{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Text.Show.Text.Data.Char
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2014 Ryan Scott
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Ryan Scott
-- Stability   :  Experimental
-- Portability :  GHC
-- Monomorphic 'Show' functions for 'Char' and 'String'.
module Text.Show.Text.Data.Char (
    , showbLitChar
    , showbString
    , showbLitString
    , showbGeneralCategory
    ) where

import Data.Array (Array, (!), listArray)
import Data.Char (GeneralCategory, isDigit, ord)
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder)

import Prelude hiding (Show)

import Text.Show.Text.Class (Show(..))
import Text.Show.Text.Data.Integral (showbIntPrec)
import Text.Show.Text.TH.Internal (deriveShow)
import Text.Show.Text.Utils ((<>), s)

-- | A table of ASCII control characters that needs to be escaped with a backslash.
asciiTabB :: Array Int Builder
asciiTabB = listArray (0, 32) ["NUL", "SOH", "STX", "ETX", "EOT", "ENQ", "ACK", "BEL",
                              "BS",  "HT",  "LF",  "VT",  "FF",  "CR",  "SO",  "SI",
                              "DLE", "DC1", "DC2", "DC3", "DC4", "NAK", "SYN", "ETB",
                              "CAN", "EM",  "SUB", "ESC", "FS",  "GS",  "RS",  "US",

-- | Convert a 'Char' to a 'Builder' (surrounded by single quotes).
showbChar :: Char -> Builder
showbChar '\'' = "'\\''"
showbChar c    = s '\'' <> showbLitChar c <> s '\''
{-# INLINE showbChar #-}

-- | Convert a 'Char' to a 'Builder' (without single quotes).
showbLitChar :: Char -> Builder
showbLitChar c | c > '\DEL' = s '\\' <> showbIntPrec 0 (ord c)
showbLitChar '\DEL'         = "\\DEL"
showbLitChar '\\'           = "\\\\"
showbLitChar c | c >= ' '   = s c
showbLitChar '\a'           = "\\a"
showbLitChar '\b'           = "\\b"
showbLitChar '\f'           = "\\f"
showbLitChar '\n'           = "\\n"
showbLitChar '\r'           = "\\r"
showbLitChar '\t'           = "\\t"
showbLitChar '\v'           = "\\v"
showbLitChar '\SO'          = "\\SO"
showbLitChar c              = s '\\' <> (asciiTabB ! ord c)
{-# INLINE showbLitChar #-}

-- | Convert a 'String' to a 'Builder' (surrounded by double quotes).
showbString :: String -> Builder
showbString cs = s '"' <> showbLitString cs <> s '"'
{-# INLINE showbString #-}

-- | Convert a 'String' to a 'Builder' (without double quotes).
showbLitString :: String -> Builder
showbLitString []             = mempty
showbLitString ('\SO':'H':cs) = "\\SO\\&H" <> showbLitString cs
showbLitString ('"':cs)       = "\\\"" <> showbLitString cs
showbLitString (c:d:cs)
    | c > '\DEL' && isDigit d = s '\\' <> showbIntPrec 0 (ord c) <> "\\&" <> s d <> showbLitString cs
showbLitString (c:cs)         = showbLitChar c <> showbLitString cs
{-# INLINE showbLitString #-}

-- | Convert a 'GeneralCategory' to a 'Builder'.
showbGeneralCategory :: GeneralCategory -> Builder
showbGeneralCategory = showb
{-# INLINE showbGeneralCategory #-}

instance Show Char where
    showb = showbChar
    {-# INLINE showb #-}
    showbList = showbString
    {-# INLINE showbList #-}

$(deriveShow ''GeneralCategory)