{ module TigerScanner(scanFile) where import UU.Scanner.Token import UU.Scanner.TokenShow import UU.Scanner.Position import qualified UU.DData.Set as Set } %wrapper "gscan" $letter = [a-zA-Z] -- alphabetic characters $digit = 0-9 -- digits $octal = 0-7 -- octal digits $hex = [0-9A-Fa-f] -- hexadecimal digits $ident = [$letter $digit _] -- identifier character @escape = \\([abfnrtv\^"\\] | $octal{1,3} | x$hex{1,2}) -- character escape @content = $printable # ["\\] | @escape -- string character tiger :- $white+ ; "/*" { comment } "," | ":" | ";" | "(" | ")" | "[" | "]" | "{" | "}" | "." | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "=" | "<>" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "&" | "|" | ":=" { symbol } $digit+ { integer } \" @content* \" { string } $letter $ident* { identifier } { -- semantic actions -- if a sequence of letters is an identifier, except when it is member of the set of reserved words. identifier = makeToken keywordOrIdentifier where keywordOrIdentifier str | Set.member str reservedwords = reserved str | otherwise = valueToken TkVarid str reservedwords = Set.fromList [ "array", "if", "then", "else", "while", "for", "to", "do", "let", "in", "end", "of", "break", "nil", "function", "var", "type" ] -- special symbols and operators symbol = makeToken reserved -- decimal integers integer = makeToken (valueToken TkInteger10) -- string literals string = makeToken (valueToken TkString) -- comment-lexer: drops a comment-block enclosed by /* and */ from the input, and resumes lexing. -- block comments can be nested, hence: /* this /* is some */ text */ -- is a single comment-block comment pos _ inp _ _ st@(_,file) = dropcomments (move_pos2 pos) 1 (drop 2 inp) where move_pos2 (AlexPn a l c) = AlexPn (a+2) l (c+2) dropcomments p 0 ss = continue p ss dropcomments p n inp = case inp of ('*':'/':ss) -> dropcomments (move_pos2 p ) (n-1) ss ('/':'*':ss) -> dropcomments (move_pos2 p ) (n+1) ss (s :ss) -> dropcomments (alexMove p s) n ss [] -> errToken ("unterminated comment") (makePos file pos) : continue p [] continue = tiger_scan file makeToken :: (String -> Pos -> Token) -> AlexPosn -> a -> String -> Int -> ((Int,FilePath) -> [Token]) -> (Int,FilePath) -> [Token] makeToken f p _ inp len cont state@(_,file) = f (take len inp) (makePos file p) : cont state makePos :: FilePath -> AlexPosn -> Pos makePos f (AlexPn _ l c) = Pos l c f scanFile :: FilePath -> IO [Token] scanFile file = do txt <- readFile file return (tiger_scan file alexStartPos txt) tiger_scan :: FilePath -> AlexPosn -> String -> [Token] tiger_scan file pos input = alex_gscan stop_act pos '\n' input (0,file) stop_act pos char "" state = [] stop_act pos char (s:ss) state = errToken ("unexpected character: " ++ show s) (makePos (snd state) pos) : tiger_scan (snd state) (alexMove pos s) ss }