{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-local-binds #-} module Potato.Flow.Methods.SEltMethodsSpec( spec ) where import Relude hiding (empty, fromList) import Test.Hspec import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Default (def) import Potato.Flow spec :: Spec spec = do let testsstyle = def { _superStyle_fill = FillStyle_Simple '@' } renderfn sd = _sEltDrawer_renderFn sd emptyOwlTree describe "SEltMethod" $ do describe "getDrawerFromSEltForTest" $ do describe "SBox" $ do let somesbox1 style = def { _sBox_box = LBox 0 (V2 5 5) , _sBox_text = def { _sBoxText_text = "m ow meow meow" } , _sBox_boxType = style , _sBox_superStyle = testsstyle } somesbox2 style = def { _sBox_box = LBox 0 (V2 1 1) , _sBox_boxType = style , _sBox_superStyle = testsstyle } somesbox3 style = def { _sBox_box = LBox 0 (V2 10 10) , _sBox_text = def { _sBoxText_text = "m ow meeuew ee meow hello boop no12 meow whatever" , _sBoxText_style = TextStyle TextAlign_Right } , _sBox_boxType = style , _sBox_superStyle = testsstyle } somesbox4 style = def { _sBox_box = LBox 0 (V2 10 10) , _sBox_text = def { _sBoxText_text = "there are no space between adjacent characters" , _sBoxText_style = TextStyle TextAlign_Left } , _sBox_boxType = style , _sBox_superStyle = testsstyle } somesbox5 style = def { _sBox_box = LBox 0 (V2 10 5) , _sBox_text = def { _sBoxText_text = "aoeuaoeu" } , _sBox_title = SBoxTitle { _sBoxTitle_title = Just "boop" , _sBoxTitle_align = TextAlign_Right } , _sBox_boxType = style , _sBox_superStyle = testsstyle } it "SBoxType_NoBoxText" $ do let sd = getDrawerFromSEltForTest (SEltBox (somesbox1 SBoxType_NoBoxText)) renderfn sd (V2 100 0) `shouldBe` Nothing renderfn sd (V2 (-1) 0) `shouldBe` Nothing renderfn sd (V2 0 0) `shouldBe` Just 'm' renderfn sd (V2 1 0) `shouldBe` Just ' ' renderfn sd (V2 2 0) `shouldBe` Just 'o' -- TODO it seems EOL space characters are not rendered and this gives the fill char. Maybe this is desired behavior thought? --renderfn sd (V2 3 0) `shouldBe` Just ' ' renderfn sd (V2 1 1) `shouldBe` Just 'e' renderfn sd (V2 4 4) `shouldBe` Just '@' it "SBoxType_Box" $ do let sd = getDrawerFromSEltForTest (SEltBox (somesbox2 SBoxType_Box)) --forM_ (sEltDrawer_renderToLines sd emptyOwlTree) putTextLn renderfn sd (V2 0 0) `shouldBe` _superStyle_point def it "SBoxType_NoBoxText_alignRight" $ do let sd = getDrawerFromSEltForTest (SEltBox (somesbox3 SBoxType_NoBoxText)) --forM_ (sEltDrawer_renderToLines sd emptyOwlTree) putTextLn renderfn sd (V2 0 0) `shouldBe` Just '@' it "SBoxType_NoBoxText_widechar" $ do let sd = getDrawerFromSEltForTest (SEltBox (somesbox4 SBoxType_NoBoxText)) --forM_ (sEltDrawer_renderToLines sd emptyOwlTree) putTextLn renderfn sd (V2 0 0) `shouldBe` Just 't' renderfn sd (V2 1 0) `shouldBe` Nothing renderfn sd (V2 2 0) `shouldBe` Just 'h' renderfn sd (V2 3 0) `shouldBe` Nothing it "box label" $ do let sd = getDrawerFromSEltForTest (SEltBox (somesbox5 SBoxType_BoxText)) --forM_ (sEltDrawer_renderToLines sd emptyOwlTree) putTextLn renderfn sd (V2 0 0) `shouldBe` Just '╔' renderfn sd (V2 8 0) `shouldBe` Just 'p' describe "STextArea" $ do let sometextarea = STextArea { _sTextArea_box = LBox (V2 1 1) (V2 10 10) , _sTextArea_text = Map.fromList [((V2 0 0),'a'),((V2 1 1),'b'),((V2 9 9),'c')] , _sTextArea_transparent = False } it "basic" $ do let sd = getDrawerFromSEltForTest (SEltTextArea $ sometextarea) --forM_ ((sEltDrawer_renderToLines sd) emptyOwlTree sd) putTextLn renderfn sd (V2 1 1) `shouldBe` Just 'a' renderfn sd (V2 10 10) `shouldBe` Just 'c' renderfn sd (V2 100 0) `shouldBe` Nothing