tinytools-vty- tinytools-vty is a terminal based monospace unicode diagram editing tool
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




popupPane Source #


:: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m 
=> PopupPaneSize 
-> Event t (PopupInputWidget t m a) 
-> m (Event t a, Dynamic t Bool)

(inner widget event, popup state)

popupPane can only emit a single event before closing itself clicking outside the popup closes the popup and emits no events (conisder disabling this as default behavior?)

popupPaneSimple Source #


:: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m 
=> PopupPaneSize 
-> Event t (m (Event t a))

when inner event fires, popup is disabled

-> m (Event t a, Dynamic t Bool)

(inner widget event, popup state)

a simple popup pane the inner popup pane event closes the popup pane (e.g. notification dialog box with "ok" button) clicking outside or pressing escape closes the popup and emits no events