{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} import Network.BSD import Network.Socket import System.IO import System.IO.Error hiding (try, catch) import System.Console.CmdArgs import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Exception (finally, try, throw, catch, SomeException) import Control.Monad (when, forever) import Data.Char (isDigit) import Data.Certificate.PEM import Data.Certificate.X509 import qualified Data.Certificate.KeyRSA as KeyRSA import qualified Crypto.Random.AESCtr as RNG import Network.TLS import Network.TLS.Extra import Prelude hiding (catch) ciphers :: [Cipher] ciphers = [ cipher_AES128_SHA1 , cipher_AES256_SHA1 , cipher_RC4_128_MD5 , cipher_RC4_128_SHA1 ] loopUntil :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () loopUntil f = f >>= \v -> if v then return () else loopUntil f readOne h = do r <- try $ hWaitForInput h (-1) case r of Left err -> if isEOFError err then return B.empty else throw err Right True -> B.hGetNonBlocking h 4096 Right False -> return B.empty tlsclient :: Handle -> TLSCtx Handle -> IO () tlsclient srchandle dsthandle = do hSetBuffering srchandle NoBuffering handshake dsthandle _ <- forkIO $ forever $ do dat <- recvData dsthandle putStrLn ("received " ++ show dat) B.hPut srchandle dat loopUntil $ do b <- readOne srchandle putStrLn ("sending " ++ show b) if B.null b then do bye dsthandle return True else do sendData dsthandle (L.fromChunks [b]) return False return () tlsserver srchandle dsthandle = do hSetBuffering dsthandle NoBuffering handshake srchandle loopUntil $ do d <- recvData srchandle putStrLn ("received: " ++ show d) sendData srchandle (L.pack $ map (toEnum . fromEnum) "this is some data") hFlush (ctxConnection srchandle) return False putStrLn "end" clientProcess certs handle dsthandle dbg sessionStorage _ = do rng <- RNG.makeSystem let logging = if not dbg then defaultLogging else defaultLogging { loggingPacketSent = putStrLn . ("debug: send: " ++) , loggingPacketRecv = putStrLn . ("debug: recv: " ++) } let serverstate = defaultParams { pAllowedVersions = [SSL3,TLS10,TLS11,TLS12] , pCiphers = ciphers , pCertificates = certs , pWantClientCert = False , pLogging = logging } let serverState' = case sessionStorage of Nothing -> serverstate Just storage -> serverstate { onSessionResumption = \s -> withMVar storage (return . lookup s) , onSessionEstablished = \s d -> modifyMVar_ storage (\l -> return $ (s,d) : l) } ctx <- server serverState' rng handle tlsserver ctx dsthandle readCertificate :: FilePath -> IO X509 readCertificate filepath = do content <- B.readFile filepath let certdata = case parsePEMCert content of Nothing -> error ("no valid certificate section") Just x -> x let cert = case decodeCertificate $ L.fromChunks [certdata] of Left err -> error ("cannot decode certificate: " ++ err) Right x -> x return cert readPrivateKey :: FilePath -> IO PrivateKey readPrivateKey filepath = do content <- B.readFile filepath let pkdata = case parsePEMKeyRSA content of Nothing -> error ("no valid RSA key section") Just x -> L.fromChunks [x] case KeyRSA.decodePrivate pkdata of Left err -> error ("cannot decode key: " ++ err) Right (_,pk) -> return $ PrivRSA pk data Stunnel = Client { destinationType :: String , destination :: String , sourceType :: String , source :: String , debug :: Bool , validCert :: Bool } | Server { destinationType :: String , destination :: String , sourceType :: String , source :: String , debug :: Bool , disableSession :: Bool , certificate :: FilePath , key :: FilePath } deriving (Show, Data, Typeable) clientOpts = Client { destinationType = "tcp" &= help "type of source (tcp, unix, fd)" &= typ "DESTTYPE" , destination = "localhost:6061" &= help "destination address influenced by destination type" &= typ "ADDRESS" , sourceType = "tcp" &= help "type of source (tcp, unix, fd)" &= typ "SOURCETYPE" , source = "localhost:6060" &= help "source address influenced by source type" &= typ "ADDRESS" , debug = False &= help "debug the TLS protocol printing debugging to stdout" &= typ "Bool" , validCert = False &= help "check if the certificate receive is valid" &= typ "Bool" } &= help "connect to a remote destination that use SSL/TLS" serverOpts = Server { destinationType = "tcp" &= help "type of source (tcp, unix, fd)" &= typ "DESTTYPE" , destination = "localhost:6060" &= help "destination address influenced by destination type" &= typ "ADDRESS" , sourceType = "tcp" &= help "type of source (tcp, unix, fd)" &= typ "SOURCETYPE" , source = "localhost:6061" &= help "source address influenced by source type" &= typ "ADDRESS" , disableSession = False &= help "disable support for session" &= typ "Bool" , debug = False &= help "debug the TLS protocol printing debugging to stdout" &= typ "Bool" , certificate = "certificate.pem" &= help "X509 public certificate to use" &= typ "FILE" , key = "certificate.key" &= help "private key linked to the certificate" &= typ "FILE" } &= help "listen for connection that use SSL/TLS and relay it to a different connection" mode = cmdArgsMode $ modes [clientOpts,serverOpts] &= help "create SSL/TLS tunnel in client or server mode" &= program "stunnel" &= summary "Stunnel v0.1 (Haskell TLS)" data StunnelAddr = AddrSocket Family SockAddr | AddrFD Handle Handle data StunnelHandle = StunnelSocket Socket | StunnelFd Handle Handle getAddressDescription :: String -> String -> IO StunnelAddr getAddressDescription "tcp" desc = do let (s, p) = break ((==) ':') desc when (p == "") (error "missing port: expecting [source]:port") pn <- if and $ map isDigit $ drop 1 p then return $ fromIntegral $ (read (drop 1 p) :: Int) else do service <- getServiceByName (drop 1 p) "tcp" return $ servicePort service he <- getHostByName s return $ AddrSocket AF_INET (SockAddrInet pn (head $ hostAddresses he)) getAddressDescription "unix" desc = do return $ AddrSocket AF_UNIX (SockAddrUnix desc) getAddressDescription "fd" _ = return $ AddrFD stdin stdout getAddressDescription _ _ = error "unrecognized source type (expecting tcp/unix/fd)" connectAddressDescription (AddrSocket family sockaddr) = do sock <- socket family Stream defaultProtocol catch (connect sock sockaddr) (\(e :: SomeException) -> sClose sock >> error ("cannot open socket " ++ show sockaddr ++ " " ++ show e)) return $ StunnelSocket sock connectAddressDescription (AddrFD h1 h2) = do return $ StunnelFd h1 h2 listenAddressDescription (AddrSocket family sockaddr) = do sock <- socket family Stream defaultProtocol catch (bindSocket sock sockaddr >> listen sock 10 >> setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1) (\(e :: SomeException) -> sClose sock >> error ("cannot open socket " ++ show sockaddr ++ " " ++ show e)) return $ StunnelSocket sock listenAddressDescription (AddrFD _ _) = do error "cannot listen on fd" doClient :: Stunnel -> IO () doClient pargs = do srcaddr <- getAddressDescription (sourceType pargs) (source pargs) dstaddr <- getAddressDescription (destinationType pargs) (destination pargs) let logging = if not $ debug pargs then defaultLogging else defaultLogging { loggingPacketSent = putStrLn . ("debug: send: " ++) , loggingPacketRecv = putStrLn . ("debug: recv: " ++) } let crecv = if validCert pargs then certificateVerifyChain else (\_ -> return CertificateUsageAccept) let clientstate = defaultParams { pConnectVersion = TLS10 , pAllowedVersions = [TLS10,TLS11,TLS12] , pCiphers = ciphers , pCertificates = [] , pLogging = logging , onCertificatesRecv = crecv } case srcaddr of AddrSocket _ _ -> do (StunnelSocket srcsocket) <- listenAddressDescription srcaddr forever $ do (s, _) <- accept srcsocket rng <- RNG.makeSystem srch <- socketToHandle s ReadWriteMode (StunnelSocket dst) <- connectAddressDescription dstaddr dsth <- socketToHandle dst ReadWriteMode dstctx <- client clientstate rng dsth _ <- forkIO $ finally (tlsclient srch dstctx) (hClose srch >> hClose dsth) return () AddrFD _ _ -> error "bad error fd. not implemented" doServer :: Stunnel -> IO () doServer pargs = do cert <- readCertificate $ certificate pargs pk <- readPrivateKey $ key pargs srcaddr <- getAddressDescription (sourceType pargs) (source pargs) dstaddr <- getAddressDescription (destinationType pargs) (destination pargs) sessionStorage <- if disableSession pargs then return Nothing else (Just `fmap` newMVar []) case srcaddr of AddrSocket _ _ -> do (StunnelSocket srcsocket) <- listenAddressDescription srcaddr forever $ do (s, addr) <- accept srcsocket srch <- socketToHandle s ReadWriteMode r <- connectAddressDescription dstaddr dsth <- case r of StunnelFd _ _ -> return stdout StunnelSocket dst -> socketToHandle dst ReadWriteMode _ <- forkIO $ finally (clientProcess [(cert, Just pk)] srch dsth (debug pargs) sessionStorage addr >> return ()) (hClose srch >> (when (dsth /= stdout) $ hClose dsth)) return () AddrFD _ _ -> error "bad error fd. not implemented" main :: IO () main = do x <- cmdArgsRun mode case x of Client _ _ _ _ _ _ -> doClient x Server _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> doServer x