module Control.Concurrent.Timer
( Timer
, TimerIO

, oneShotTimer
, oneShotStart
, oneShotRestart

, repeatedTimer
, repeatedStart
, repeatedRestart

, newTimer
, stopTimer
) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Concurrent         (ThreadId, forkIO, killThread)
import           Control.Concurrent.MVar    (newMVar, tryTakeMVar, putMVar, modifyMVar_)
import           Control.Concurrent.Suspend (Delay, suspend)
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Concurrent.Timer.Types (Timer(..), TimerImmutable(..))

-- | Attempts to start a timer.
-- The started timer will have the given delay and action associated with it and will be one-shot timer.
-- If the timer was initialized before it will be stopped (killed) and started anew.
-- Returns True if the start was successful,
-- otherwise (e.g. other thread is attempting to manipulate the timer) returns False.
oneShotStart :: TimerIO
             -> IO () -- ^ The action the timer will start with.
             -> Delay -- ^ The dealy the timer will start with.
             -> IO Bool
oneShotStart (Timer mvmtim) a d = do
    mtim <- tryTakeMVar mvmtim
    case mtim of
         Just (Just (TimerImmutable _ _ tid)) -> do
             killThread tid
             oneShotTimerImmutable a d >>= putMVar mvmtim . Just
             return True
         Just (Nothing) -> do
             oneShotTimerImmutable a d >>= putMVar mvmtim . Just
             return True
         Nothing -> return False
{-# INLINEABLE oneShotStart #-}

-- | Attempts to start a timer.
-- The started timer will have the given delay and action associated with it and will be repeated timer.
-- If the timer was initialized before it will be stopped (killed) and started anew.
-- Returns True if the start was successful,
-- otherwise (e.g. other thread is attempting to manipulate the timer) returns False.
repeatedStart :: TimerIO
              -> IO () -- ^ The action the timer will start with.
              -> Delay -- ^ The dealy the timer will start with.
              -> IO Bool
repeatedStart (Timer mvmtim) a d = do
    mtim <- tryTakeMVar mvmtim
    case mtim of
         Just (Just (TimerImmutable _ _ tid)) -> do
             killThread tid
             repeatedTimerImmutable a d >>= putMVar mvmtim . Just
             return True
         Just (Nothing) -> do
             repeatedTimerImmutable a d >>= putMVar mvmtim . Just
             return True
         Nothing -> return False
{-# INLINEABLE repeatedStart #-}

-- | Attempts to restart already initialized timer.
-- The restarted timer will have the same delay and action associated with it and will be one-shot timer.
-- Returns True if the restart was successful,
-- otherwise (e.g. other thread is attempting to manipulate the timer or the timer was not initialized) returns False.
oneShotRestart :: TimerIO
               -> IO Bool
oneShotRestart (Timer mvmtim) = do
    mtim <- tryTakeMVar mvmtim
    case mtim of
         Just (Just (TimerImmutable a d tid)) -> do
             killThread tid
             oneShotTimerImmutable a d >>= putMVar mvmtim . Just
             return True
         _ -> return False
{-# INLINEABLE oneShotRestart #-}

-- | Attempts to restart already initialized timer.
-- The restarted timer will have the same delay and action associated with it and will be one-shot timer.
-- Returns True if the restart was successful,
-- otherwise (e.g. other thread is attempting to manipulate the timer or the timer was not initialized) returns False.
repeatedRestart :: TimerIO
                -> IO Bool
repeatedRestart (Timer mvmtim) = do
    mtim <- tryTakeMVar mvmtim
    case mtim of
         Just (Just (TimerImmutable a d tid)) -> do
             killThread tid
             repeatedTimerImmutable a d >>= putMVar mvmtim . Just
             return True
         _ -> return False
{-# INLINEABLE repeatedRestart #-}

-- | Executes the the given action once after the given delay elapsed, no sooner, maybe later.
oneShotTimer :: IO () -- ^ The action to be executed.
             -> Delay -- ^ The (minimal) time until the execution in microseconds.
             -> IO TimerIO
oneShotTimer a d = Timer <$> (oneShotTimerImmutable a d >>= newMVar . Just)
{-# INLINE oneShotTimer #-}

-- | Executes the the given action repeatedly with at least the given delay between executions.
repeatedTimer :: IO () -- ^ The action to be executed.
              -> Delay -- ^ The (minimal) delay between executions.
              -> IO TimerIO
repeatedTimer a d = Timer <$> (repeatedTimerImmutable a d >>= newMVar . Just)
{-# INLINE repeatedTimer #-}

-- | This function is blocking. It waits until it can stop the timer
-- (until there is a value in the MVar), then it kills the timer's thread.
-- After this action completes, the Timer is not innitialized anymore (the MVar contains Nothing).
stopTimer :: TimerIO
          -> IO ()
stopTimer (Timer mvmtim) = modifyMVar_ mvmtim $
    maybe (return Nothing)
          (\(TimerImmutable _ _ tid) -> killThread tid >> return Nothing)
{-# INLINE stopTimer #-}

-- | Creates a new timer. This does not start the timer.
newTimer :: IO TimerIO
newTimer = Timer <$> newMVar Nothing
{-# INLINE newTimer #-}

-- | Utility

type TimerIO = Timer IO
type TimerImmutableIO = TimerImmutable IO

-- | Forks a new thread that runs the supplied action
-- (at least) after the given delay and stores the action,
-- delay and thread id in the immutable TimerImmutable value.
oneShotTimerImmutable :: IO () -- ^ The action to be executed.
                      -> Delay -- ^ The (minimal) time until the execution in microseconds.
                      -> IO TimerImmutableIO
oneShotTimerImmutable a d = TimerImmutable a d <$> oneShotAction a d
{-# INLINE oneShotTimerImmutable #-}

-- | Forks a new thread that repeats the supplied action
-- with (at least) the given delay between each execution and stores the action,
-- delay and thread id in the immutable TimerImmutable value.
repeatedTimerImmutable :: IO () -- ^ The action to be executed.
                       -> Delay -- ^ The (minimal) time until the execution in microseconds.
                       -> IO TimerImmutableIO
repeatedTimerImmutable a d = TimerImmutable a d <$> repeatedAction a d
{-# INLINE repeatedTimerImmutable #-}

-- | Forks a new thread that runs the supplied action
-- (at least) after the given delay.
oneShotAction :: IO ()
              -> Delay
              -> IO ThreadId
oneShotAction action delay = fork (suspend delay >> action)
{-# INLINE oneShotAction #-}

-- | Forks a new thread that repeats the supplied action
-- with (at least) the given delay between each execution.
repeatedAction :: IO ()
               -> Delay
               -> IO ThreadId
repeatedAction action delay = fork (forever $ suspend delay >> action)
{-# INLINE repeatedAction #-}

fork :: IO () -> IO ThreadId
fork = forkIO
{-# INLINE fork #-}