Build #1 for text-misc-yj-
Package | text-misc-yj- |
Install | InstallOk |
Docs | Ok |
Tests | NotTried |
Time submitted | 2024-10-31 08:31:12.578749851 UTC |
Compiler | ghc-9.6.3 |
OS | linux |
Arch | x86_64 |
Dependencies | base-, mtl-misc-yj-, text-2.0.2 |
Flags | none |
Code Coverage
No Code Coverage was submitted for this report.
Build log
[view raw]
Resolving dependencies... Downloading mtl-misc-yj- Downloaded mtl-misc-yj- Starting mtl-misc-yj- Building mtl-misc-yj- Completed mtl-misc-yj- Downloading text-misc-yj- Downloaded text-misc-yj- Starting text-misc-yj- Building text-misc-yj- Completed text-misc-yj-
Test log
[view raw]
Resolving dependencies... Error: cabal: Cannot test all the packages in the project because none of the components are available to build: the test suite 'try-text-misc-yj-test' is not available because the solver picked a plan that does not include the test suites, perhaps because no such plan exists. To see the error message explaining the problems with such plans, force the solver to include the test suites for all packages, by adding the line 'tests: True' to the 'cabal.project.local' file.