{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- | This module deals with maintaining the state of the server when receiving updates. module Server where import Control.Concurrent ( MVar, modifyMVar, modifyMVar_, newMVar, readMVar, ) import Control.Exception (finally) import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (%~), (&), (.~), (^.)) import Control.Monad (forM_, forever) import Data.Aeson (ToJSON) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing) import qualified Data.Text as T import GHC.Generics (Generic) import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS import Online ( ClientMessage ( BackToLobby, GameClientUpdate, RoomClientUpdate ), GameClient (GameClient), GameClientState (GameClientState), HasConnection (..), HasIsReady (isReady), HasState (..), RoomClient (RoomClient), RoomClientState (RoomClientState), ServerMessage (GameUpdate, RoomUpdate, StartGame), receiveJsonData, sendJsonData, ) import Quotes (generateQuote) import Thock ( HasUsername (..), RoomFormData (RoomFormData), RoomId, Username (Username), ) data ServerState = ServerState { _rooms :: Map RoomId [RoomClient], _activeGames :: Map RoomId [GameClient] } deriving (Generic) makeLenses ''ServerState -- | Runs the websocket server with a random quote and initial state runServer :: Int -> IO () runServer port = do st <- newMVar newServerState WS.runServer "" port $ serverApp st -- | Handles interacting with incoming client connections serverApp :: MVar ServerState -> WS.ServerApp serverApp mState pending = do conn <- WS.acceptRequest pending WS.withPingThread conn 30 (return ()) $ do (RoomFormData (Username user) room, isCreating) <- receiveJsonData conn let client = RoomClient (RoomClientState user False) conn disconnect = do s <- modifyMVar mState $ \s -> let s' = removeRoomClient room user s in return (s', s') roomBroadcastExceptSending room user s if isCreating then flip finally disconnect $ do modifyMVar_ mState $ \s -> return (createRoom room client s) talk conn mState room else do ss <- readMVar mState let response | not $ Map.member room (ss ^. rooms) = sendJsonData conn (Left "room does not exist" :: Either T.Text [RoomClientState]) | clientExists room user ss = sendJsonData conn (Left "username already exists in that room" :: Either T.Text [RoomClientState]) | otherwise = flip finally disconnect $ do modifyMVar_ mState $ \s -> do let s' = addRoomClient room client s let m = (s' ^. rooms) Map.! room let rsExceptUser = deleteFirstEqualUsername user m sendJsonData conn (Right (map (^. state) rsExceptUser) :: Either T.Text [RoomClientState]) roomBroadcastExceptSending room user s' return s' talk conn mState room response -- | Communicates with a single client by receiving and sending updates through conn talk :: WS.Connection -> MVar ServerState -> RoomId -> IO () talk conn mState room = forever $ do cMessage <- receiveJsonData conn case cMessage of RoomClientUpdate r -> do ss <- modifyMVar mState $ \s -> let s' = updateRoomClient room r s in return (s', s') -- if can start and game not already in progress, send start game, else just update if canStart (map (^. state) $ (ss ^. rooms) Map.! room) && isNothing (Map.lookup room (ss ^. activeGames)) then do newS <- modifyMVar mState $ \s -> let s' = makeActive room s in return (s', s') q <- generateQuote broadcastTo id room (StartGame q) (newS ^. activeGames) else roomBroadcastExceptSending room (r ^. username) ss GameClientUpdate g -> do s <- modifyMVar mState $ \s -> let s' = updateGameClient room g s in return (s', s') gameBroadcastExceptSending room (g ^. username) s BackToLobby user -> do s <- modifyMVar mState $ \s -> let client = RoomClient (RoomClientState user False) conn leftGame = removeGameClient room user s s' = addRoomClient room client leftGame in return (s', s') let m = (s ^. rooms) Map.! room let rsExceptUser = deleteFirstEqualUsername user m sendJsonData conn (RoomUpdate $ map (^. state) rsExceptUser) gameBroadcastExceptSending room user s roomBroadcastExceptSending room user s -- | Creates the initial 'ServerState' with empty rooms and games newServerState :: ServerState newServerState = ServerState {_rooms = Map.empty, _activeGames = Map.empty} -- | Adds a 'RoomClient' into the given waiting room addRoomClient :: RoomId -> RoomClient -> ServerState -> ServerState addRoomClient room client ss = ss & rooms %~ Map.adjust (client :) room -- | Produces true if the given user is in either the waiting room or an active game clientExists :: RoomId -> T.Text -> ServerState -> Bool clientExists room user ss = case Map.lookup room (ss ^. activeGames) of Nothing -> inRoom Just cs -> inRoom || any (equalOnStateUsername user) cs where inRoom = any (equalOnStateUsername user) ((ss ^. rooms) Map.! room) -- | Removes a user from the given waiting room. -- Deletes the room if it is empty and there is no active game for that room. removeRoomClient :: RoomId -> T.Text -> ServerState -> ServerState removeRoomClient room user ss = case Map.lookup room (ss ^. activeGames) of Nothing -> ss & rooms %~ removeClient room user _ -> ss & rooms %~ Map.adjust (deleteFirstEqualUsername user) room -- | Removes a user from the active game and deletes it if empty removeGameClient :: RoomId -> T.Text -> ServerState -> ServerState removeGameClient room user ss = ss & activeGames %~ removeClient room user -- | Remove a user from the room in m and delete the room if it is empty removeClient :: (Ord k, HasState s a2, HasUsername a2 a1, Eq a1) => k -> a1 -> Map k [s] -> Map k [s] removeClient room user m = if null (withoutUser Map.! room) then Map.delete room withoutUser else withoutUser where withoutUser = Map.adjust (deleteFirstEqualUsername user) room m -- | Updates the state of a 'RoomClient' based on username in the given waiting room updateRoomClient :: RoomId -> RoomClientState -> ServerState -> ServerState updateRoomClient room client ss = ss & rooms %~ updateClient room client -- | Updates the state of a 'GameClient' based on username in the given active game room updateGameClient :: RoomId -> GameClientState -> ServerState -> ServerState updateGameClient room client ss = ss & activeGames %~ updateClient room client -- | Updates the state of a client based on username in the given room in a Map updateClient :: (Ord k, HasState b a1, HasUsername a1 a2, Eq a2) => k -> a1 -> Map k [b] -> Map k [b] updateClient room client = Map.adjust (map updateIfClient) room where updateIfClient other = if equalOnStateUsername (client ^. username) other then other & state .~ client else other -- | Creates a new waiting room with the given client in it createRoom :: RoomId -> RoomClient -> ServerState -> ServerState createRoom room client ss = ss & rooms %~ Map.insert room [client] -- | Moves all the players in a waiting room to an active game, leaving the waiting room empty. makeActive :: RoomId -> ServerState -> ServerState makeActive room ss = ss & rooms %~ Map.insert room [] & activeGames %~ Map.insert room clients where clients = map (\(RoomClient (RoomClientState user _) conn) -> GameClient (GameClientState user 0 0) conn) states states = (ss ^. rooms) Map.! room -- | Sends an update of the 'ServerState' to everyone in a waiting room -- except the one who triggered the update roomBroadcastExceptSending :: RoomId -> T.Text -> ServerState -> IO () roomBroadcastExceptSending room sending ss = broadcastTo (deleteFirstEqualUsername sending) room RoomUpdate (ss ^. rooms) -- | Sends an update of the 'ServerState' to everyone in an active game -- except the one who triggered the update gameBroadcastExceptSending :: RoomId -> T.Text -> ServerState -> IO () gameBroadcastExceptSending room sending ss = broadcastTo (deleteFirstEqualUsername sending) room GameUpdate (ss ^. activeGames) -- | Sends an update of the 'ServerState' to everyone in a room broadcastTo :: ( Eq a1, HasConnection b WS.Connection, ToJSON d, HasState a c, HasState b a4, HasUsername c a1, HasUsername a4 a1, Ord k ) => -- | Function to filter who to send the updates to ([a] -> [b]) -> -- | Room to send to k -> -- | Constructor for creating the desired type to send ([c] -> d) -> -- | All of the rooms Map k [a] -> IO () broadcastTo f room ctr m = forM_ csFiltered $ \a -> sendJsonData (a ^. connection) (ctr . map (^. state) $ deleteFirstEqualUsername (a ^. (state . username)) cs) where csFiltered = f cs cs = fromMaybe [] (Map.lookup room m) -- | Removes the first in the given list where the inner state's username is equal to user deleteFirstEqualUsername :: (Eq a1, HasState s a2, HasUsername a2 a1) => a1 -> [s] -> [s] deleteFirstEqualUsername user = deleteFirstWhere (equalOnStateUsername user) -- | Removes the first value from the list where the predicate p is satisfied deleteFirstWhere :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] deleteFirstWhere _ [] = [] deleteFirstWhere p (a : as) = if p a then as else a : deleteFirstWhere p as -- | Produces true if the inner state's username is equal to the given user equalOnStateUsername :: (Eq a1, HasState s a2, HasUsername a2 a1) => a1 -> s -> Bool equalOnStateUsername user c = (c ^. (state . username)) == user -- | Produces true if there is more than one person in the room and they are all ready canStart :: [RoomClientState] -> Bool canStart rs = length rs > 1 && all (^. isReady) rs