## Changelog for the `threepenny-gui` package **** -- Maintenance release * Bump dependencies to allow `aeson` 1.1 * Bump dependencies to allow `vector` 0.12 * Bump dependencies to allow `websockets` 0.10 **** -- Maintenance and snapshot release * Reduce communication from browser to server when creating `Element`s. New function `unsafeCreateJSObject` to create JavaScript objects without waiting for a client response. [#131][] * Implement escape sequence '%%' for JavaScript FFI. [#132][]. * Change type of `onEvent` function to allow unregistering events. * Add function `timestamp` for simple performance measurements. * Update JavaScript dependencies to jQuery 2.2.3 * Adapt to GHC 8.0.1. [#138][] * Bump dependencies to allow `aeson` 1.0 * Bump dependencies to allow `data-default` 0.7 * Bump dependencies to allow `snap-core` 1.0 and `snap-server` 1.0 * Bump dependencies to allow `template-haskell` 2.11 * Bump dependencies to allow `websockest-snap` 0.10 [#131]: https://github.com/HeinrichApfelmus/threepenny-gui/issues/131 [#132]: https://github.com/HeinrichApfelmus/threepenny-gui/issues/132 [#138]: https://github.com/HeinrichApfelmus/threepenny-gui/issues/138 **** -- Maintenance release * Bump dependencies to allow `base` 4.9 * Bump dependencies to allow `aeson` 0.11 **** -- Maintenance release * Bump dependencies to allow `async` 2.1 * Bump dependencies to allow `transformers` 0.5 **** -- Maintenance release. * Elements that have become unreachable, for instance because they have been removed from the DOM and are no longer reachable in the Haskell code, will be garbage collected again. Fix [#109][], [#113][]. * Adjust dependencies. * Add `` tag to indicate UTF8 encoding in html file. [#116][] [#113]: https://github.com/HeinrichApfelmus/threepenny-gui/issues/113 [#109]: https://github.com/HeinrichApfelmus/threepenny-gui/issues/109 [#116]: https://github.com/HeinrichApfelmus/threepenny-gui/issues/116 **** -- Maintenance release. * Temporary fix for #109, which was causing event handlers to be discarded. Unfortunately, this means that elements are currently not garbage collected after they have been removed from the DOM tree. **** -- Maintenance release. * Remove unused direct dependencies, in particular ** attoparsec-enumerator ** utf8-string ** MonadCatchIO-transformers ** time **** -- Maintenance release. * The `ADDR` environment variable is now parsed correctly. * Now builds on GHC 7.8 and GHC 7.10 * The example source code in the `samples` folder has been reorganized and consolidated. **** -- Snapshot release. * The internals of the JavaScript FFI has been reimplemented completely. A new module `Foreign.JavaScript` exports a bare JavaScript FFI in case you want to write a custom GUI framework. However, the module `Graphics.UI.Threepenny` is *not* compatible with it, even though it builds on top of it. * The fields of `Config` type for server configuration are now prefixed with `js` instead of `tp`. Example: `jsPort`, `jsStatic`. * The functions `loadFile` and `loadDirectory` have been *removed*, as I felt that the `jsStatic` option is sufficient for most use cases. **** -- Snapshot release. * Possibility to specify IP address to bind the server to. * FFI now supports callbacks into Haskell. Remove `callDeferredFunction` function. * `Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Canvas.SVG` for creating SVG elements and attributes. * 2D graphics API in `Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Canvas` is beginning to grow. * `Bool` is now correctly marshalled to JavaScript. * `Text` can now be marshalled to JavaScrtip. **** -- Maintenance release. * Dependency `bytestring >=0.9.2` is now implemented correctly. * Allow newer versions of `aeson` dependency. * Allow newer versions of `network`, `transformers` and `template-haskell` dependencies. * Helper scripts in the `samples` directory now assume that you use a cabal sandbox for development. * The `UI` monad is now an instance of the `Applicative` class. **** -- Maintenance release. * Dependency on `text` package now from version 0.11 to 1.1.*. * Dependency on `aeson` package replaces the former dependency on the `json` package. * Unicode characters are now transmitted correctly to the browser. #75, #62. * Change default port number to 8023. #64 **** -- Bugfix release. * Fix CSS bug for `grid` function. **** -- Maintenance release. * Adjust package dependencies. **** -- Snapshot release. * New `UI` monad for easier JavaScript FFI and recursion in FRP. * Garbage collection for DOM elements. (Unfortunately, this doesn't support using custom HTML files anymore, see [issue #60][#60].) * First stab at widgets. * Bump dependencies to allow `websockets` 0.8 [#60]: https://github.com/HeinrichApfelmus/threepenny-gui/issues/60 **** -- Snapshot release. * Browser communication with WebSockets. * First stab at FRP integration. **** -- Snapshot release. * First stab at easy JavaScript FFI. **** * Initial release.