{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

-- | Latin-1 utility functions.
module Text.Latin1
  -- * Latin-1 checks 
  , isLatin1
  , Latin1
  , asciiIsLatin1
  , maybeLatin1
  , latin1
  -- * Character properties
  , isControl
  , isPrintable
  , isWhiteSpace
  , isLower
  , isUpper
  , toLower
  , toUpper
  , isAlpha
  , isAlphaNum
  -- * Byte properties
  , isControl8
  , isPrintable8
  , isWhiteSpace8
  , isLower8
  , isUpper8
  , toLower8
  , toUpper8
  , isAlpha8
  , isAlphaNum8
  ) where

import Data.Checked
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Char (ord, chr)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Word (Word8)
import qualified Data.Text as TS
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Text.Ascii (Ascii)
import qualified Text.Ascii as A
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.CaseInsensitive (FoldCase(..))
import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..))

data IsLatin1 = IsLatin1

instance Property IsLatin1 Char where
  holds _ = (< 256) . ord
  {-# INLINE holds #-}

instance Property IsLatin1 α  Property IsLatin1 [α] where
  holds _ = all isLatin1
  {-# INLINE holds #-}

instance Property IsLatin1 TS.Text where
  holds _ = TS.all isLatin1
  {-# INLINE holds #-}

instance Property IsLatin1 TL.Text where
  holds _ = TL.all isLatin1
  {-# INLINE holds #-}

isLatin1  Property IsLatin1 v  v  Bool 
isLatin1 = holds IsLatin1
{-# INLINE isLatin1 #-}

type Latin1 α = Checked IsLatin1 α

instance Eq α  Eq (Latin1 α) where
  (==) = (==) `on` checked
  {-# INLINE (==) #-}

instance Ord α  Ord (Latin1 α) where
  compare = compare `on` checked
  {-# INLINE compare #-}

instance Show α  Show (Latin1 α) where
  showsPrec p = showsPrec p . checked

instance Semigroup α  Semigroup (Latin1 α) where
  x <> y = trustMe $ checked x <> checked y
  {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
  sconcat = trustMe . sconcat . fmap checked
  {-# INLINE sconcat #-}
  stimes n = trustMe . stimes n . checked
  {-# INLINE stimes #-}

instance Monoid α  Monoid (Latin1 α) where
  mempty = trustMe mempty
  {-# INLINE mempty #-}
  mappend x y = trustMe $ mappend (checked x) (checked y)
  {-# INLINE mappend #-}
  mconcat = trustMe . mconcat . fmap checked
  {-# INLINE mconcat #-}

instance IsString α  IsString (Latin1 α) where
  fromString s | isLatin1 s = trustMe $ fromString s
               | otherwise  = error $ "Not a Latin-1 string: " ++ show s
  {-# INLINE fromString #-}

instance Hashable α  Hashable (Latin1 α) where
#if MIN_VERSION_hashable(1,2,0)
  hashWithSalt s = hashWithSalt s . checked
  {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-}
  hash = hash . checked
  {-# INLINE hash #-}

instance FoldCase (Latin1 Char) where
  foldCase = trustMap toLower
  {-# INLINE foldCase #-}

instance FoldCase (Latin1 α)  FoldCase (Latin1 [α]) where
  foldCase = trustMap $ map $ checked . foldCase . trustThat IsLatin1
  {-# INLINE foldCase #-}

instance FoldCase (Latin1 TS.Text) where
  foldCase = trustMap $ TS.map toLower
  {-# INLINE foldCase #-}

instance FoldCase (Latin1 TL.Text) where
  foldCase = trustMap $ TL.map toLower
  {-# INLINE foldCase #-}

-- | ASCII values are Latin-1 values.
asciiIsLatin1  Ascii α  Latin1 α
asciiIsLatin1 = trustMe . checked
{-# INLINE asciiIsLatin1 #-}

-- | Map a character to its Latin-1 encoding if possible, otherwise
--   return 'Nothing'.
maybeLatin1  Char  Maybe Word8
maybeLatin1 c | isLatin1 c = Just $ latin1 c
              | otherwise  = Nothing
{-# INLINABLE maybeLatin1 #-}

-- | Encode a Latin-1 character. No checks are performed.
latin1  Char  Word8
latin1 = fromIntegral . ord
{-# INLINE latin1 #-}

-- | Test if a character is a Latin-1 control character.
isControl  Char  Bool
isControl c = w < 32 || (w >= 127 && w <= 159)
  where w = ord c
{-# INLINE isControl #-}

-- | Test if a character is a Latin-1 printable character.
isPrintable  Char  Bool
isPrintable c = A.isPrintable c || (w >= 160 && w < 256)
  where w = ord c
{-# INLINE isPrintable #-}

-- | Test if a character is a Latin-1 whitespace character.
isWhiteSpace  Char  Bool
isWhiteSpace c = A.isWhiteSpace c || w == 133 || w == 160
  where w = ord c
{-# INLINE isWhiteSpace #-}

-- | Test if a character is a Latin-1 lower-case letter.
isLower  Char  Bool
isLower c = A.isLower c || (w >= 223 && w < 256 && w /= 247)
  where w = ord c
{-# INLINE isLower #-}

-- | Test if a character is a Latin-1 upper-case letter.
isUpper  Char  Bool
isUpper c = A.isUpper c || (w >= 192 && w <= 222 && w /= 215)
  where w = ord c
{-# INLINE isUpper #-}

-- | Map lower-case Latin-1 letters to the corresponding upper-case letters,
--   leaving other characters as is.
toLower  Char  Char
toLower c | isUpper c = chr (ord c + 32)
          | otherwise = c
{-# INLINABLE toLower #-}

-- | Map upper-case Latin-1 letters to the corresponding lower-case letters,
--   leaving other characters as is.
toUpper  Char  Char
toUpper c | w  ord c
          , A.isLower c || (w >= 224 && w <= 254 && w /= 247)
          = chr (ord c - 32)
          | otherwise
          = c
{-# INLINABLE toUpper #-}

-- | Test if a character is a Latin-1 letter.
isAlpha  Char  Bool
isAlpha c = isUpper c || isLower c
{-# INLINABLE isAlpha #-}

-- | Test if a character is either a Latin-1 letter or a decimal digit.
isAlphaNum  Char  Bool
isAlphaNum c = A.isDecDigit c || isAlpha c
{-# INLINABLE isAlphaNum #-}

-- | Test if a byte is the encoding of a Latin-1 control character.
isControl8  Word8  Bool
isControl8 w = w < 32 || (w >= 127 && w <= 159)
{-# INLINE isControl8 #-}

-- | Test if a byte is the encoding of a Latin-1 printable character.
isPrintable8  Word8  Bool
isPrintable8 w = A.isPrintable8 w || w >= 160
{-# INLINE isPrintable8 #-}

-- | Test if a byte is the encoding of a Latin-1 whitespace character.
isWhiteSpace8  Word8  Bool
isWhiteSpace8 w = A.isWhiteSpace8 w || w == 133 || w == 160
{-# INLINE isWhiteSpace8 #-}

-- | Test if a byte is the encoding of a Latin-1 lower-case letter.
isLower8  Word8  Bool
isLower8 w = A.isLower8 w || (w >= 223 && w /= 247)
{-# INLINE isLower8 #-}

-- | Test if a byte is the encoding of a Latin-1 upper-case letter.
isUpper8  Word8  Bool
isUpper8 w = A.isUpper8 w || (w >= 192 && w <= 222 && w /= 215)
{-# INLINE isUpper8 #-}

-- | Map the encodings of lower-case Latin-1 letters to the encodings of
--   the corresponding upper-case letters, leaving other bytes as is.
toLower8  Word8  Word8
toLower8 w | isUpper8 w = w + 32
           | otherwise  = w
{-# INLINABLE toLower8 #-}

-- | Map the encodings of upper-case Latin-1 letters to the encodings of
--   the corresponding lower-case letters, leaving other bytes as is.
toUpper8  Word8  Word8
toUpper8 w | A.isLower8 w || (w >= 224 && w /= 247 && w /= 255) = w - 32
           | otherwise = w
{-# INLINABLE toUpper8 #-}

-- | Test if a byte is the encoding of a Latin-1 letter.
isAlpha8  Word8  Bool
isAlpha8 w = isUpper8 w || isLower8 w
{-# INLINABLE isAlpha8 #-}

-- | Test if a byte is the encoding of either a Latin-1 letter
--   or a decimal digit.
isAlphaNum8  Word8  Bool
isAlphaNum8 w = A.isDecDigit8 w || isAlpha8 w
{-# INLINABLE isAlphaNum8 #-}