{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}

-- #hide
module Data.Thyme.LocalTime.Internal where

import Prelude hiding ((.))
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Category hiding (id)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Data.AffineSpace
import Data.Data
import Data.Micro
import Data.Thyme.Calendar
import Data.Thyme.Clock.Internal
import Data.Thyme.Format.Internal
import Data.Thyme.LocalTime.TimeZone
import Data.VectorSpace

-- * Time of day

type Hour = Int
type Minute = Int
data TimeOfDay = TimeOfDay
    { todHour :: {-# UNPACK #-}!Hour
    , todMin :: {-# UNPACK #-}!Minute
    , todSec :: {-# UNPACK #-}!DiffTime
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

deriving instance Show TimeOfDay
instance Show TimeOfDay where
    showsPrec _ (TimeOfDay h m (DiffTime s))
            = shows02 h . (:) ':' . shows02 m . (:) ':'
            . shows02 (fromIntegral si) . frac where
        (si, Micro su) = microQuotRem s (Micro 1000000)
        frac = if su == 0 then id else (:) '.' . fills06 su . drops0 su

-- | Hour zero
midnight :: TimeOfDay
midnight = TimeOfDay 0 0 zeroV

-- | Hour twelve
midday :: TimeOfDay
midday = TimeOfDay 12 0 zeroV

{-# INLINE makeTimeOfDayValid #-}
makeTimeOfDayValid :: Hour -> Minute -> DiffTime -> Maybe TimeOfDay
makeTimeOfDayValid h m s@(DiffTime u) = TimeOfDay h m s
    <$ guard (0 <= h && h <= 23 && 0 <= m && m <= 59)
    <* guard (Micro 0 <= u && u < Micro 61000000)

{-# INLINE timeOfDay #-}
timeOfDay :: Simple Iso DiffTime TimeOfDay
timeOfDay = iso fromDiff toDiff where

    {-# INLINEABLE fromDiff #-}
    fromDiff :: DiffTime -> TimeOfDay
    fromDiff (DiffTime t) = TimeOfDay
            (fromIntegral h) (fromIntegral m) (DiffTime s) where
        (h, ms) = microQuotRem t (toMicro 3600)
        (m, s) = microQuotRem ms (toMicro 60)

    {-# INLINEABLE toDiff #-}
    toDiff :: TimeOfDay -> DiffTime
    toDiff (TimeOfDay h m s) = s
        ^+^ fromIntegral m *^ DiffTime (toMicro 60)
        ^+^ fromIntegral h *^ DiffTime (toMicro 3600)

type Minutes = Int

-- | Add some minutes to a 'TimeOfDay'; result comes with a day adjustment.
{-# INLINE addMinutes #-}
addMinutes :: Minutes -> TimeOfDay -> (Days, TimeOfDay)
addMinutes dm (TimeOfDay h m s) = (dd, TimeOfDay h' m' s) where
    (dd, h') = divMod (h + dh) 24
    (dh, m') = divMod (m + dm) 60

{-# INLINE dayFraction #-}
dayFraction :: Simple Iso TimeOfDay Rational
dayFraction = from timeOfDay . iso toRatio fromRatio where
    NominalDiffTime posixDay = posixDayLength

    toRatio :: DiffTime -> Rational
    toRatio (DiffTime t) = t ^/^ posixDay

    fromRatio :: Rational -> DiffTime
    fromRatio r = DiffTime (r *^ posixDay)

-- * Local Time

data LocalTime = LocalTime
    { localDay :: {-# UNPACK #-}!Day
    , localTimeOfDay :: {-only 3 words…-} {-# UNPACK #-}!TimeOfDay
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

deriving instance Show LocalTime
instance Show LocalTime where
    showsPrec p (LocalTime d t) = showsPrec p d . (:) ' ' . showsPrec p t

{-# INLINE utcLocalTime #-}
utcLocalTime :: TimeZone -> Simple Iso UTCTime LocalTime
utcLocalTime TimeZone {..} = utcTime . iso localise globalise where

    {-# INLINEABLE localise #-}
    localise :: UTCView -> LocalTime
    localise (UTCTime day dt) = LocalTime (day .+^ dd) tod where
        (dd, tod) = addMinutes timeZoneMinutes (view timeOfDay dt)

    {-# INLINEABLE globalise #-}
    globalise :: LocalTime -> UTCView
    globalise (LocalTime day tod) = UTCTime (day .+^ dd)
            (review timeOfDay utcToD) where
        (dd, utcToD) = addMinutes (negate timeZoneMinutes) tod

{-# INLINE ut1LocalTime #-}
ut1LocalTime :: Rational -> Simple Iso UniversalTime LocalTime
ut1LocalTime long = iso localise globalise where
    NominalDiffTime posixDay@(Micro usDay) = posixDayLength

    {-# INLINEABLE localise #-}
    localise :: UniversalTime -> LocalTime
    localise (UniversalRep (NominalDiffTime t)) = LocalTime
            (ModifiedJulianDay day) (view timeOfDay (DiffTime dt)) where
        (day, dt) = microDivMod (t ^+^ (long / 360) *^ posixDay) posixDay

    {-# INLINEABLE globalise #-}
    globalise :: LocalTime -> UniversalTime
    globalise (LocalTime day tod) = UniversalRep . NominalDiffTime $
            Micro (mjd * usDay) ^+^ dt ^-^ (long / 360) *^ posixDay where
        ModifiedJulianDay mjd = day
        DiffTime dt = review timeOfDay tod

-- * Zoned Time

data ZonedTime = ZonedTime
    { zonedTimeToLocalTime :: {-only 4 words…-} {-# UNPACK #-}!LocalTime
    , zonedTimeZone :: !TimeZone
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

{-# INLINE zonedTime #-}
zonedTime :: Simple Iso (TimeZone, UTCTime) ZonedTime
zonedTime = iso toZoned fromZoned where

    {-# INLINE toZoned #-}
    toZoned :: (TimeZone, UTCTime) -> ZonedTime
    toZoned (tz, time) = ZonedTime (view (utcLocalTime tz) time) tz

    {-# INLINE fromZoned #-}
    fromZoned :: ZonedTime -> (TimeZone, UTCTime)
    fromZoned (ZonedTime lt tz) = (tz, review (utcLocalTime tz) lt)

deriving instance Show ZonedTime
instance Show ZonedTime where
    showsPrec p (ZonedTime lt tz) = showsPrec p lt . (:) ' ' . showsPrec p tz