{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} #endif {-| Module: Instances.System.Win32 Copyright: (C) 2014-2017 Ryan Scott License: BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer: Ryan Scott Stability: Provisional Portability: GHC Provides 'Arbitrary' instances for data types in the @Win32@ library. -} module Instances.System.Win32 () where #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Instances.Miscellaneous () import Instances.Utils.GenericArbitrary (genericArbitrary) import System.Win32.DebugApi (DebugEventInfo(..), Exception(..)) import System.Win32.File (BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION(..), WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA(..)) import System.Win32.Info (ProcessorArchitecture(..), SYSTEM_INFO(..)) import System.Win32.Time (FILETIME(..), SYSTEMTIME(..), TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION(..), TimeZoneId(..)) #if MIN_VERSION_Win32(2,5,0) import Graphics.Win32.GDI.AlphaBlend (BLENDFUNCTION(..)) import System.Win32.Automation.Input (HARDWAREINPUT(..), INPUT(..)) import System.Win32.Automation.Input.Key (KEYBDINPUT(..)) import System.Win32.Automation.Input.Mouse (MOUSEINPUT(..)) import System.Win32.Exception.Unsupported (Unsupported(..)) import System.Win32.Info.Version (ProductType(..), OSVERSIONINFOEX(..)) import System.Win32.Mem (MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION(..)) import System.Win32.SimpleMAPI (RecipientClass(..), Recipient(..), FileTag(..), Attachment(..), Message(..)) #endif import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), arbitraryBoundedEnum) instance Arbitrary DebugEventInfo where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary Exception where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary ProcessorArchitecture where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary SYSTEM_INFO where arbitrary = genericArbitrary deriving instance Arbitrary FILETIME instance Arbitrary SYSTEMTIME where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION where arbitrary = genericArbitrary deriving instance Bounded TimeZoneId deriving instance Enum TimeZoneId instance Arbitrary TimeZoneId where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum #if MIN_VERSION_Win32(2,5,0) instance Arbitrary BLENDFUNCTION where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary KEYBDINPUT where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary MOUSEINPUT where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary HARDWAREINPUT where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary INPUT where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary ProductType where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary OSVERSIONINFOEX where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION where arbitrary = genericArbitrary deriving instance Bounded RecipientClass instance Arbitrary RecipientClass where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum instance Arbitrary Recipient where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary FileTag where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary Attachment where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary Message where arbitrary = genericArbitrary instance Arbitrary Unsupported where arbitrary = genericArbitrary #endif deriving instance Generic DebugEventInfo deriving instance Generic Exception deriving instance Generic BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION deriving instance Generic WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA deriving instance Generic ProcessorArchitecture deriving instance Generic SYSTEM_INFO deriving instance Generic SYSTEMTIME deriving instance Generic TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION # if MIN_VERSION_Win32(2,5,0) deriving instance Generic BLENDFUNCTION deriving instance Generic KEYBDINPUT deriving instance Generic MOUSEINPUT deriving instance Generic HARDWAREINPUT deriving instance Generic INPUT deriving instance Generic ProductType deriving instance Generic OSVERSIONINFOEX deriving instance Generic MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION deriving instance Generic RecipientClass deriving instance Generic Recipient deriving instance Generic FileTag deriving instance Generic Attachment deriving instance Generic Message deriving instance Generic Unsupported # endif #endif