{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- Disable this warning so we can still test deprecated functionality. {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-} import Control.Concurrent import qualified Control.Exception as E import Crypto.Random import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LC import Data.Default.Class import Data.X509.CertificateStore import Network.Socket (socket, close, bind, listen, accept) import qualified Network.Socket as S import Network.TLS.SessionManager import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.IO import System.Timeout import Network.TLS import Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher import Common import HexDump import Imports defaultBenchAmount = 1024 * 1024 defaultTimeout = 2000 bogusCipher cid = cipher_AES128_SHA1 { cipherID = cid } runTLS debug ioDebug params cSock f = do ctx <- contextNew cSock params contextHookSetLogging ctx getLogging f ctx where getLogging = ioLogging $ packetLogging $ def packetLogging logging | debug = logging { loggingPacketSent = putStrLn . ("debug: >> " ++) , loggingPacketRecv = putStrLn . ("debug: << " ++) } | otherwise = logging ioLogging logging | ioDebug = logging { loggingIOSent = mapM_ putStrLn . hexdump ">>" , loggingIORecv = \hdr body -> do putStrLn ("<< " ++ show hdr) mapM_ putStrLn $ hexdump "<<" body } | otherwise = logging getDefaultParams :: [Flag] -> CertificateStore -> SessionManager -> Credential -> Bool -> IO ServerParams getDefaultParams flags store smgr cred rtt0accept = do dhParams <- case getDHParams flags of Nothing -> return Nothing Just name -> readDHParams name return def { serverWantClientCert = False , serverCACertificates = [] , serverDHEParams = dhParams , serverShared = def { sharedSessionManager = smgr , sharedCAStore = store , sharedValidationCache = validateCache , sharedCredentials = Credentials [cred] } , serverSupported = def { supportedVersions = supportedVers , supportedCiphers = myCiphers , supportedGroups = getGroups flags , supportedClientInitiatedRenegotiation = allowRenegotiation } , serverDebug = def { debugSeed = foldl getDebugSeed Nothing flags , debugPrintSeed = if DebugPrintSeed `elem` flags then (\seed -> putStrLn ("seed: " ++ show (seedToInteger seed))) else (\_ -> return ()) } , serverEarlyDataSize = if rtt0accept then 2048 else 0 } where validateCache | validateCert = def | otherwise = ValidationCache (\_ _ _ -> return ValidationCachePass) (\_ _ _ -> return ()) myCiphers = foldl accBogusCipher getSelectedCiphers flags where accBogusCipher acc (BogusCipher c) = case reads c of [(v, "")] -> acc ++ [bogusCipher v] _ -> acc accBogusCipher acc _ = acc getUsedCipherIDs = foldl f [] flags where f acc (UseCipher am) = case readCiphers am of Just l -> l ++ acc Nothing -> acc f acc _ = acc getSelectedCiphers = case getUsedCipherIDs of [] -> ciphersuite_default l -> mapMaybe (\cid -> find ((== cid) . cipherID) ciphersuite_all) l getDHParams opts = foldl accf Nothing opts where accf _ (DHParams file) = Just file accf acc _ = acc getDebugSeed :: Maybe Seed -> Flag -> Maybe Seed getDebugSeed _ (DebugSeed seed) = seedFromInteger `fmap` readNumber seed getDebugSeed acc _ = acc tlsConnectVer | Tls13 `elem` flags = TLS13 | Tls12 `elem` flags = TLS12 | Tls11 `elem` flags = TLS11 | Ssl3 `elem` flags = SSL3 | Tls10 `elem` flags = TLS10 | otherwise = TLS12 supportedVers | NoVersionDowngrade `elem` flags = [tlsConnectVer] | otherwise = filter (<= tlsConnectVer) allVers allVers = [TLS13, TLS12, TLS11, TLS10, SSL3] validateCert = not (NoValidateCert `elem` flags) allowRenegotiation = AllowRenegotiation `elem` flags getGroups flags = case getGroup >>= readGroups of Nothing -> defaultGroups Just [] -> defaultGroups Just groups -> groups where defaultGroups = supportedGroups def getGroup = foldl f Nothing flags where f _ (Group g) = Just g f acc _ = acc data Flag = Verbose | Debug | IODebug | NoValidateCert | Http11 | Ssl3 | Tls10 | Tls11 | Tls12 | Tls13 | NoVersionDowngrade | AllowRenegotiation | Output String | Timeout String | BogusCipher String | TrustAnchor String | BenchSend | BenchRecv | BenchData String | UseCipher String | ListCiphers | ListGroups | ListDHParams | Certificate String | Key String | DHParams String | Rtt0 | DebugSeed String | DebugPrintSeed | Group String | Help deriving (Show,Eq) options :: [OptDescr Flag] options = [ Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg Verbose) "verbose output on stdout" , Option ['d'] ["debug"] (NoArg Debug) "TLS debug output on stdout" , Option [] ["io-debug"] (NoArg IODebug) "TLS IO debug output on stdout" , Option ['Z'] ["zerortt"] (NoArg Rtt0) "accept TLS 1.3 0RTT data" , Option ['O'] ["output"] (ReqArg Output "stdout") "output " , Option ['g'] ["group"] (ReqArg Group "group") "group" , Option ['t'] ["timeout"] (ReqArg Timeout "timeout") "timeout in milliseconds (2s by default)" , Option [] ["no-validation"] (NoArg NoValidateCert) "disable certificate validation" , Option [] ["trust-anchor"] (ReqArg TrustAnchor "pem-or-dir") "use provided CAs instead of system certificate store" , Option [] ["http1.1"] (NoArg Http11) "use http1.1 instead of http1.0" , Option [] ["ssl3"] (NoArg Ssl3) "use SSL 3.0" , Option [] ["tls10"] (NoArg Tls10) "use TLS 1.0" , Option [] ["tls11"] (NoArg Tls11) "use TLS 1.1" , Option [] ["tls12"] (NoArg Tls12) "use TLS 1.2 (default)" , Option [] ["tls13"] (NoArg Tls13) "use TLS 1.3" , Option [] ["bogocipher"] (ReqArg BogusCipher "cipher-id") "add a bogus cipher id for testing" , Option ['x'] ["no-version-downgrade"] (NoArg NoVersionDowngrade) "do not allow version downgrade" , Option [] ["allow-renegotiation"] (NoArg AllowRenegotiation) "allow client-initiated renegotiation" , Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "request help" , Option [] ["bench-send"] (NoArg BenchSend) "benchmark send path. only with compatible server" , Option [] ["bench-recv"] (NoArg BenchRecv) "benchmark recv path. only with compatible server" , Option [] ["bench-data"] (ReqArg BenchData "amount") "amount of data to benchmark with" , Option [] ["use-cipher"] (ReqArg UseCipher "cipher-id") "use a specific cipher" , Option [] ["list-ciphers"] (NoArg ListCiphers) "list all ciphers supported and exit" , Option [] ["list-groups"] (NoArg ListGroups) "list all groups supported and exit" , Option [] ["list-dhparams"] (NoArg ListDHParams) "list all DH parameters supported and exit" , Option [] ["certificate"] (ReqArg Certificate "certificate") "certificate file" , Option [] ["debug-seed"] (ReqArg DebugSeed "debug-seed") "debug: set a specific seed for randomness" , Option [] ["debug-print-seed"] (NoArg DebugPrintSeed) "debug: set a specific seed for randomness" , Option [] ["key"] (ReqArg Key "key") "certificate file" , Option [] ["dhparams"] (ReqArg DHParams "dhparams") "DH parameters (name or file)" ] loadCred (Just key) (Just cert) = do res <- credentialLoadX509 cert key case res of Left err -> error ("cannot load certificate: " ++ err) Right v -> return v loadCred Nothing _ = error "missing credential key" loadCred _ Nothing = error "missing credential certificate" runOn (sStorage, certStore) flags port = do ai <- makeAddrInfo Nothing port sock <- socket (addrFamily ai) (addrSocketType ai) (addrProtocol ai) S.setSocketOption sock S.ReuseAddr 1 let sockaddr = addrAddress ai bind sock sockaddr listen sock 10 runOn' sock close sock where runOn' sock | BenchSend `elem` flags = runBench True sock | BenchRecv `elem` flags = runBench False sock | otherwise = do --certCredRequest <- getCredRequest E.bracket (maybe (return stdout) (flip openFile AppendMode) getOutput) (\out -> when (isJust getOutput) $ hClose out) (doTLS sock) runBench isSend sock = do (cSock, cAddr) <- accept sock putStrLn ("connection from " ++ show cAddr) cred <- loadCred getKey getCertificate params <- getDefaultParams flags certStore sStorage cred False runTLS False False params cSock $ \ctx -> do handshake ctx if isSend then loopSendData getBenchAmount ctx else loopRecvData getBenchAmount ctx bye ctx `E.finally` close cSock where dataSend = BC.replicate 4096 'a' loopSendData bytes ctx | bytes <= 0 = return () | otherwise = do sendData ctx $ LC.fromChunks [(if bytes > B.length dataSend then dataSend else BC.take bytes dataSend)] loopSendData (bytes - B.length dataSend) ctx loopRecvData bytes ctx | bytes <= 0 = return () | otherwise = do d <- recvData ctx loopRecvData (bytes - B.length d) ctx doTLS sock out = do (cSock, cAddr) <- accept sock putStrLn ("connection from " ++ show cAddr) cred <- loadCred getKey getCertificate let rtt0accept = Rtt0 `elem` flags params <- getDefaultParams flags certStore sStorage cred rtt0accept void $ forkIO $ runTLS (Debug `elem` flags) (IODebug `elem` flags) params cSock $ \ctx -> do handshake ctx when (Verbose `elem` flags) $ printHandshakeInfo ctx loopRecv out ctx --sendData ctx $ query bye ctx return () `E.finally` close cSock doTLS sock out loopRecv out ctx = do d <- timeout (timeoutMs * 1000) (recvData ctx) -- 2s per recv case d of Nothing -> when (Debug `elem` flags) (hPutStrLn stderr "timeout") >> return () Just b | BC.null b -> return () | otherwise -> BC.hPutStrLn out b >> loopRecv out ctx {- getCredRequest = case clientCert of Nothing -> return Nothing Just s -> do case break (== ':') s of (_ ,"") -> error "wrong format for client-cert, expecting 'cert-file:key-file'" (cert,':':key) -> do ecred <- credentialLoadX509 cert key case ecred of Left err -> error ("cannot load client certificate: " ++ err) Right cred -> do let certRequest _ = return $ Just cred return $ Just (Credentials [cred], certRequest) (_ ,_) -> error "wrong format for client-cert, expecting 'cert-file:key-file'" -} getOutput = foldl f Nothing flags where f _ (Output o) = Just o f acc _ = acc timeoutMs = foldl f defaultTimeout flags where f _ (Timeout t) = read t f acc _ = acc getKey = foldl f Nothing flags where f _ (Key key) = Just key f acc _ = acc getCertificate = foldl f Nothing flags where f _ (Certificate cert) = Just cert f acc _ = acc getBenchAmount = foldl f defaultBenchAmount flags where f acc (BenchData am) = case readNumber am of Nothing -> acc Just i -> i f acc _ = acc getTrustAnchors flags = getCertificateStore (foldr getPaths [] flags) where getPaths (TrustAnchor path) acc = path : acc getPaths _ acc = acc printUsage = putStrLn $ usageInfo "usage: simpleserver [opts] [port]\n\n\t(port default to: 443)\noptions:\n" options main = do args <- getArgs let (opts,other,errs) = getOpt Permute options args when (not $ null errs) $ do putStrLn $ show errs exitFailure when (Help `elem` opts) $ do printUsage exitSuccess when (ListCiphers `elem` opts) $ do printCiphers exitSuccess when (ListDHParams `elem` opts) $ do printDHParams exitSuccess when (ListGroups `elem` opts) $ do printGroups exitSuccess certStore <- getTrustAnchors opts sStorage <- newSessionManager defaultConfig case other of [] -> runOn (sStorage, certStore) opts 443 [port] -> runOn (sStorage, certStore) opts (fromInteger $ read port) _ -> printUsage >> exitFailure