{- Language/Haskell/TH/Desugar.hs

(c) Richard Eisenberg 2013

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies,
             TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2014 Richard Eisenberg
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Richard Eisenberg (eir@cis.upenn.edu)
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Desugars full Template Haskell syntax into a smaller core syntax for further
-- processing. The desugared types and constructors are prefixed with a D.

module Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar (
  -- * Desugared data types
  DExp(..), DLetDec(..), DPat(..), DType(..), DKind(..), DCxt, DPred(..),
  DTyVarBndr(..), DMatch(..), DClause(..), DDec(..), NewOrData(..),
  DCon(..), DConFields(..), DStrictType, DVarStrictType, DForeign(..),
  DPragma(..), DRuleBndr(..), DTySynEqn(..), DInfo(..), DInstanceDec,
  Role(..), AnnTarget(..),

  -- * The 'Desugar' class

  -- * Main desugaring functions
  dsExp, dsDecs, dsType, dsKind, dsInfo,
  dsPatOverExp, dsPatsOverExp, dsPatX,
  dsLetDecs, dsTvb, dsCxt,
  dsCon, dsForeign, dsPragma, dsRuleBndr,

  -- ** Secondary desugaring functions
  PatM, dsPred, dsPat, dsDec, dsLetDec,
  dsMatches, dsBody, dsGuards, dsDoStmts, dsComp, dsClauses, 

  -- * Utility functions
  applyDExp, applyDType,
  dPatToDExp, removeWilds, reifyWithWarning,
  getDataD, dataConNameToDataName, dataConNameToCon,
  nameOccursIn, allNamesIn, flattenDValD, getRecordSelectors,
  mkTypeName, mkDataName, newUniqueName,
  mkTupleDExp, mkTupleDPat, maybeDLetE, maybeDCaseE,

  -- ** Extracting bound names
  extractBoundNamesStmt, extractBoundNamesDec, extractBoundNamesPat
  ) where

import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar.Core
import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar.Util
import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar.Sweeten
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Foldable ( foldMap )
import Prelude hiding ( exp )

-- | This class relates a TH type with its th-desugar type and allows
-- conversions back and forth. The functional dependency goes only one
-- way because `Type` and `Kind` are type synonyms, but they desugar
-- to different types.
class Desugar th ds | ds -> th where
  desugar :: Quasi q => th -> q ds
  sweeten :: ds -> th

instance Desugar Exp DExp where
  desugar = dsExp
  sweeten = expToTH

instance Desugar Type DType where
  desugar = dsType
  sweeten = typeToTH

instance Desugar Kind DKind where
  desugar = dsKind
  sweeten = kindToTH

instance Desugar Cxt DCxt where
  desugar = dsCxt
  sweeten = cxtToTH

instance Desugar TyVarBndr DTyVarBndr where
  desugar = dsTvb
  sweeten = tvbToTH

instance Desugar [Dec] [DDec] where
  desugar = dsDecs
  sweeten = decsToTH

instance Desugar Con DCon where
  desugar = dsCon
  sweeten = conToTH

-- | If the declaration passed in is a 'DValD', creates new, equivalent
-- declarations such that the 'DPat' in all 'DValD's is just a plain
-- 'DVarPa'. Other declarations are passed through unchanged.
-- Note that the declarations that come out of this function are rather
-- less efficient than those that come in: they have many more pattern
-- matches.
flattenDValD :: Quasi q => DLetDec -> q [DLetDec]
flattenDValD dec@(DValD (DVarPa _) _) = return [dec]
flattenDValD (DValD pat exp) = do
  x <- newUniqueName "x" -- must use newUniqueName here because we might be top-level
  let top_val_d = DValD (DVarPa x) exp
      bound_names = S.elems $ extractBoundNamesDPat pat
  other_val_ds <- mapM (mk_val_d x) bound_names
  return $ top_val_d : other_val_ds
    mk_val_d x name = do
      y <- newUniqueName "y"
      let pat'  = wildify name y pat
          match = DMatch pat' (DVarE y)
          cas   = DCaseE (DVarE x) [match]
      return $ DValD (DVarPa name) cas

    wildify name y p =
      case p of
        DLitPa lit -> DLitPa lit
        DVarPa n
          | n == name -> DVarPa y
          | otherwise -> DWildPa
        DConPa con ps -> DConPa con (map (wildify name y) ps)
        DTildePa pa -> DTildePa (wildify name y pa)
        DBangPa pa -> DBangPa (wildify name y pa)
        DWildPa -> DWildPa
flattenDValD other_dec = return [other_dec]

extractBoundNamesDPat :: DPat -> S.Set Name
extractBoundNamesDPat (DLitPa _)      = S.empty
extractBoundNamesDPat (DVarPa n)      = S.singleton n
extractBoundNamesDPat (DConPa _ pats) = foldMap extractBoundNamesDPat pats
extractBoundNamesDPat (DTildePa pat)  = extractBoundNamesDPat pat
extractBoundNamesDPat (DBangPa pat)   = extractBoundNamesDPat pat
extractBoundNamesDPat DWildPa         = S.empty

fvDType :: DType -> S.Set Name
fvDType = go
    go (DForallT tvbs _cxt ty) = go ty `S.difference` (foldMap dtvbName tvbs)
    go (DAppT ty1 ty2)         = go ty1 `S.union` go ty2
    go (DSigT ty ki)           = go ty `S.union` fvDKind ki
    go (DVarT n)               = S.singleton n
    go (DConT _)               = S.empty
    go DArrowT                 = S.empty
    go (DLitT {})              = S.empty

dtvbName :: DTyVarBndr -> S.Set Name
dtvbName (DPlainTV n)    = S.singleton n
dtvbName (DKindedTV n _) = S.singleton n

fvDKind :: DKind -> S.Set Name
fvDKind = go
    go (DForallK names ki) = go ki `S.difference` (S.fromList names)
    go (DVarK n)           = S.singleton n
    go (DConK _ kis)       = foldMap fvDKind kis
    go (DArrowK k1 k2)     = go k1 `S.union` go k2
    go DStarK              = S.empty

-- | Produces 'DLetDec's representing the record selector functions from
-- the provided 'DCon'.
getRecordSelectors :: Quasi q
                   => DType        -- ^ the type of the argument
                   -> DCon
                   -> q [DLetDec]
getRecordSelectors _      (DCon _ _ _ (DNormalC {})) = return []
getRecordSelectors arg_ty (DCon _ _ con_name (DRecC fields)) = do
  varName <- qNewName "field"
  let tvbs = fvDType arg_ty
        | S.null tvbs = id
        | otherwise   = DForallT (map DPlainTV $ S.toList tvbs) []
      num_pats = length fields
  return $ concat
    [ [ DSigD name (maybe_forall $ DArrowT `DAppT` arg_ty `DAppT` res_ty)
      , DFunD name [DClause [DConPa con_name (mk_field_pats n num_pats varName)]
                            (DVarE varName)] ]
    | ((name, _strict, res_ty), n) <- zip fields [0..]
    , fvDType res_ty `S.isSubsetOf` tvbs   -- exclude "naughty" selectors

    mk_field_pats :: Int -> Int -> Name -> [DPat]
    mk_field_pats 0 total name = DVarPa name : (replicate (total-1) DWildPa)
    mk_field_pats n total name = DWildPa : mk_field_pats (n-1) (total-1) name