -> Parser Int32 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE signa :: Parser Int64 -> Parser Int64 #-} {-# SPECIALIZE signa :: Parser Integer -> Parser Integer #-} signa p = do sign <- perhaps '+' $ char (\c -> c == '-' || c == '+') if sign == '+' then p else negate `liftM` p char :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char char p = P $ \t -> case T.uncons t of Just (c,t') | p c -> Right (c,t') _ -> Left "character does not match" floaty :: Fractional a => (Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> a) -> Reader a {-# INLINE floaty #-} floaty f = runP $ do sign <- perhaps '+' $ char (\c -> c == '-' || c == '+') real <- P decimal T fraction fracDigits <- perhaps (T 0 0) $ do _ <- char (=='.') digits <- P $ \t -> Right (T.length $ T.takeWhile isDigit t, t) n <- P decimal return $ T n digits let e c = c == 'e' || c == 'E' power <- perhaps 0 (char e >> signa (P decimal) :: Parser Int) let n = if fracDigits == 0 then if power == 0 then fromInteger real else fromInteger real * (10 ^^ power) else if power == 0 then f real fraction (10 ^ fracDigits) else f real fraction (10 ^ fracDigits) * (10 ^^ power) return $! if sign == '+' then n else -n