{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, TypeSynonymInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-} module Todos.Formatters (OutItem (..), Formatter, outItem, startFormat, newLine, ConfigShow (..), ConfigAdd (..) ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Reader import System.Console.ANSI import Todos.Unicode import Todos.Types import Todos.Config -- import Todos.Default.ConfigInstances () -- | Item which could be printed to the console data OutItem = OutString String | OutSetColor ColorIntensity Color | SetBold | ResetAll deriving (Show) -- | Produce a list of OutItem's depending on PrintConfig type Formatter c = Reader (PrintConfig c) [OutItem] -- | Empty Formatter startFormat ∷ Formatter c startFormat = return [] -- | Output given string outString ∷ String → Formatter c outString s = return [OutString s] -- | Output new line newLine ∷ Formatter c newLine = outString "\n" class ConfigAdd c a where -- | Execute Formatter and a consequently (<++>) ∷ Formatter c → a → Formatter c instance ConfigAdd c (Formatter c) where (<++>) = liftM2 (⧺) instance ConfigAdd c String where cm <++> s = cm <++> ((return [OutString s]) ∷ Formatter c) setBold ∷ IO () setBold = setSGR [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity] setColor ∷ ColorIntensity → Color → IO () setColor int clr = setSGR [SetColor Foreground int clr] -- | Reset all (color, bold, ...) attributes reset ∷ IO () reset = setSGR [] -- | Print OutItem to console outItem ∷ OutItem → IO () outItem (OutString s) = putStr s outItem (OutSetColor i c) = setColor i c outItem SetBold = setBold outItem ResetAll = reset -- | Similar to Show, but output can depend on PrintConfig class ConfigShow c s where configShow ∷ s → Formatter c instance ConfigShow c String where configShow s = return [OutString s] instance ConfigShow c (Formatter c) where configShow = id -- | Output bold (and maybe colored) item name bold ∷ (RuntimeConfig (PrintConfig c)) ⇒ TodoItem → Formatter c bold item = do let s = itemName item showColors ← askBase outColors hlOn ← askBase outHighlight getclr ← asks printItemColor hlPred ← asks doHighlight (hlInt, hlClr) ← asks printHighlightColor return $ if showColors then if hlOn && hlPred item then [SetBold, OutSetColor hlInt hlClr, OutString s, ResetAll] else case getclr item of Nothing → [SetBold, OutString s, ResetAll] Just (int,clr) → [SetBold, OutSetColor int clr, OutString s, ResetAll] else [OutString s] -- | Output colored item status colorStatus ∷ (RuntimeConfig (PrintConfig c)) ⇒ String → Formatter c colorStatus st = do getclr ← asks printStatusColor let (int, clr) = getclr st col ← askBase outColors if col then return [OutSetColor int clr, OutString st, ResetAll] else return [OutString st] printM ∷ (RuntimeConfig (PrintConfig c)) ⇒ TodoItem → Formatter c printM item = askBase outputFormat >>= printf where printf :: (RuntimeConfig (PrintConfig c)) ⇒ String → Formatter c printf "" = return [] printf [c] = return [OutString [c]] printf ('%':c:xs) = liftM2 (⧺) (itemPart c) (printf xs) printf (x:xs) = do r ← printf xs return $ (OutString [x]):r tags = filter (not ∘ null) $ itemTags item string s = return [OutString s] itemPart ∷ (RuntimeConfig (PrintConfig c)) ⇒ Char → Formatter c itemPart 'L' = string (show $ itemLevel item) itemPart 'n' = bold item itemPart 't' = if null tags then return [] else string ("[" ⧺ unwords tags ⧺ "] ") itemPart 's' = colorStatus (itemStatus item) itemPart 'd' = string (itemDescr item) itemPart 'f' = string (fileName item) itemPart 'l' = string (show $ lineNr item) itemPart 'D' | null dates' = return [] | otherwise = string $ "(" ⧺ dates' ⧺ ") " itemPart c = string [c] dates' = showDates [StartDate `is` startDate item, EndDate `is` endDate item, Deadline `is` deadline item] instance (RuntimeConfig (PrintConfig c)) ⇒ ConfigShow c TodoItem where configShow item = (startFormat ∷ Formatter c) <++> (printM item ∷ Formatter c)