Module:      TextShow.Instances
Copyright:   (C) 2014-2017 Ryan Scott
License:     BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer:  Ryan Scott
Stability:   Provisional
Portability: GHC

Additional 'TextShow', 'TextShow1', and 'TextShow2' instances not provided
by @text-show@.

/Since: 2/
module TextShow.Instances (
    -- * Class re-exports
    , TextShow1(..)
    , TextShow2(..)
    ) where

import TextShow (TextShow(..), TextShow1(..), TextShow2(..))

import TextShow.Control.Applicative.Trans   ()
import TextShow.Control.Monad.Trans         ()

import TextShow.Data.Bifunctor              ()
import TextShow.Data.Binary                 ()
import TextShow.Data.Containers             ()
import TextShow.Data.Functor.Trans          ()
import TextShow.Data.Tagged                 ()
import TextShow.Data.Time                   ()
import TextShow.Data.UnorderedContainers    ()
import TextShow.Data.Vector                 ()

import TextShow.GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type ()

import TextShow.Language.Haskell.TH         ()

import TextShow.System.Console.Haskeline    ()
import TextShow.System.Console.Terminfo     ()
import TextShow.System.Locale               ()
import TextShow.System.Posix                ()
import TextShow.System.Random               ()
import TextShow.System.Time                 ()
import TextShow.System.Win32                ()

import TextShow.Text.PrettyPrint            ()

import TextShow.Trace.Hpc                   ()