> -- | Sorry, I thought haddock will process LHS automatically, but
> -- apparently it does not
> --
> -- Module:     FRP.Timeless.Tutorial
> -- Copyright:  (c) 2015 Rongcui Dong
> -- License:    BSD3
> -- Maintainer: Rongcui Dong <karl_1702@188.com>
> {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
> module FRP.Timeless.Tutorial where
> import System.IO
> import Data.Char (toLower)
\section{Introduction} This module is a tutorial of `timeless` written in Literate Haskell. To run this tutorial, run ghci, import this module, and run 'runTurorial'. In very short terms, `timeless` is an Arrow based Functional Reactive Programming library which operates in continuous time semantics. You will get this as tutorial goes. This tutorial steps through the core of `timeless`, and builds a simple console interactive program which makes use of many aspects of 'timeless' \section{Basics of Timeless} First, to use anything from `timeless`, import the following module(s):
> import FRP.Timeless
> import Prelude hiding ((.), id) -- I don't see a way to get rid of this yet
If you don't want to look at basic details, but rather like to go straight for the application, skip this section. `Signal` is the core of the `timeless` library. It has type: < Signal s m a b Four type parameters! However, for the most of the time, what only matters are the `a` and `b`, as you will see. All `Signal`s are `Arrows`, which can be thought as generalized functions (not exactly, because they do a lot more). If you look at any arrow related functions from `Control.Arrow`, they typically look like this: < arr :: Arrow a => (b -> c) -> a b c In the case of `Signal`, the arrow is `Signal s m`. The `a` is the input, and `b` is the output. From this aspect, it looks just like a function. However, `Signal` does much more than a function: it can keep state, chain monadic actions nicely with pure functions, and can be activated or inhibited. I mentioned "monadic actions". So that is the `m` in the type parameter. In fact, in most functions, `Signal` has type < (Monad m) => Signal s m a b Usually, `m` will be `IO`. However, I recommend to only put `IO` explicitly in the outermost signals or those actually does `IO` actions, to make the constructed signals more reusable. `s` is just a "session" type that holds delta time information in running the signals. This information can be used in constructing signals, but is invisible in composition. \section{The Example Application} The goal of this application is to demonstrate a simple console interactive program. The program reads user's name from standard input. As the user type, the name is updated inside a greeting sentence, for example: Hello, Rongcui Dong! Greetings! Then, when the user presses return, the second greeting also gets updated Hello, Rongcui Dong! Greetings, Rongcui Dong! If the user types "quit" or "q", case non-sensitive, and then presses return, the program quits. The process of implementation is broken into several parts. To test final results now, run `runTutorial` in GHCi \subsection{Echo Input} First, we create a program that simply echos user input, to make sure that both input and output works. To see the final result of this section, run `runEcho` in ghci. As will be demonstrated below, usually we write a pure or monadic function, and then lift the function into a `Signal` using various factory functions in `FRP.Timeless.Prefab` (automatically imported). To make sure no garbage is displayed on console, and to give opportunity for immediate response, we turn off buffering and echo:
> -- * Read the Source for This Tutorial!
> initConsole :: IO ()
> initConsole = do
>   hSetEcho stdin False
>   hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
>   hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
Of course, this is the first thing we will do in `runEcho`. Then, look at this function in `FRP.Timeless.Run`: < runBox :: (Monad m) => Session m s -> Signal s m () () -> m () This function basically runs a "black box" signal network, and stops when the output inhibits. /Black box/, of course, means that the `Signal` runned has no observable input and output. Since everything is sealed inside the box, any `IO` actions should be nicely isolated from other code. Now, `runEcho` is defined as following:
> runEcho :: IO ()
> runEcho = do
>   initConsole
>   runBox clockSession_ sEchoBox
Here, `clockSession_` is something that can pass real delta time (in seconds) information into the signal network (implicitly, if you read the previous section). If it is replaced by `countSession_ n`, then the delta time will be the fixed integer `n`. In this tutorial, all `Signal`s have name starting with an /s/, such as the `sEchoBox` here. Any signal with /Box/ as suffix means that the runner do not know anything about the internal of the signal. First, we prepare the input function. To make things simpler for now, let's consider a /blocking input/, which blocks the program until input is detected:
> inputBlocking :: IO Char
> inputBlocking = getChar
Very simple. However, this is an `IO` action, not a `Signal`. Therefore, we make it a `Signal`:
> sInput :: Signal s IO () Char
> sInput = mkActM inputBlocking
`mkActM` lifts a monadic action into a `Signal`. Although GHC's type inference should perform well in determining the type of the signal, but it is much easier to explicitly write it out so that when you make a mistake, the debug message gets much more readable. Now I will explain the type of this signal. < Signal s IO a Char `s` is the implicit `Session` type, which can be thought of as "time" (and it is "timeless"!). `IO` is explicitly written out because `inputBlocking` is an `IO` action. `()` means that this signal should not take any inputs, and `Char` is the output type. To start out, imagine a function like this: Next, we need something for output:
> output :: Char -> IO ()
> output = putChar
Similarly, we lift it into a signal:
> sOutput :: Signal s IO Char ()
> sOutput = mkKleisli_ output
The `output` function has type `Char -> IO ()`, or `a -> m b`, which is a Kleisli function. `mkKleisli_` lifts a Kleisli function into a `Signal`. Now `sOutput` will magically print characters on screen when input is supplied! Now, we have the input and output signal, and we are ready to create the black box!
> sEchoBox :: Signal s IO () ()
> sEchoBox = sInput >>> sOutput
Since it is just an "echo box", we simply direct the input to output. `(>>>)` is a function in `Control.Arrow`: < (>>>) :: Category cat => cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c It may look scary because of the `Category` thing, but `Category` is basically function. If you look carefully, you will notice: < (.) :: Category cat => cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c `(>>>)` is just a flipped `(.)`! So instead of writing `sOutput . sInput`, the syntax looks more like chaining operations. Later we will also introduce the arrow syntax of Haskell, which makes complex logic much easier to compose. If everything is typed correctly, try `runEcho`! Everything you type should be echoed. Of course, backspace will not work. \subsection{Non Blocking Input} Although the program above works, it will be nice if we don't block on input. Here we are using single thread (honestly, I haven't done any concurrency in Haskell yet, so I do not know whether `timeless` will work in concurrent programs), waits for input for 17ms, giving 60 samples per second. (I use the word /sample/ because `timeless` works in continuous time semantics). To see result of this section, run `runEcho2`:
> runEcho2 :: IO ()
> runEcho2 = do
>   initConsole
>   runBox clockSession_ sEchoBox2
First, we write a monadic action as in normal Haskell program:
> inputNonBlocking :: IO (Maybe Char)
> inputNonBlocking = do
>   b <- hWaitForInput stdin 17
>   case b of
>     True -> fmap Just getChar
>     False -> return Nothing
The function is self explanatory. If input is found, get it. Otherwise, return `Nothing`. Since we have `IO (Maybe Char)` this time, we need another output function:
> outputMay :: Maybe Char -> IO ()
> outputMay = mapM_ putChar
This function is also self explanatory. If you can't read it, try to read some more basic Haskell tutorials or books first. Then, we construct the signals and the box as before:
> sInput' :: Signal s IO () (Maybe Char)
> sInput' = mkActM inputNonBlocking
> sOutput' :: Signal s IO (Maybe Char) ()
> sOutput' = mkKleisli_ outputMay
> sEchoBox2 :: Signal s IO () ()
> sEchoBox2 = sInput' >>> sOutput'
Now, run `runEcho2` and see what happens. It should look just like before. However, when other parts are included, this version enables other computations to be made when there is no input. The following sections will be built up on the non-blocking version of I/O. \subsection{Remember the Name} In this section, we will deal with stateful signals. This time, the backspace character is correctly handled. To try the results, run `runGetName`.
> runGetName = initConsole >> runBox clockSession_ sNameBox
First, let's look at what a /name/ is made of: a `String`, or `[Char]`. To append a string to an existing name, we use `(++)`: < (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] Generalizing a bit, it has type `b -> a -> b`, where `b` is the state of a function. Multiple of these functions can be chained together to perform a sequence of stateful computation. Also, a /name/ has the initial value of an empty string, giving the starting point of the computations. Therefore, we make a function to update the name. Note that it is a bit different from `(++)` to incorporate with our process better:
> updateName :: String -> Maybe Char -> String
> updateName s Nothing = s
> updateName s (Just c) = f s c
>     where
>       isDel c = (c == '\b') || (c == '\DEL')
>       f s '\n' = s
>       f "" c'
>           | isDel c' = ""
>           | otherwise = c':""
>       f s@(c:cs) c'
>           | isDel c' = cs
>           | otherwise = c':s
Note that the name is actually stored in reverse so that the code looks cleaner. Whenever a backspace character ('\b') is detected, the last character is deleted. Then, we make it a stateful /wire/:
> sName :: (Monad m) => Signal s m (Maybe Char) String
> sName = mkSW_ "" updateName
This signal is called a /wire/ because it never inhibits by itself. However, it can inhibited by its input signal. In other word, a /wire/ is passive. `mkSW_` (read it as "make stateful wire") is a factory function to create a stateful signal from a stateful computation of type `b -> a -> b`. Notice that the `IO` monad is no longer specified in its type since its underlyling computation does not involve `IO`. Then, to display the name properly, we need to reverse it:
> sReverse :: (Monad m) => Signal s m String String
> sReverse = mkPW_ reverse
`mkPW_` ("make pure wire") creates a pure, stateless, wire, from a function. Note that `arr` also works for this purpose. Now, make an output signal that prints string, always on the same line:
> sLineOut :: Signal s IO String ()
> sLineOut = (mkSK_ 0 $ f) >>> mkConstM (return ())
>     where
>       f n s = do
>         putStr $ '\r':(replicate n ' ')
>         putStr $ '\r':s
>         return $ length s
To actually make backspace work, the entire line is overwritten by white space. Since we need to keep track of the length of previous string to be covered by space, we need a stateful monadic function of type `b -> a -> m b`. In this case, using string length as state, we get type `Int -> String -> IO Int`. Just like `mkSW_`, we use `mkSK_` to construct such a stateful signal(wire). We also want the output to be `()`, so we chain to a constant monadic signal. Remember that `mkConstM` and `mkActM` are just synonyms. The different names just make it easier to read. Finally, construct the box. This time we will use the arrow syntax:
> sNameBox :: Signal s IO () ()
> sNameBox = proc _ -> do
>   c <- sInput' -< ()
>   name <- sReverse <<< sName -< c
>   sLineOut -< name
>   returnA -< ()
`proc` keyword is like lambda for arrows. It takes and only takes one input, in this case, `()`. Next, in the arrow `do` notation, the input values are to the right of `-<`, while the arrows are on the left. `<-` extracts the output from an arrow. Notice that only arrows can go between `<-` and `-<` (which looks like an arrow), and the only way to feed value into arrows is to use the `-<` operator. Finally, we return `()` by feeding it into the special `returnA` arrow. Try to run it by executing `runGetName`. \subsection{Hello!} This time, we are going to put your name inside the greeting! Test the result by running `runHello`
> runHello = initConsole >> runBox clockSession_ sHelloBox
Previously, everything seems to involve a lot of work. But not this time! The power of FRP now starts to shine! We need a function to enclose the name in a greeting:
> hello :: String -> String
> hello = ("Hello, "++) . (++"!")
> sHello :: (Monad m) => Signal s m String String
> sHello = arr hello
Again, since `hello` is pure, we don't specify the `IO` monad here. Now, connect the box like this:
> sHelloBox :: Signal s IO () ()
> sHelloBox = proc _ -> do
>   c <- sInput' -< ()
>   name <- sReverse <<< sName -< c
>   helloName <- sHello -< name
>   sLineOut -< helloName
>   returnA -< ()
Try it! \subsection{Greetings!} In this section, we are going to make the program more fancy. When the user types anything, the screen prints "Hello, ! Greetings, !". However, is updated only when the user hits return. Test the results by running `runGrettings`
> runGreetings = initConsole >> runBox clockSession_ sGreetingsBox
First, we need a signal to detect a return:
> sIsReturn :: (Monad m) => Signal s m (Maybe Char) Bool
> sIsReturn = (arr $ f)
>     where
>       f (Just c) = c == '\n'
>       f Nothing = False
We will use the `rising` filter to detect a transition from `False` to `True`, with the initial value as `False`. This filter will create one single impulse of `True` when it detects a rising edge. What the event "hitting enter" does here is to take a sample of the current name, and store it somewhere. Therefore, we need a `sample` signal:
> sName2 :: (Monad m) => Signal s m (Bool, String) String
> sName2 = sample
Then, we will need a signal to render the second greeting:
> sGreeting :: (Monad m) => Signal s m String String
> sGreeting = arr f
>     where
>       f "" = "Greetings!"
>       f s = "Greetings, " ++ s ++ "!"
Now, simply make a greetings box:
> sGreetingsBox :: Signal s IO () ()
> sGreetingsBox = proc _ -> do
>   mc <- sInput' -< ()
>   name <- sReverse <<< sName -< mc
>   helloName <- sHello -< name
>   ret <- rising False <<< sIsReturn -< mc
>   greetingName <- sGreeting <<< sName2 -< (ret, name)
>   sLineOut -< helloName ++ " " ++ greetingName
>   returnA -< ()
\subsection{Quitting} Finally, we need to give the program ability to quit. Since this is the last part, run `runTutorial`.
> runTutorial = initConsole >> runBox clockSession_ sTutorialBox
This time, we need something that inhibits. Any factory functions that are provided that takes a function that returns `Maybe` creates signals that can inhibit themselves. For example: < mkPure_ :: (a -> (Maybe b)) -> Signal s m a b If the function returns `Nothing`, the signal inhibits. Therefore, the quit signal is simple:
> sQuit :: (Monad m) => Signal s m String ()
> sQuit = mkPure_ f
>     where
>       f s | (toLower <$> s) == "q" || (toLower <$> s) == "quit" = Nothing
>           | otherwise = Just ()
Get this in box:
> sTutorialBox :: Signal s IO () ()
> sTutorialBox = proc _ -> do
>   mc <- sInput' -< ()
>   name <- sReverse <<< sName -< mc
>   helloName <- sHello -< name
>   ret <- rising False <<< sIsReturn -< mc
>   snapName <- sName2 -< (ret, name)
>   greetingName <- sGreeting -< snapName
>   sLineOut -< helloName ++ " " ++ greetingName
>   returnA <<< sQuit -< snapName
DONE!!!!!!! You have followed this super long tutorial and made your first complete interactive program using `timeless`!!! Timeless will continue to be developed timelessly. Now I am working on THE project: `timeless-RPG`, which is more complicated in orders of magnitude. However, even with such complex libraries, I will use the very same factories and combinators. If you actually type out the code, you may notice that you almost never need to debug the program unless you typed something wrong or have incorrect understanding of the data flow. THAT is the power of Functional Reactive Programming! I hope this is a good introduction to `timeless`, and in general, FRP!