Safe Haskell | None |
- delTag :: String -> [Todo] -> [Todo]
- addTag :: String -> [Todo] -> [Todo]
- mapTags :: ([String] -> [String]) -> [Todo] -> [Todo]
- flattern :: [Todo] -> [Todo]
- pruneSelector :: BaseConfig -> (TodoItem -> 𝔹) -> Todo -> [Todo]
- tagPred :: String -> TodoItem -> 𝔹
- statusPred :: String -> TodoItem -> 𝔹
- grepPred :: String -> TodoItem -> 𝔹
- descPred :: String -> TodoItem -> 𝔹
- datePred :: Ord a => (t -> Maybe a) -> a -> a -> t -> 𝔹
- idPred :: String -> TodoItem -> 𝔹
- hasCycles :: Hashable a => [Tree a] -> 𝔹
- forT :: (Monad m, Eq t) => [Tree t] -> (t -> m a) -> m [b]
- mapT :: (t -> t) -> [Tree t] -> [Tree t]
- treeLines :: [Tree t] -> ℤ
- enumerateTodos :: [Todo] -> [Todo]
- itemByNumber :: [Todo] -> ℤ -> Maybe TodoItem
- markLevels :: [Todo] -> [Todo]
- spawn :: String -> TodoItem -> IO ()
pruneSelector :: BaseConfig -> (TodoItem -> 𝔹) -> Todo -> [Todo]Source
statusPred :: String -> TodoItem -> 𝔹Source
Check if item has given status
forT :: (Monad m, Eq t) => [Tree t] -> (t -> m a) -> m [b]Source
For each item in the tree, execute given monadic action (this is similar to forM, but for trees instead of lists).
enumerateTodos :: [Todo] -> [Todo]Source
markLevels :: [Todo] -> [Todo]Source