{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-| Module : Control.Concurrent.HierarchyInternal Copyright : (c) Naoto Shimazaki 2017 License : MIT (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : https://github.com/nshimaza Stability : experimental Internal implementations of Control.Concurrent.Hierarchy -} module Control.Concurrent.HierarchyInternal where import Control.Concurrent.Lifted (ThreadId, forkWithUnmask, killThread, myThreadId) import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted (MVar, newEmptyMVar, newMVar, putMVar, readMVar, takeMVar) import Control.Exception.Lifted (finally, mask_) import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Data.Map.Strict (Map, delete, empty, insert, toList) {-| FinishMarker is created as empty MVar when a thread is created. It is automatically filled by () when the thread exits. -} newtype FinishMarker = FinishMarker (MVar ()) deriving (Eq) {-| Mutable map containing thread ID and finish marker. -} newtype ThreadMap = ThreadMap (MVar (Map ThreadId FinishMarker)) {-| Create a new empty 'ThreadMap'. -} newThreadMap :: MonadBase IO m => m ThreadMap newThreadMap = ThreadMap <$> newMVar empty {-| Create a new thread and register it to given 'ThreadMap'. -} newChild :: MonadBaseControl IO m => ThreadMap -- ^ ThreadMap where newly created thread will be registered. -> (ThreadMap -> m ()) -- ^ Action executed within the new thread. -> m ThreadId -- ^ newChild returns ThreadId of created thread. newChild brothers@(ThreadMap bMap) action = do finishMarker <- newFinishMarker children <- newThreadMap mask_ $ do child <- forkWithUnmask $ \unmask -> unmask (action children) `finally` cleanup finishMarker brothers children takeMVar bMap >>= putMVar bMap . insert child finishMarker return child {-| Kill all thread registered in given 'ThreadMap'. -} killThreadHierarchy :: MonadBase IO m => ThreadMap -- ^ ThreadMap containing threads to be killed -> m () killThreadHierarchy (ThreadMap children) = do currentChildren <- readMVar children mapM_ (killThread . fst) $ toList currentChildren remainingChildren <- readMVar children mapM_ (waitFinish . snd) $ toList remainingChildren {-| Create new empty finish marker. Internal use only. -} newFinishMarker :: MonadBase IO m => m FinishMarker newFinishMarker = FinishMarker <$> newEmptyMVar {-| Filling MVar of finish marker to mark thread finished. Only used by cleanup routine internally. -} markFinish :: MonadBase IO m => FinishMarker -> m () markFinish (FinishMarker marker) = putMVar marker () {-| Wait for finish marker marked. Only used by killThreadHierarchy routine internally. -} waitFinish :: MonadBase IO m => FinishMarker -> m () waitFinish (FinishMarker marker) = readMVar marker {-| Thread clean up routine automatically installed by newChild. It first killThreadHierarchy all its child threads and unregister itself. This function is not an API function but for internal use only. -} cleanup :: MonadBase IO m => FinishMarker -> ThreadMap -> ThreadMap -> m () cleanup finishMarker (ThreadMap brotherMap) children = do killThreadHierarchy children myThread <- myThreadId takeMVar brotherMap >>= putMVar brotherMap . delete myThread markFinish finishMarker