Name: to-string-class Version: 0.1.2 x-revision: 1 Synopsis: Converting string-like types to Strings. Description: This library provides the class: . class ToString s where toString :: s -> String . Instances for String, Char and ShowS are provided. For other instances see the package: . . Also included is a general coercion function between string-like types: . fromToString :: (IsString s2, ToString s1) => s1 -> s2 . fromToString = fromString . toString Category: Data License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Bas van Dijk Maintainer: Bas van Dijk Copyright: 2009 Bas van Dijk Cabal-version: >= 1.6 Build-Type: Simple Stability: Stable Extra-Source-Files: LICENSE Source-repository head Type: darcs Location: Library Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 4.4 Exposed-modules: Data.String.ToString Ghc-options: -O2 -Wall