-- timer.cabal auto-generated by cabal init. For additional options, -- see -- http://www.haskell.org/cabal/release/cabal-latest/doc/users-guide/authors.html#pkg-descr. -- The name of the package. Name: timers-updatable -- The package version. See the Haskell package versioning policy -- (http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Package_versioning_policy) for -- standards guiding when and how versions should be incremented. Version: -- A short (one-line) description of the package. Synopsis: timers which are updatable in the remaining time -- A longer description of the package. Description: Timers implemented in this package can be used to synchronise threads to continue all together when the timer rings. While the timer is running it can be updated in the remaining time. A parallel and serial update policy is provided. -- URL for the project homepage or repository. Homepage: http://github.com/paolino/timers-updatable -- The license under which the package is released. License: BSD3 -- The file containing the license text. License-file: LICENSE -- The package author(s). Author: Paolo Veronelli -- An email address to which users can send suggestions, bug reports, -- and patches. Maintainer: paolo.veronelli@gmail.com -- A copyright notice. -- Copyright: Category: Concurrency Build-type: Simple -- Extra files to be distributed with the package, such as examples or -- a README. -- Extra-source-files: -- Constraint on the version of Cabal needed to build this package. Cabal-version: >=1.6 Library -- Modules exported by the library. Exposed-modules: System.Timer.Updatable Control.Concurrent.Killable -- Packages needed in order to build this package. Build-depends: base < 5, stm -- Modules not exported by this package. -- Other-modules: -- Extra tools (e.g. alex, hsc2hs, ...) needed to build the source. -- Build-tools: source-repository head type: git location: git://github.com/paolino/timers-updatable.git