{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Tests.Bounded where import Test.Tasty.HUnit as HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic as QM import qualified Data.List as List import Control.Monad import Control.Retry import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Exception import Control.Concurrent.Supervisor.Bounded -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type IOProperty = PropertyM IO -- How much a thread will live. newtype TTL = TTL Int deriving Show -- | Generate a random thread live time between 0.5 sec and 2 secs. randomLiveTime :: Gen Int randomLiveTime = choose (500000, 2000000) instance Arbitrary TTL where arbitrary = TTL <$> randomLiveTime data ThreadAction = Live | DieAfter TTL --natural death | ThrowAfter TTL deriving Show instance Arbitrary ThreadAction where arbitrary = do act <- elements [const Live, DieAfter, ThrowAfter] ttl <- arbitrary return $ act ttl -- We cannot easily deal with async exceptions -- being thrown at us. data ExecutionPlan = ExecutionPlan { toSpawn :: Int , actions :: [ThreadAction] } deriving Show instance Arbitrary ExecutionPlan where arbitrary = do ts <- choose (1,20) acts <- vectorOf ts arbitrary return $ ExecutionPlan ts acts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- howManyRestarted :: ExecutionPlan -> Int howManyRestarted (ExecutionPlan _ acts) = length . filter pred_ $ acts where pred_ (ThrowAfter _) = True pred_ _ = False -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- howManyLiving :: ExecutionPlan -> Int howManyLiving (ExecutionPlan _ acts) = length . filter pred_ $ acts where pred_ Live = True pred_ _ = False -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assertActiveThreads :: Supervisor -> (Int -> Bool) -> IOProperty () assertActiveThreads sup p = do ac <- lift (activeChildren sup) QM.assert (p ac) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- qToList :: TBQueue SupervisionEvent -> IO [SupervisionEvent] qToList q = do nextEl <- atomically (tryReadTBQueue q) case nextEl of (Just el) -> (el :) <$> qToList q Nothing -> return [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assertContainsNMsg :: (SupervisionEvent -> Bool) -> Int -> [SupervisionEvent] -> IO () assertContainsNMsg _ 0 _ = HUnit.assertBool "" True assertContainsNMsg _ x [] = do HUnit.assertBool ("assertContainsNMsg: list exhausted and " ++ show x ++ " left.") False assertContainsNMsg matcher !n (x:xs) = case matcher x of True -> assertContainsNMsg matcher (n - 1) xs False -> assertContainsNMsg matcher n xs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assertContainsNRestartMsg :: Int -> [SupervisionEvent] -> IOProperty () assertContainsNRestartMsg n e = lift $ assertContainsNMsg matches n e where matches (ChildRestarted{}) = True matches _ = False -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assertContainsNFinishedMsg :: Int -> [SupervisionEvent] -> IOProperty () assertContainsNFinishedMsg n e = lift $ assertContainsNMsg matches n e where matches (ChildFinished{}) = True matches _ = False -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assertContainsNLimitReached :: Int -> [SupervisionEvent] -> IO () assertContainsNLimitReached = assertContainsNMsg matches where matches (ChildRestartLimitReached{}) = True matches _ = False -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assertContainsRestartMsg :: [SupervisionEvent] -> ThreadId -> IOProperty () assertContainsRestartMsg [] _ = QM.assert False assertContainsRestartMsg (x:xs) tid = case x of ((ChildRestarted old _ _ _)) -> if old == tid then QM.assert True else assertContainsRestartMsg xs tid _ -> assertContainsRestartMsg xs tid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Control.Concurrent.Supervisor tests test1SupThreadNoEx :: IOProperty () test1SupThreadNoEx = forAllM randomLiveTime $ \ttl -> do sup <- lift $ newSupervisor OneForOne 1000 _ <- lift (forkSupervised sup fibonacciRetryPolicy (forever $ threadDelay ttl)) assertActiveThreads sup (== 1) lift $ shutdownSupervisor sup -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test1SupThreadPrematureDemise :: IOProperty () test1SupThreadPrematureDemise = forAllM randomLiveTime $ \ttl -> do sup <- lift $ newSupervisor OneForOne 1000 tid <- lift (forkSupervised sup fibonacciRetryPolicy (forever $ threadDelay ttl)) lift $ do throwTo tid (AssertionFailed "You must die") threadDelay ttl --give time to restart the thread assertActiveThreads sup (== 1) q <- lift $ qToList (eventStream sup) assertContainsNRestartMsg 1 q lift $ shutdownSupervisor sup -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fromAction :: Supervisor -> ThreadAction -> IO ThreadId fromAction s Live = forkSupervised s fibonacciRetryPolicy (forever $ threadDelay 100000000) fromAction s (DieAfter (TTL ttl)) = forkSupervised s fibonacciRetryPolicy (threadDelay ttl) fromAction s (ThrowAfter (TTL ttl)) = forkSupervised s fibonacciRetryPolicy (do threadDelay ttl throwIO $ AssertionFailed "die") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maxWait :: [ThreadAction] -> Int maxWait ta = go ta [] where go [] [] = 0 go [] acc = List.maximum acc go (Live:xs) acc = go xs acc go ((DieAfter (TTL t)):xs) acc = go xs (t : acc) go ((ThrowAfter (TTL t)):xs) acc = go xs (t : acc) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- In this test, we generate random IO actions for the threads to be -- executed, then we calculate how many of them needs to be alive after all -- the side effects strikes. testKillingSpree :: IOProperty () testKillingSpree = forAllM arbitrary $ \ep@(ExecutionPlan _ acts) -> do sup <- lift $ newSupervisor OneForOne 1000 _ <- forM acts $ lift . fromAction sup lift (threadDelay $ maxWait acts * 2) q <- lift $ qToList (eventStream sup) assertActiveThreads sup (>= howManyLiving ep) assertContainsNRestartMsg (howManyRestarted ep) q lift $ shutdownSupervisor sup -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- In this test, we test that the supervisor does not leak memory by removing -- children who finished testSupCleanup :: IOProperty () testSupCleanup = forAllM (vectorOf 100 arbitrary) $ \ttls -> do let acts = map DieAfter ttls sup <- lift $ newSupervisor OneForOne 1000 _ <- forM acts $ lift . fromAction sup lift (threadDelay $ maxWait acts * 2) q <- lift $ qToList (eventStream sup) assertActiveThreads sup (== 0) assertContainsNFinishedMsg (length acts) q lift $ shutdownSupervisor sup testTooManyRestarts :: Assertion testTooManyRestarts = do sup <- newSupervisor OneForOne defaultEventQueueSize _ <- forkSupervised sup (limitRetries 5) $ error "die" threadDelay 2000000 q <- qToList (eventStream sup) assertContainsNLimitReached 1 q shutdownSupervisor sup