{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Time.LocalTime.TimeZone.Olson.Parse
-- Copyright   :  Yitzchak Gale 2010
-- Maintainer  :  Yitzchak Gale <gale@sefer.org>
-- Portability :  portable
-- A parser for binary Olson timezone files whose format is specified
-- by the tzfile(5) man page on Unix-like systems. For more
-- information about this format, see
-- <http://www.twinsun.com/tz/tz-link.htm>. Functions are provided for
-- converting the parsed data into 'TimeZoneSeries' objects.

{- Copyright (c) 2010 Yitzchak Gale. All rights reserved.
For licensing information, see the BSD3-style license in the file
LICENSE that was originally distributed by the author together with
this file. -}

module Data.Time.LocalTime.TimeZone.Olson.Parse
 -- * Parsing Olson timezone files

import Data.Time.LocalTime.TimeZone.Olson.Types
import Data.Time.LocalTime.TimeZone.Series (TimeZoneSeries(..))
import Data.Time (TimeZone(TimeZone))
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import Data.Binary.Get (Get, runGet, getWord8, getWord32be, getWord64be,
                        getByteString, getRemainingLazyByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Int (Int32, Int64)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Control.Monad (guard, replicateM, replicateM_, when)
import Control.Exception.Extensible (try, throw, Exception, ErrorCall)

-- | An exception indicating that the binary data being parsed was not
-- valid Olson timezone data
data OlsonError = OlsonError String
  deriving Typeable
instance Show OlsonError where
  show (OlsonError msg) = msg
instance Exception OlsonError

-- | Convert parsed Olson timezone data into a @TimeZoneSeries@.
olsonToTimeZoneSeries :: OlsonData -> Maybe TimeZoneSeries
olsonToTimeZoneSeries (OlsonData ttimes ttinfos@(dflt0:_) _ _) =
    fmap (TimeZoneSeries $ mkTZ dflt) . mapM (lookupTZ ttinfos) $
    reverse ttimes
    dflt = fromMaybe dflt0 . listToMaybe $ filter isStd ttinfos
    isStd (TtInfo _ isdst _ _) = not isdst
    mkTZ (TtInfo gmtoff isdst _ abbr) =
      TimeZone ((gmtoff + 30) `div` 60) isdst abbr
    lookupTZ ttinfos ttime = fmap (((,) $ toUTC ttime) . mkTZ) . listToMaybe $
                             drop (transIndex ttime) ttinfos
    toUTC = posixSecondsToUTCTime . fromIntegral . transTime
olsonToTimeZoneSeries _ = Nothing

-- | Read timezone data from a binary Olson timezone file and convert
-- it into a @TimeZoneSeries@ for use together with the types and
-- fucntions of "Data.Time". This is the function from this module
-- for which you are most likely to have use.
-- If the values in the Olson timezone file exceed the standard size
-- limits (see 'defaultLimits'), this function throws an
-- exception. For other behavior, use 'getOlson' and
-- 'Data.Binary.Get.runGet' directly.
getTimeZoneSeriesFromOlsonFile :: FilePath -> IO TimeZoneSeries
getTimeZoneSeriesFromOlsonFile fp = getOlsonFromFile fp >>=
  maybe (throwOlson fp "no timezone found in OlsonData") return .

-- | Parse a binary Olson timezone file.
-- If the values in the Olson timezone file exceed the standard size
-- limits (see 'defaultLimits'), this function throws an
-- exception. For other behavior, use 'getOlson' and
-- 'Data.Binary.Get.runGet' directly.
getOlsonFromFile :: FilePath -> IO OlsonData
getOlsonFromFile fp = do
    e <- try . fmap (runGet $ getOlson defaultLimits) $ L.readFile fp
    either (formatError fp) return e

formatError :: FilePath -> ErrorCall -> IO a
formatError fp e = throwOlson fp $ show e

-- | A binary parser for binary Olson timezone files
getOlson :: SizeLimits -> Get OlsonData
getOlson limits = do
    (version, part1) <- getOlsonPart True limits get32bitInteger
    -- There is one part for Version 1 format data, and two parts and a POSIX
    -- TZ string for Version 2 format data
    case version of
      0  -> return part1
      50 -> do (_, part2) <- getOlsonPart False limits get64bitInteger
               posixTZ <- getPosixTZ
               return $ part1 `mappend` part2 `mappend` posixTZ
      _  -> verify (const False) "invalid version number" undefined

-- Parse the part of an Olson file that contains timezone data
getOlsonPart :: Integral a => Bool -> SizeLimits -> Get a ->
                Get (Word8, OlsonData)
getOlsonPart verifyMagic limits getTime = do
    magic <- fmap (toASCII . B.unpack) $ getByteString 4
    when verifyMagic $ verify_ (== "TZif") "missing magic number" magic
    version <- getWord8
    replicateM_ 15 getWord8 -- padding nulls
    tzh_ttisgmtcnt <- get32bitInt
    tzh_ttisstdcnt <- get32bitInt
    tzh_leapcnt <- get32bitInt
      >>= verify (withinLimit maxLeaps) "too many leap second specifications"
    tzh_timecnt <- get32bitInt
      >>= verify (withinLimit maxTimes) "too many timezone transitions"
    tzh_typecnt <- get32bitInt
      >>= verify (withinLimit maxTypes) "too many timezone type specifications"
    verify (withinLimit maxTypes) "too many isgmt specifiers" tzh_ttisgmtcnt
    verify (withinLimit maxTypes) "too many isstd specifiers" tzh_ttisstdcnt
    tzh_charcnt <- get32bitInt
      >>= verify (withinLimit maxAbbrChars) "too many tilezone specifiers"
    times <- fmap (map toInteger) $ replicateM tzh_timecnt getTime
    indexes <- replicateM tzh_timecnt get8bitInt
    ttinfos <- replicateM tzh_typecnt getTtInfo
    abbr_chars <- fmap (toASCII . B.unpack) $ getByteString tzh_charcnt
    leaps <- replicateM tzh_leapcnt $ getLeapInfo getTime
    isstds <- replicateM tzh_ttisstdcnt getBool
    isgmts <- replicateM tzh_ttisgmtcnt getBool
         (zipWith Transition times indexes)
         (map (flip lookupAbbr abbr_chars) . zipWith setTtype ttinfos $
           zipWithExtend boolsToTType False False isstds isgmts)
    withinLimit limit value = maybe True (value <=) $ limit limits
    lookupAbbr (TtInfo gmtoff isdst ttype abbrind) =
      TtInfo gmtoff isdst ttype . takeWhile (/= '\NUL') . drop abbrind
    setTtype ttinfo ttype = ttinfo {tt_ttype = ttype}
    boolsToTType _     isgmt | isgmt     = UTC
    boolsToTType isstd _
                             | isstd     = Std
                             | otherwise = Wall

-- A variant of zipWith whose result is the length of the longer
-- rather than the shorter list, by extending the shorter list with
-- a default value
zipWithExtend :: (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWithExtend f x0 y0 (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : zipWithExtend f x0 y0 xs ys
zipWithExtend f x0 _  []     ys     = map (f x0) ys
zipWithExtend f _  y0 xs     _      = map (flip f y0) xs

-- Parse a POSIX-style TZ string.
-- We don't try to understand the TZ string, we just pass it along whole.
getPosixTZ :: Get OlsonData
getPosixTZ = do
    getWord8 >>= verify (== 10)
                 "POSIX TZ string not preceded by newline"
    posixTZ <- fmap (L.takeWhile (/= 10)) getRemainingLazyByteString
    -- We don't check for the trailing newline, in order to keep it lazy
    return . OlsonData [] [] [] $ do
      guard (not $ L.null posixTZ)
      Just . toASCII $ L.unpack posixTZ

-- Parse a ttinfo struct. Each ttinfo struct corresponds to a single
-- Data.Time.TimeZone object.
getTtInfo :: Get (TtInfo Int)
getTtInfo = do
    gmtoff <- get32bitInt
    isdst <- getBool
    abbrind <- get8bitInt
    return $ TtInfo gmtoff isdst Wall abbrind

-- Parse leap second info. (usually not used)
getLeapInfo :: Integral a => Get a -> Get LeapInfo
getLeapInfo getTime = do
    lTime <- fmap toInteger getTime
    lOffset <- get32bitInt
    return $ LeapInfo lTime lOffset

-- Our 8-bit ints are unsigned, so we can convert them directly
get8bitInt :: Get Int
get8bitInt = fmap fromIntegral getWord8

getInt32 :: Get Int32
getInt32 = fmap fromIntegral getWord32be

get32bitInt :: Get Int
get32bitInt = fmap fromIntegral getInt32
                  -- via Int32 to get the sign right
                  -- in case we are on a 64-bit platform

get32bitInteger :: Get Integer
get32bitInteger = fmap fromIntegral getInt32
                  -- via Int32 to get the sign right

getInt64 :: Get Int64
getInt64 = fmap fromIntegral getWord64be

get64bitInteger :: Get Integer
get64bitInteger = fmap fromIntegral getInt64
                  -- via Int64 to get the sign right

getBool :: Get Bool
getBool = fmap (/= 0) getWord8

toASCII :: [Word8] -> String
toASCII = map (toEnum . fromIntegral)

verify :: Monad m => (a -> Bool)  -> String -> a -> m a
verify pred msg val
 | pred val  = return val
 | otherwise = error msg

verify_ :: Monad m => (a -> Bool)  -> String -> a -> m ()
verify_ pred msg val
 | pred val  = return ()
 | otherwise = error msg

throwOlson :: FilePath -> String -> IO a
throwOlson fp msg = throw . OlsonError $
                    fp ++ ": invalid timezone file: " ++ msg