{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}

-- | Module for parsing config files
module Todos.ReadConfig
  (readAllConfigs, readConfigFile)

import Prelude hiding (putStrLn,readFile,getContents,print)
import Todos.IO
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath 
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getCurrentDirectory)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

import Todos.Unicode

word  Parser String
word = choice $ map try [quotedOption, simpleOption, quoted, simpleWord]

simpleWord  Parser String
simpleWord = many1 $ noneOf " \t\r\n=\"'"

quotedOption  Parser String
quotedOption = (try quotedLongOption) <|> quotedShortOption

quotedLongOption  Parser String
quotedLongOption = do
  string "--"
  o  simpleWord
  char '='
  v  quoted
  return ("--"  o  "="  v)

quotedShortOption  Parser String
quotedShortOption = do
  string "-"
  o  simpleWord
  v  quoted
  return ("-"  o  v)

simpleOption  Parser String
simpleOption = do
  o  simpleWord
  optional $ char '='
  v  simpleWord
  return (o  "="  v)

quoted  Parser String
quoted = quoted1 <|> quoted2
    quoted1 = do
      char '\''
      s  many1 $ noneOf "'"
      char '\''
      return s

    quoted2 = do
      char '"'
      s  many1 $ noneOf "\""
      char '"'
      return s

pConfig  Parser [String]
pConfig = word `sepBy` space

parseConfig  String  [String]
parseConfig str = 
  case parse pConfig "config file" str of
    Right lst  lst
    Left err  error $ show err

-- | Read list of options from given config file
readConfigFile  FilePath  IO [String]
readConfigFile path = 
  do b  doesFileExist path
     if not b
       then return []
       else do
              str  readFile path
              return $ parseConfig (unwords $ lines str)

readFiles  [FilePath]  IO [String]
readFiles [] = return []
readFiles (path:other) = do
  content  readConfigFile path
  case content of
    "%":options  do otherOptions  readFiles other
                     return $ otherOptions  options
    []           readFiles other
    _            return content

-- | Read list of options from config files
readAllConfigs  IO [String]
readAllConfigs = do
  home  getEnv "HOME"
  let homepath = home </> ".config" </> "todos" </> "todos.conf"
  homecfg  readConfigFile homepath
  pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
  localcfg  readFiles $ map (</> ".todos.conf") $ scanl1 (</>) $ splitPath pwd
  return $ homecfg  localcfg