  , MultiParamTypeClasses
  , OverloadedStrings
  , TemplateHaskell
  , UnicodeSyntax
module Data.Time.Format.RFC822.Internal
    ( RFC822
    , rfc822DateAndTime
    , rfc822Time
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Ascii (Ascii, AsciiBuilder)
import qualified Data.Ascii as A
import Data.Attoparsec.Char8
import Data.Convertible.Base
import Data.Monoid.Unicode
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
import Data.Time.Format.HTTP.Common
import Prelude.Unicode

-- |The phantom type for conversions between RFC 822 date and time
-- strings and 'ZonedTime'.
-- >>> convertSuccess (ZonedTime (LocalTime (ModifiedJulianDay 49662) (TimeOfDay 8 49 37)) utc)
-- Tagged "Sun, 06 Nov 94 08:49:37 GMT"
data RFC822

instance ConvertSuccess ZonedTime (Tagged RFC822 Ascii) where
    {-# INLINE convertSuccess #-}
    convertSuccess = (A.fromAsciiBuilder <$>)  cs

instance ConvertSuccess ZonedTime (Tagged RFC822 AsciiBuilder) where
    {-# INLINE convertSuccess #-}
    convertSuccess = Tagged  toAsciiBuilder

instance ConvertSuccess TimeZone (Tagged RFC822 Ascii) where
    {-# INLINE convertSuccess #-}
    convertSuccess = (A.fromAsciiBuilder <$>)  cs

instance ConvertSuccess TimeZone (Tagged RFC822 AsciiBuilder) where
    {-# INLINE convertSuccess #-}
    convertSuccess tz
        | timeZoneMinutes tz  0 = Tagged $ A.toAsciiBuilder "GMT"
        | otherwise              = Tagged $ show4digitsTZ tz

instance ConvertAttempt (Tagged RFC822 Ascii) ZonedTime where
    {-# INLINE convertAttempt #-}
    convertAttempt = parseAttempt' rfc822DateAndTime  untag

-- |Parse an RFC 822 date and time string.
rfc822DateAndTime  Parser ZonedTime
rfc822DateAndTime = dateTime

dateTime  Parser ZonedTime
dateTime = do weekDay  optionMaybe $
                        do w  shortWeekDayNameP
                           _  string ", "
                           return w
              gregDay  date
              case weekDay of
                    -> return ()
                Just givenWD
                    -> assertWeekDayIsGood givenWD gregDay
              (tod, timeZone)  rfc822Time
              let lt = LocalTime gregDay tod
                  zt = ZonedTime lt timeZone
              return zt

date  Parser Day
date = do day    read2
          _      char ' '
          month  shortMonthNameP
          _      char ' '
          year   (+ 1900) <$> read2
          _      char ' '
          assertGregorianDateIsGood year month day

rfc822Time  Parser (TimeOfDay, TimeZone)
rfc822Time = do tod  hms
                _    char ' '
                tz   zone
                return (tod, tz)

hms  Parser TimeOfDay
hms = do hour    read2
         minute  char ':' *> read2
         second  option 0 (char ':' *> read2)
         assertTimeOfDayIsGood hour minute second

zone  Parser TimeZone
zone = choice [ string "UT"  *> return (TimeZone 0 False "UT" )
              , string "GMT" *> return (TimeZone 0 False "GMT")
              , char 'E'
                *> choice [ string "ST" *> return (TimeZone ((-5) * 60) False "EST")
                          , string "DT" *> return (TimeZone ((-4) * 60) True  "EDT")
              , char 'C'
                *> choice [ string "ST" *> return (TimeZone ((-6) * 60) False "CST")
                          , string "DT" *> return (TimeZone ((-5) * 60) True  "CDT")
              , char 'M'
                *> choice [ string "ST" *> return (TimeZone ((-7) * 60) False "MST")
                          , string "DT" *> return (TimeZone ((-6) * 60) True  "MDT")
                          , return (TimeZone ((-12) * 60) False "M")
              , char 'P'
                *> choice [ string "ST" *> return (TimeZone ((-8) * 60) False "PST")
                          , string "DT" *> return (TimeZone ((-7) * 60) True  "PDT")
              , char 'Z' *> return (TimeZone 0           False "Z")
              , char 'A' *> return (TimeZone ((-1) * 60) False "A")
              , char 'N' *> return (TimeZone (  1  * 60) False "N")
              , char 'Y' *> return (TimeZone ( 12  * 60) False "Y")
              , read4digitsTZ

toAsciiBuilder  ZonedTime  AsciiBuilder
toAsciiBuilder zonedTime
    = let localTime          = zonedTimeToLocalTime zonedTime
          timeZone           = zonedTimeZone zonedTime
          (year, month, day) = toGregorian (localDay localTime)
          (_, _, week)       = toWeekDate  (localDay localTime)
          timeOfDay          = localTimeOfDay localTime
        shortWeekDayName week
         A.toAsciiBuilder ", "
         show2 day
         A.toAsciiBuilder " "
         shortMonthName month
         A.toAsciiBuilder " "
         show2 (year `mod` 100)
         A.toAsciiBuilder " "
         show2 (todHour timeOfDay)
         A.toAsciiBuilder ":"
         show2 (todMin timeOfDay)
         A.toAsciiBuilder ":"
         show2 (floor (todSec timeOfDay)  Int)
         A.toAsciiBuilder " "
         untag (cs timeZone  Tagged RFC822 AsciiBuilder)

deriveAttempts [ ([t| ZonedTime |], [t| Tagged RFC822 Ascii        |])
               , ([t| ZonedTime |], [t| Tagged RFC822 AsciiBuilder |])
               , ([t| TimeZone  |], [t| Tagged RFC822 Ascii        |])
               , ([t| TimeZone  |], [t| Tagged RFC822 AsciiBuilder |])