--- Spelling word suggestion tool --- Copyright © 2008 Bart Massey --- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED --- This software is licensed under the "3-clause ('new') --- BSD License". Please see the file COPYING provided with --- this distribution for license terms. --- Create the phonetic code database optionally used by "thimk" import Text.PhoneticCode.Soundex import Text.PhoneticCode.Phonix import System.Console.ParseArgs import PCDB data ArgIndex = ArgDict deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) argd = [ Arg { argIndex = ArgDict, argName = Nothing, argAbbr = Nothing, argData = argDataDefaulted "path" ArgtypeString defaultDictionaryForDB, argDesc = "Dictionary file to index" } ] main = do args <- parseArgsIO ArgsComplete argd createDB (getRequiredArg args ArgDict)