module Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Canvas (
    -- * Synopsis
    -- | Partial binding to the HTML5 canvas API.

    -- * Documentation
    , Vector, Point
    , Color(..), ColorStop, Gradient, FillStyle
    , drawImage, clearCanvas
    , solidColor, htmlColor
    , linearGradient, horizontalLinearGradient, verticalLinearGradient
    , fillRect, fillStyle, strokeStyle, lineWidth, textFont
    , TextAlign(..), textAlign
    , beginPath, moveTo, lineTo, closePath, arc, arc'
    , fill, stroke, fillText, strokeText
    ) where

import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.List(intercalate)
import Numeric (showHex)

import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON

type Canvas = Element

type Vector = Point
type Point  = (Double, Double)
data Color  = RGB  { red :: Int, green :: Int, blue :: Int }
            | RGBA { red :: Int, green :: Int, blue :: Int, alpha :: Double }
            deriving (Eq, Show)

type ColorStop = (Double,  Color)

data Gradient  
    -- | defines a linear gradient 
    -- see <> 
    = LinearGradient 
      { upperLeft  :: Vector -- ^ the left-upper point where the gradient should begin
      , gradWidth  :: Double -- ^ the width of the gradient
      , gradHeight :: Double -- ^ the height of the gradient
      , colorStops :: [ColorStop] -- ^ the gradients color stops
      } deriving (Show, Eq)

data FillStyle
    = SolidColor Color
    | HtmlColor String    -- Html representation of a color
    | Gradient Gradient
    deriving (Show, Eq) 

    Image drawing

-- | Draw the image of an image element onto the canvas at a specified position.
drawImage :: Element -> Vector -> Canvas -> UI ()
drawImage image (x,y) canvas =
    runFunction $ ffi "%1.getContext('2d').drawImage(%2,%3,%4)" canvas image x y

    Fill Styles

-- | creates a solid-color fillstyle
solidColor :: Color -> FillStyle
solidColor rgb = SolidColor rgb

-- | Solid color represented as a HTML string.
htmlColor :: String -> FillStyle
htmlColor = HtmlColor

-- | creates a linear gradient fill style
linearGradient :: Point       -- ^ The upper-left coordinate of the gradient
               -> Double      -- ^ The width of the gradient
               -> Double      -- ^ The height of the gradient
               -> [ColorStop] -- ^ the color-stops for the gradient
               -> FillStyle
linearGradient (x0, y0) w h sts = Gradient $ LinearGradient (x0,y0) w h sts

-- | creates a simple horizontal gradient
horizontalLinearGradient:: Point  -- ^ The upper-left coordinate of the gradient
                        -> Double -- ^ The width of the gradient
                        -> Color  -- ^ The starting color of the gradient
                        -> Color  -- ^ The ending color of the gradient
                        -> FillStyle
horizontalLinearGradient pt w c0 c1 = linearGradient pt w 0 [(0, c0), (1, c1)]

-- | creates a simple vertical gradient
verticalLinearGradient:: Point  -- ^ The upper-left coordinate of the gradient
                      -> Double -- ^ The height of the gradient
                      -> Color  -- ^ The starting color of the gradient
                      -> Color  -- ^ The ending color of the gradient
                      -> FillStyle
verticalLinearGradient pt h c0 c1 = linearGradient pt 0 h [(0, c0), (1, c1)]


-- | Clear the canvas
clearCanvas :: Canvas -> UI ()
clearCanvas = runFunction . ffi "%1.getContext('2d').clear()"

    fill primitives

-- | Draw a filled rectangle.
-- The 'fillStyle' attribute determines the color.
    :: Point    -- ^ upper left corner
    -> Double   -- ^ width in pixels
    -> Double   -- ^ height in pixels
    -> Canvas -> UI ()
fillRect (x,y) w h canvas =
  runFunction $ ffi "%1.getContext('2d').fillRect(%2, %3, %4, %5)" canvas x y w h

-- | The Fillstyle to use inside shapes.
-- write-only as I could not find how to consistently read the fillstyle
fillStyle :: WriteAttr Canvas FillStyle
fillStyle = mkWriteAttr assignFillStyle

-- | sets the current fill style of the canvas context
assignFillStyle :: FillStyle -> Canvas -> UI ()
assignFillStyle (Gradient fs) canvas =
    runFunction $ ffi cmd canvas
        where cmd = "var ctx=%1.getContext('2d'); var grd=" ++ fsStr fs ++ cStops fs ++ "ctx.fillStyle=grd;"
              fsStr (LinearGradient (x0, y0) w h _) 
                                                = "ctx.createLinearGradient(" ++ pStr [x0, y0, x0+w, y0+h] ++ ");"
              cStops (LinearGradient _ _ _ sts) = concatMap addStop sts
              addStop (p,c)                     = "grd.addColorStop(" ++ show p ++ ",'" ++ rgbString c ++ "');"
              pStr                              = intercalate "," . map show
assignFillStyle (SolidColor color) canvas =
    runFunction $ ffi "%1.getContext('2d').fillStyle=%2" canvas (rgbString color)
assignFillStyle (HtmlColor  color) canvas =
    runFunction $ ffi "%1.getContext('2d').fillStyle=%2" canvas color

-- | The color or style to use for the lines around shapes.
-- Default is @#000@ (black).
strokeStyle :: Attr Canvas String
strokeStyle = fromObjectProperty "getContext('2d').strokeStyle"

-- | The width of lines. Default is @1@.
lineWidth :: Attr Canvas Double
lineWidth = fromObjectProperty "getContext('2d').lineWidth"

-- | The font used for 'fillText' and 'strokeText'.
-- Default is @10px sans-serif@.
textFont :: Attr Canvas String
textFont = fromObjectProperty "getContext('2d').font"

data TextAlign = Start | End | LeftAligned | RightAligned | Center
               deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

aToS :: TextAlign -> String
aToS algn =
  case algn of
    Start -> "start"
    End -> "end"
    LeftAligned -> "left"
    RightAligned -> "right"
    Center -> "center"

sToA :: String -> TextAlign
sToA algn =
  case algn of
    "start" -> Start
    "end" -> End
    "left" -> LeftAligned
    "right" -> RightAligned
    "center" -> Center
    _ -> Start

-- | The alignment for 'fillText' and 'strokeText'. Default is 'Start'.
textAlign :: Attr Canvas TextAlign
textAlign = bimapAttr aToS sToA $ textAlignStr
    textAlignStr :: Attr Canvas String
    textAlignStr = fromObjectProperty "getContext('2d').textAlign"

-- | Starts a new path by resetting the list of sub-paths.
-- Call this function when you want to create a new path.
beginPath :: Canvas -> UI()
beginPath = runFunction . ffi "%1.getContext('2d').beginPath()"

-- | Moves the starting point of a new subpath to the @(x,y)@ coordinate.
moveTo :: Point -> Canvas -> UI()
moveTo (x,y) canvas =
  runFunction $ ffi "%1.getContext('2d').moveTo(%2, %3)" canvas x y

-- | Connects the last point in the subpath to the @(x,y)@ coordinates
-- with a straight line.
lineTo :: Point -> Canvas -> UI()
lineTo (x,y) canvas =
  runFunction $ ffi "%1.getContext('2d').lineTo(%2, %3)" canvas x y

-- | Draw a straight line from the current point to the start of the
-- path. If the shape has already been closed or has only one point,
-- this function does nothing.
closePath :: Canvas -> UI()
closePath = runFunction . ffi "%1.getContext('2d').closePath()"

-- | Add a circular arc to the current path.
    :: Point    -- ^ Center of the circle of which the arc is a part.
    -> Double   -- ^ Radius of the circle of which the arc is a part.
    -> Double   -- ^ Starting angle, in radians.
    -> Double   -- ^ Ending angle, in radians.
    -> Canvas -> UI ()
arc (x,y) radius startAngle endAngle canvas =
    runFunction $ ffi "%1.getContext('2d').arc(%2, %3, %4, %5, %6)"
        canvas x y radius startAngle endAngle

-- | Like 'arc', but with an extra argument that indicates whether
-- we go in counter-clockwise ('True') or clockwise ('False') direction.
arc' :: Point -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Bool -> Canvas -> UI ()
arc' (x,y) radius startAngle endAngle anti canvas =
    runFunction $ ffi "%1.getContext('2d').arc(%2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7)"
        canvas x y radius startAngle endAngle anti

-- | Fills the subpaths with the current fill style.
fill :: Canvas -> UI ()
fill = runFunction . ffi "%1.getContext('2d').fill()"

-- | Strokes the subpaths with the current stroke style.
stroke :: Canvas -> UI ()
stroke = runFunction . ffi "%1.getContext('2d').stroke()"

-- | Render a text in solid color at a certain point on the canvas.
-- The 'fillStyle' attribute determines the color.
-- The 'textFont' attribute determines the font used.
-- The 'textAlign' attributes determines the position of the text
-- relative to the point.
fillText :: String -> Point -> Canvas -> UI ()
fillText text (x,y) canvas =
  runFunction $ ffi "%1.getContext('2d').fillText(%2, %3, %4)" canvas text x y

-- | Render the outline of a text at a certain point on the canvas.
-- The 'strokeStyle' attribute determines the color of the outline.
-- The 'textFont' attribute determines the font used.
-- The 'textAlign' attributes determines the position of the text
-- relative to the point.
strokeText :: String -> Point -> Canvas -> UI ()
strokeText text (x,y) canvas =
  runFunction $ ffi "%1.getContext('2d').strokeText(%2, %3, %4)" canvas text x y

    helper functions

rgbString :: Color -> String
rgbString color =
  case color of
    (RGB r g b) -> "#" ++ sh r ++ sh g ++ sh b
    (RGBA r g b a) -> "rgba(" ++ show r ++ "," ++ show g ++ "," ++ show b ++ "," ++ show a ++ ")"
    where sh i  = pad . map toUpper $ showHex i ""
          pad s
            | length s  == 0 = "00"
            | length s  == 1 = '0' : s
            | length s  == 2 = s
            | otherwise      =  take 2 s