-- |
-- Module      : Network.TLS.Credentials
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
module Network.TLS.Credentials
    ( Credential
    , Credentials(..)
    , credentialLoadX509
    , credentialLoadX509FromMemory
    , credentialLoadX509Chain
    , credentialLoadX509ChainFromMemory
    , credentialsFindForSigning
    , credentialsFindForDecrypting
    , credentialsListSigningAlgorithms
    , credentialPublicPrivateKeys
    , credentialMatchesHashSignatures
    ) where

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.List (find)
import Network.TLS.Crypto
import Network.TLS.X509
import Data.X509.File
import Data.X509.Memory
import Data.X509

import qualified Data.X509             as X509
import qualified Network.TLS.Struct    as TLS

type Credential = (CertificateChain, PrivKey)

newtype Credentials = Credentials [Credential]

instance Monoid Credentials where
    mempty = Credentials []
    mappend (Credentials l1) (Credentials l2) = Credentials (l1 ++ l2)

-- | try to create a new credential object from a public certificate
-- and the associated private key that are stored on the filesystem
-- in PEM format.
credentialLoadX509 :: FilePath -- ^ public certificate (X.509 format)
                   -> FilePath -- ^ private key associated
                   -> IO (Either String Credential)
credentialLoadX509 certFile = credentialLoadX509Chain certFile []

-- | similar to 'credentialLoadX509' but take the certificate
-- and private key from memory instead of from the filesystem.
credentialLoadX509FromMemory :: ByteString
                  -> ByteString
                  -> Either String Credential
credentialLoadX509FromMemory certData =
  credentialLoadX509ChainFromMemory certData []

-- | similar to 'credentialLoadX509' but also allow specifying chain
-- certificates.
credentialLoadX509Chain ::
                      FilePath   -- ^ public certificate (X.509 format)
                   -> [FilePath] -- ^ chain certificates (X.509 format)
                   -> FilePath   -- ^ private key associated
                   -> IO (Either String Credential)
credentialLoadX509Chain certFile chainFiles privateFile = do
    x509 <- readSignedObject certFile
    chains <- mapM readSignedObject chainFiles
    keys <- readKeyFile privateFile
    case keys of
        []    -> return $ Left "no keys found"
        (k:_) -> return $ Right (CertificateChain . concat $ x509 : chains, k)

-- | similar to 'credentialLoadX509FromMemory' but also allow
-- specifying chain certificates.
credentialLoadX509ChainFromMemory :: ByteString
                  -> [ByteString]
                  -> ByteString
                  -> Either String Credential
credentialLoadX509ChainFromMemory certData chainData privateData = do
    let x509   = readSignedObjectFromMemory certData
        chains = map readSignedObjectFromMemory chainData
        keys   = readKeyFileFromMemory privateData
     in case keys of
            []    -> Left "no keys found"
            (k:_) -> Right (CertificateChain . concat $ x509 : chains, k)

credentialsListSigningAlgorithms :: Credentials -> [DigitalSignatureAlg]
credentialsListSigningAlgorithms (Credentials l) = catMaybes $ map credentialCanSign l

credentialsFindForSigning :: DigitalSignatureAlg -> Credentials -> Maybe Credential
credentialsFindForSigning sigAlg (Credentials l) = find forSigning l
  where forSigning cred = case credentialCanSign cred of
            Nothing  -> False
            Just sig -> sig == sigAlg

credentialsFindForDecrypting :: Credentials -> Maybe Credential
credentialsFindForDecrypting (Credentials l) = find forEncrypting l
  where forEncrypting cred = Just () == credentialCanDecrypt cred

-- here we assume that only RSA is supported for key encipherment (encryption/decryption)
-- we keep the same construction as 'credentialCanSign', returning a Maybe of () in case
-- this change in future.
credentialCanDecrypt :: Credential -> Maybe ()
credentialCanDecrypt (chain, priv) =
    case (pub, priv) of
        (PubKeyRSA _, PrivKeyRSA _) ->
            case extensionGet (certExtensions cert) of
                Nothing                                     -> Just ()
                Just (ExtKeyUsage flags)
                    | KeyUsage_keyEncipherment `elem` flags -> Just ()
                    | otherwise                             -> Nothing
        _                           -> Nothing
    where cert   = signedObject $ getSigned signed
          pub    = certPubKey cert
          signed = getCertificateChainLeaf chain

credentialCanSign :: Credential -> Maybe DigitalSignatureAlg
credentialCanSign (chain, priv) =
    case extensionGet (certExtensions cert) of
        Nothing    -> findDigitalSignatureAlg (pub, priv)
        Just (ExtKeyUsage flags)
            | KeyUsage_digitalSignature `elem` flags -> findDigitalSignatureAlg (pub, priv)
            | otherwise                              -> Nothing
    where cert   = signedObject $ getSigned signed
          pub    = certPubKey cert
          signed = getCertificateChainLeaf chain

credentialPublicPrivateKeys :: Credential -> (PubKey, PrivKey)
credentialPublicPrivateKeys (chain, priv) = pub `seq` (pub, priv)
    where cert   = signedObject $ getSigned signed
          pub    = certPubKey cert
          signed = getCertificateChainLeaf chain

getHashSignature :: SignedCertificate -> Maybe TLS.HashAndSignatureAlgorithm
getHashSignature signed =
    case signedAlg $ getSigned signed of
        SignatureALG hashAlg PubKeyALG_RSA    -> convertHash TLS.SignatureRSA   hashAlg
        SignatureALG hashAlg PubKeyALG_DSA    -> convertHash TLS.SignatureDSS   hashAlg
        SignatureALG hashAlg PubKeyALG_EC     -> convertHash TLS.SignatureECDSA hashAlg

        SignatureALG X509.HashSHA256 PubKeyALG_RSAPSS -> Just (TLS.HashIntrinsic, TLS.SignatureRSApssSHA256)
        SignatureALG X509.HashSHA384 PubKeyALG_RSAPSS -> Just (TLS.HashIntrinsic, TLS.SignatureRSApssSHA384)
        SignatureALG X509.HashSHA512 PubKeyALG_RSAPSS -> Just (TLS.HashIntrinsic, TLS.SignatureRSApssSHA512)

        _                                     -> Nothing
    convertHash sig X509.HashMD5    = Just (TLS.HashMD5   , sig)
    convertHash sig X509.HashSHA1   = Just (TLS.HashSHA1  , sig)
    convertHash sig X509.HashSHA224 = Just (TLS.HashSHA224, sig)
    convertHash sig X509.HashSHA256 = Just (TLS.HashSHA256, sig)
    convertHash sig X509.HashSHA384 = Just (TLS.HashSHA384, sig)
    convertHash sig X509.HashSHA512 = Just (TLS.HashSHA512, sig)
    convertHash _   _               = Nothing

-- | Checks whether certificates in the chain comply with a list of
-- hash/signature algorithm pairs.  Currently the verification applies only
-- to the leaf certificate, if it is not self-signed.  This may be extended
-- to additional chain elements in the future.
credentialMatchesHashSignatures :: [TLS.HashAndSignatureAlgorithm] -> Credential -> Bool
credentialMatchesHashSignatures hashSigs (chain, _) =
    case chain of
        CertificateChain []       -> True
        CertificateChain (leaf:_) -> isSelfSigned leaf || matchHashSig leaf
    matchHashSig signed = case getHashSignature signed of
                              Nothing -> False
                              Just hs -> hs `elem` hashSigs

    isSelfSigned signed =
        let cert = signedObject $ getSigned signed
         in certSubjectDN cert == certIssuerDN cert