{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} module Potato.Flow.Deprecated.Controller.ManipulatorSpec ( spec ) where import Relude hiding (empty, fromList) import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Contrib.HUnit (fromHUnitTest) import Test.HUnit import Potato.Flow import Potato.Flow.Common import Potato.Flow.TestStates test_BoxHandler_drag :: Test test_BoxHandler_drag = constructTest "drag" owlpfstate_basic1 bs expected where bs = [ EWCTool Tool_Select , EWCLabel "select b2" -- Note, this is a little weird, even though we are just selecting (no dragging) it will still go to BoxHandler first to do the selection... , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "resize tl corner b2" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 9 9) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "resize tr corner b2" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 15 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 15 8) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 15 8) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "resize bl corner b2" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 15) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 7 15) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 7 15) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "resize br corner b2" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 15 15) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 20 20) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 20 20) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "area move b2" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 15 15) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 20 20) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 20 20) True MouseButton_Left [] False) ] expected = [ EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Select , LabelCheck "select b2" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , LabelCheck "resize tl corner b2" , AlwaysPass , AlwaysPass , firstSuperOwlPredicate (Just "b2") $ \sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltBox (SBox lbox _ _ _ _) -> lbox == LBox (V2 11 11) (V2 4 4) _ -> False , LabelCheck "resize tr corner b2" , AlwaysPass , AlwaysPass , firstSuperOwlPredicate (Just "b2") $ \sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltBox (SBox lbox _ _ _ _) -> lbox == LBox (V2 11 9) (V2 4 6) _ -> False , LabelCheck "resize bl corner b2" , AlwaysPass , AlwaysPass , firstSuperOwlPredicate (Just "b2") $ \sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltBox (SBox lbox _ _ _ _) -> lbox == LBox (V2 8 9) (V2 7 6) _ -> False , LabelCheck "resize br corner b2" , AlwaysPass , AlwaysPass , firstSuperOwlPredicate (Just "b2") $ \sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltBox (SBox lbox _ _ _ _) -> lbox == LBox (V2 8 9) (V2 12 11) _ -> False , LabelCheck "area move b2" , AlwaysPass , AlwaysPass , firstSuperOwlPredicate (Just "b2") $ \sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltBox (SBox lbox _ _ _ _) -> lbox == LBox (V2 13 14) (V2 12 11) _ -> False ] -- TODO test this on non-SBox stuff too test_BoxHandler_select_and_drag :: Test test_BoxHandler_select_and_drag = constructTest "select and drag" owlpfstate_basic1 bs expected where bs = [ EWCTool Tool_Select , EWCLabel "select + drag b2" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 11 11) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 11 11) True MouseButton_Left [] False) ] expected = [ EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Select , LabelCheck "select + drag b2" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , firstSuperOwlPredicate (Just "b2") $ \sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltBox (SBox lbox _ _ _ _) -> lbox == LBox (V2 11 11) (V2 5 5) _ -> False ] -- TODO --test_BoxHandler_boundingbox test_BoxHandler_restrict8 :: Test test_BoxHandler_restrict8 = constructTest "restrict8" owlpfstate_basic1 bs expected where bs = [ EWCTool Tool_Select , EWCLabel "select b2" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "resize tl corner b2 while holding shift" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 9 9) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 0) False MouseButton_Left [KeyModifier_Shift] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 0) True MouseButton_Left [KeyModifier_Shift] False) ] expected = [ EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Select , LabelCheck "select b2" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , LabelCheck "resize tl corner b2 while holding shift" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , firstSuperOwlPredicate (Just "b2") $ \sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltBox (SBox (LBox (V2 x y) _) _ _ _ _) -> x == 10 && y == 1 _ -> False ] test_BoxHandler_clickOnSelectionDragging :: Test test_BoxHandler_clickOnSelectionDragging = constructTest "drags only when click on selection" owlpfstate_basic1 bs expected where bs = [ EWCTool Tool_Select , EWCLabel "select all boxes" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 (-1) (-1)) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 20 20) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 20 20) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "click on something and drag" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 0) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 1) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 1) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "click on nothing and drag" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 8 8) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) True MouseButton_Left [] False) ] expected = [ EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Select , LabelCheck "select all boxes" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_select True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_select True , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 4 , LabelCheck "click on something and drag" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , firstSuperOwlPredicate (Just "b1") $ \sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltBox (SBox (LBox (V2 x y) _) _ _ _ _) -> x == 1 && y == 1 _ -> False , LabelCheck "click on nothing and drag" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_select True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_select True , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 0 ] test_LineHandler_drag :: Test test_LineHandler_drag = constructTest "drag" owlpfstate_basic1 bs expected where bs = [ EWCTool Tool_Select , EWCLabel "select sl1" -- TODO switch to V2 0 100 once AL_Any cases render in the location they start from (as oppose to 1 box away due to offsetting) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 101) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 101) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "move end of line" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 110) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 120) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 120) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "select sl2" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 4 100) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 4 100) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "move start of line" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 100) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 90) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 90) True MouseButton_Left [] False) ] expected = [ EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Select , LabelCheck "select sl1" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , Combine [ numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_simpleLine False ] , LabelCheck "move end of line" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_simpleLine_endPoint True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_simpleLine_endPoint True , firstSuperOwlPredicate (Just "sl1") $ \sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltLine sline -> (_sAutoLine_start sline) == (V2 0 100) && (_sAutoLine_end sline) == (V2 0 120) _ -> False , LabelCheck "select sl2" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , Combine [ numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_simpleLine False ] , LabelCheck "move start of line" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_simpleLine_endPoint True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_simpleLine_endPoint True , firstSuperOwlPredicate (Just "sl2") $ \sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltLine sline -> (_sAutoLine_start sline) == (V2 0 90) && (_sAutoLine_end sline) == (V2 10 100) _ -> False ] -- this should work with any initial state so long as default names aren't used test_Common_create :: Test test_Common_create = constructTest "create" owlpfstate_basic1 bs expected where bs = [ EWCLabel "create " , EWCTool Tool_Box , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 20 20) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 20 20) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "create " , EWCTool Tool_Line , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 20 20) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 20 20) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "create " , EWCTool Tool_Text , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 100 100) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 120 120) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 120 120) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData KeyboardKey_Esc []) ] expected = [ LabelCheck "create " , EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Box , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , Combine [ firstSuperOwlPredicate (Just "") $ \sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltBox (SBox lbox _ _ _ _) -> lbox == LBox (V2 10 10) (V2 10 10) _ -> False , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 ] , LabelCheck "create " , EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Line , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_simpleLine_endPoint True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_simpleLine_endPoint True , Combine [ firstSuperOwlPredicate (Just "") $ \sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltLine sline -> (_sAutoLine_start sline) == (V2 10 10) && (_sAutoLine_end sline) == (V2 20 20) _ -> False , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 ] , LabelCheck "create " , EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Text , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , Combine [ firstSuperOwlPredicate (Just "") $ \sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltBox (SBox lbox _ _ _ _) -> lbox == LBox (V2 100 100) (V2 20 20) _ -> False , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , checkHandlerNameAndState2 handlerName_boxText HAS_Active_Keyboard ] , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box False ] spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Manipulator" $ do describe "BoxHandler" $ do fromHUnitTest $ test_BoxHandler_drag fromHUnitTest $ test_BoxHandler_select_and_drag fromHUnitTest $ test_BoxHandler_restrict8 fromHUnitTest $ test_BoxHandler_clickOnSelectionDragging describe "LineHandler" $ do fromHUnitTest $ test_LineHandler_drag describe "Common" $ do fromHUnitTest $ test_Common_create