{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances
    , MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}
Module      : Language.Haskell.TH.Alpha
Description : Alpha equivalence in TH
Copyright   : (c) Julian K. Arni, 2014
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : jkarni@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental

Compare TH expressions (or clauses, patterns, etc.) for alpha equivalence.
That is, compare for equality modulo the renaming of bound variables.

>>> areExpEq [| \x -> x |] [| \y -> y |]

This can be useful when for instance testing libraries that use Template
Haskell: usually correctness is only defined up to alpha equivalence.

/N.B.:/ This package doesn't yet handle type annotations correctly!

module Language.Haskell.TH.Alpha (
    ) where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax  (Quasi, returnQ)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar
import Data.Function               (on)
import Control.Monad               (liftM, liftM2, liftM3, join, foldM)
import Data.Data                   (toConstr, Data)
import Data.Maybe                  (isJust)

--  A poor man's bound variable lookup table.
type Lookup = ([(Name,Int)], [(Name,Int)], Int)

-- | The main Alpha Equivalence class. '@=' is by default defined in terms
-- of 'lkEq'. 'lkEq' is exposed for composability: it is easy to
-- recursively build 'AlphaEq' instances from other 'AlphaEq' instances by
-- delegating the lookup update to the subinstances.
class AlphaEq a where
    -- | Compares its arguments for alpha equivalence.
    (@=) :: a -> a -> Bool
    -- | Given a variable binding lookup compares arguments for alpha
    -- equivalence, returning Just of updated lookup in case of
    -- equivalence, Nothing otherwise.
    lkEq :: a -> a -> Lookup -> Maybe Lookup
    x @= y = isJust $ lkEq x y ([], [], 0)

-- Exp
-- | Compare two expressions for alpha-equivalence. Since this uses
-- th-desugar to desugar the expressions, returns a Bool in the Quasi
-- context.
exp_equal :: Quasi m => Exp -> Exp -> m Bool
exp_equal t1 t2 = (liftM3 exp_equal') (dsExp t1) (dsExp t2) (return ([], [], 0))

areExpEq :: Quasi m => ExpQ -> ExpQ -> m Bool
areExpEq e1 e2 = let expM = (join .) . liftM2 exp_equal
                 in expM (runQ e1) (runQ e2)

instance AlphaEq DExp where
        lkEq a b lk = if exp_equal' a b lk then Just lk else Nothing

exp_equal' :: DExp -> DExp -> Lookup -> Bool
exp_equal' (DVarE a) (DVarE b) (m1,m2,_) = lookup a m1 == lookup b m2
exp_equal' (DConE a) (DConE b) (m1,m2,_) = lookup a m1 == lookup b m2
                                        && (isJust $ lookup a m1)
exp_equal' (DLitE l1) (DLitE l2) _       = l1 == l2
exp_equal' (DAppE a1 a2) (DAppE b1 b2) c = (exp_equal' a1 b1 c)
                                         && (exp_equal' a2 b2 c)
exp_equal' (DLamE a1 a2) (DLamE b1 b2) (m1,m2,cnt) =
        if ((/=) `on` length) a1 b1
            then False
            else exp_equal' a2 b2 ((ato a1 ++ m1),(ato b1 ++ m2), l)
                where ato x = zip x [cnt..]
                      l     = cnt + length a1
exp_equal' (DCaseE a1 a2) (DCaseE b1 b2) c =
        if length a2 == length b2
            then exp_equal' a1 b1 c && (any id $ zipWith mec a2 b2)
            else False
        where mec x y = match_equal x y c
exp_equal' (DLetE a1 a2) (DLetE b1 b2) c =
        isJust (foldM lkEqC c (zip a1 b1) >>= lkEq a2 b2)
        where lkEqC l (a,b) = lkEq a b l
exp_equal' (DSigE a1 a2) (DSigE b1 b2) c@(m1,m2,_) =
        lkEqB a1 b1 c && lkEqB a2 b2 c
exp_equal' _ _ _ = False

-- Match

match_equal :: DMatch -> DMatch -> Lookup -> Bool
match_equal (DMatch pat1 exp1) (DMatch pat2 exp2) c =
        case lkEq pat1 pat2 c of
            Just d  -> exp_equal' exp1 exp2 d
            Nothing -> False

-- LetDec

instance AlphaEq DLetDec where
        lkEq = letDec_equal

letDec_equal :: DLetDec -> DLetDec -> Lookup -> Maybe Lookup
letDec_equal (DFunD n1 cls1) (DFunD n2 cls2) c =
        if n1 == n2 then foldM lkEqC c (zip cls1 cls2) else Nothing
                    where lkEqC l (a,b) = lkEq a b l
letDec_equal (DValD pat1 exp1) (DValD pat2 exp2) c =
        lkEq exp1 exp2 c >>= lkEq pat1 pat2
letDec_equal (DSigD name1 typ1) (DSigD name2 typ2) c@(m1,m2,_) =
        -- Hard to tell how the name will be bound, so just check types
        lkEq typ1 typ2 c
letDec_equal (DInfixD fx1 name1) (DInfixD fx2 name2) c =
        if fx1 == fx2 && name1 == name2 then Just c else Nothing
letDec_equal _ _ _ = Nothing

-- LetDec

instance AlphaEq DType where
        lkEq = type_equal

-- TODO:
type_equal :: DType -> DType -> Lookup -> Maybe Lookup
type_equal (DForallT tybs1 ctx1 typ1) (DForallT tybs2 ctx2 typ2) c = do
        nlk <- type_equal typ1 typ2 c
        if all (\y -> cmpTYvar y nlk) (zip tybs1 tybs2)
            then Just nlk
            else Nothing
     where cmpTYvar ((DPlainTV n1),(DPlainTV n2)) c' = cmpLk n1 n2 c'
           cmpTYvar ((DKindedTV n1 k1),(DKindedTV n2 k2)) c' =
                cmpLk n1 n2 c' && lkEqB k1 k2 c'
           cmpTYvar _ _ = False
type_equal (DAppT ty1 arg1) (DAppT ty2 arg2) c = undefined
type_equal (DSigT ty1 knd1) (DAppT ty2 knd2) c = undefined
type_equal (DVarT n1) (DVarT n2) c = undefined

-- Kind
-- TODO:
instance AlphaEq DKind where
        lkEq = undefined

-- Clause
instance AlphaEq DClause where
        lkEq = clause_equal

clause_equal :: DClause -> DClause -> Lookup -> Maybe Lookup
clause_equal (DClause pats1 exp1) (DClause pats2 exp2) lk =
        pat_res >>= lkEq exp1 exp2
        where lkEqC l (a,b) = lkEq a b l
              pat_res = foldM lkEqC lk (zip pats1 pats2)
-- Pat

instance AlphaEq DPat where
        lkEq = pat_equal

pat_equal :: DPat -> DPat -> Lookup -> Maybe Lookup
pat_equal (DLitPa lit1) (DLitPa lit2) c   = if lit1 == lit2
                                                then Just c
                                                else Nothing
pat_equal (DVarPa n1) (DVarPa n2) c       = Just (addn n1 n2 c)
    where addn x y (m1,m2,i) = ((x,i):m1,(y,i):m2,i+1)
pat_equal (DConPa n1 p1) (DConPa n2 p2) c@(m1,m2,i)  =
        if (lookup n1 m1 == lookup n2 m2 && length p1 == length p2)
            then foldM cmbn c (zip p1 p2) -- Does this allow bindings across patterns?
            else Nothing
        where cmbn cn (x,y) = pat_equal x y c
pat_equal (DTildePa pat1) (DTildePa pat2) c = pat_equal pat1 pat2 c
pat_equal (DBangPa pat1) (DBangPa pat2)   c = pat_equal pat1 pat2 c
pat_equal DWildPa DWildPa c               = Just c
pat_equal _ _ _                           = Nothing

-- Utils

fst3  (a,_,_) = a
snd3  (_,b,_) = b
thrd3 (_,_,c) = c
cmpLk a b (m1,m2,_) = lookup a m1 == lookup b m2
cmpLkC (a,b) c = cmpLk a b c
lkEqB a b c = isJust $ lkEq a b c