{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnliftedFFITypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} -- | A perilous implementation of thread-local storage for Haskell. -- This module uses a fair amount of GHC internals to enable performing -- lookups of context for any threads that are alive. Caution should be -- taken for consumers of this module to not retain ThreadId references -- indefinitely, as that could delay cleanup of thread-local state. -- -- Thread-local contexts have the following semantics: -- -- - A value 'attach'ed to a 'ThreadId' will remain alive at least as long -- as the 'ThreadId'. -- - A value may be detached from a 'ThreadId' via 'detach' by the -- library consumer without detriment. -- - No guarantees are made about when a value will be garbage-collected -- once all references to 'ThreadId' have been dropped. However, this simply -- means in practice that any unused contexts will cleaned up upon the next -- garbage collection and may not be actively freed when the program exits. -- -- Note that this implementation of context sharing is -- mildly expensive for the garbage collector, hard to reason about without deep -- knowledge of the code you are instrumenting, and has limited guarantees of behavior -- across GHC versions due to internals usage. module Control.Concurrent.Thread.Storage ( -- * Create a 'ThreadStorageMap' ThreadStorageMap , newThreadStorageMap -- * Retrieve values from a 'ThreadStorageMap' , lookup , lookupOnThread -- * Associate values with a thread in a 'ThreadStorageMap' , attach , attachOnThread -- * Remove values from a thread in a 'ThreadStorageMap' , detach , detachFromThread -- * Update values for a thread in a 'ThreadStorageMap' , adjust , adjustOnThread -- * Monitoring utilities , storedItems ) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Thread.Finalizers import Control.Monad ( void ) import Control.Monad.IO.Class import GHC.IO (IO(..)) import GHC.Int import GHC.Conc.Sync ( ThreadId(..) ) import GHC.Prim import qualified Data.IntMap.Lazy as I import Foreign.C.Types import Prelude hiding (lookup) foreign import ccall unsafe "rts_getThreadId" c_getThreadId :: ThreadId# -> CInt numStripes :: Int numStripes = 32 getThreadId :: ThreadId -> Int getThreadId (ThreadId tid#) = fromIntegral (c_getThreadId tid#) threadHash :: Int -> Int threadHash = (`mod` numStripes) readStripe :: ThreadStorageMap a -> ThreadId -> IO (I.IntMap a) readStripe (ThreadStorageMap arr#) t = IO $ \s -> readArray# arr# tid# s where (I# tid#) = threadHash $ getThreadId t atomicModifyStripe :: ThreadStorageMap a -> Int -> (I.IntMap a -> (I.IntMap a, b)) -> IO b atomicModifyStripe (ThreadStorageMap arr#) tid f = IO $ \s -> go s where (I# stripe#) = threadHash tid go s = case readArray# arr# stripe# s of (# s1, intMap #) -> let (updatedIntMap, result) = f intMap in case casArray# arr# stripe# intMap updatedIntMap s1 of (# s2, outcome, old #) -> case outcome of 0# -> (# s2, result #) 1# -> go s2 _ -> error "Got impossible result in atomicModifyStripe" -- | A storage mechanism for values of a type. This structure retains items -- on per-(green)thread basis, which can be useful in rare cases. data ThreadStorageMap a = ThreadStorageMap (MutableArray# RealWorld (I.IntMap a)) -- | Create a new thread storage map. The map is striped by thread -- into 32 sections in order to reduce contention. newThreadStorageMap :: MonadIO m => m (ThreadStorageMap a) newThreadStorageMap = liftIO $ IO $ \s -> case newArray# numStripes# mempty s of (# s1, ma #) -> (# s1, ThreadStorageMap ma #) where (I# numStripes#) = numStripes -- | Retrieve a value if it exists for the current thread lookup :: MonadIO m => ThreadStorageMap a -> m (Maybe a) lookup tsm = liftIO $ do tid <- myThreadId lookupOnThread tsm tid -- | Retrieve a value if it exists for the specified thread lookupOnThread :: MonadIO m => ThreadStorageMap a -> ThreadId -> m (Maybe a) lookupOnThread tsm tid = liftIO $ do let threadAsInt = getThreadId tid m <- readStripe tsm tid pure $ I.lookup threadAsInt m -- | Associate the provided value with the current thread attach :: MonadIO m => ThreadStorageMap a -> a -> m () attach tsm x = liftIO $ do tid <- myThreadId attachOnThread tsm tid x -- | Associate the provided value with the specified thread attachOnThread :: MonadIO m => ThreadStorageMap a -> ThreadId -> a -> m () attachOnThread tsm tid ctxt = liftIO $ do let threadAsInt = getThreadId tid addThreadFinalizer tid $ cleanUp tsm threadAsInt atomicModifyStripe tsm threadAsInt $ \m -> (I.insert threadAsInt ctxt m, ()) -- | Disassociate the associated value from the current thread, returning it if it exists. detach :: MonadIO m => ThreadStorageMap a -> m (Maybe a) detach tsm = liftIO $ do tid <- myThreadId detachFromThread tsm tid -- | Disassociate the associated value from the specified thread, returning it if it exists. detachFromThread :: MonadIO m => ThreadStorageMap a -> ThreadId -> m (Maybe a) detachFromThread tsm tid = liftIO $ do let threadAsInt = getThreadId tid atomicModifyStripe tsm threadAsInt $ \m -> (I.delete threadAsInt m, I.lookup threadAsInt m) -- | Update the associated value for the current thread if it is attached. adjust :: MonadIO m => ThreadStorageMap a -> (a -> a) -> m () adjust tsm f = liftIO $ do tid <- myThreadId adjustOnThread tsm tid f -- | Update the associated value for the specified thread if it is attached. adjustOnThread :: MonadIO m => ThreadStorageMap a -> ThreadId -> (a -> a) -> m () adjustOnThread tsm tid f = liftIO $ do let threadAsInt = getThreadId tid atomicModifyStripe tsm threadAsInt $ \m -> (I.adjust f threadAsInt m, ()) -- Remove this context for thread from the map on finalization cleanUp :: ThreadStorageMap a -> Int -> IO () cleanUp tsm tid = atomicModifyStripe tsm tid $ \m -> (I.delete tid m, ()) -- | List thread ids with live entries in the 'ThreadStorageMap'. -- -- This is useful for monitoring purposes to verify that there -- are no memory leaks retaining threads and thus preventing -- items from being freed from a 'ThreadStorageMap' storedItems :: ThreadStorageMap a -> IO [Int] storedItems tsm = do stripes <- mapM (stripeByIndex tsm) [0..(numStripes - 1)] pure $ concatMap I.keys stripes stripeByIndex :: ThreadStorageMap a -> Int -> IO (I.IntMap a) stripeByIndex (ThreadStorageMap arr#) (I# i#) = IO $ \s -> readArray# arr# i# s