{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-} -- | Output TODOs tree as DOT graph module Todos.Dot.Render (showAsDot) where import Data.List import Data.Tree import Text.Printf import Todos.Unicode import Todos.Types import Todos.Dot.Color import Todos.Dot.Shapes data Dot = Dot { dotVertices ∷ [TodoItem], dotEdges ∷ [(TodoItem, TodoItem)], dotSubgraphs ∷ [Subgraph] } data Subgraph = Subgraph String [TodoItem] deriving (Eq) toDot ∷ Todo → Dot toDot todo = Dot (getVertices todo) (getEdges todo) (getSubgraphs todo) getVertices ∷ Todo → [TodoItem] getVertices (Node item forest) | itemStatus item == "GROUP" = concatMap getVertices forest | otherwise = [item] ⧺ concatMap getVertices forest getEdges ∷ Todo → [(TodoItem, TodoItem)] getEdges (Node item forest) | itemStatus item == "GROUP" = concatMap getEdges forest | otherwise = [(item, rootLabel child) | child ← forest] ⧺ concatMap getEdges forest getSubgraphs ∷ Todo → [Subgraph] getSubgraphs (Node item forest) | itemStatus item == "GROUP" = Subgraph (showItem item) (nub $ sort $ concatMap flattern forest) : concatMap getSubgraphs forest | otherwise = [] where showItem item = showTags item ⧺ itemName item ⧺ "\\n" ⧺ itemDescr item showTags item | null (itemTags item) = "" | otherwise = "[" ⧺ unwords (itemTags item) ⧺ "] " flattern (Node item children) = item: concatMap flattern children instance Show Dot where show (Dot vs es subs) = "digraph Todo {\n" ⧺ unlines (map (showDotNode getColor getShape) vs) ⧺ unlines (map showDotEdge es) ⧺ unlines (map showSubgraph subs) ⧺ "}\n" showD ∷ (TodoItem → HSV) → (TodoItem → Shape) → [Dot] → String showD colorFn shapeFn dots = "digraph Todo {\n" ⧺ " rankdir = \"RL\";\n" ⧺ " node [shape=\"box\", style=\"filled\"];\n" ⧺ unlines (map (showDotNode colorFn shapeFn) $ nub $ sort $ concatMap dotVertices dots) ⧺ unlines (map showDotEdge $ nub $ sort $ concatMap dotEdges dots) ⧺ unlines (map showSubgraph $ nub $ concatMap dotSubgraphs dots) ⧺ "}\n" makeName ∷ TodoItem → String makeName item = "\"" ⧺ makeId item ⧺ "\"" showDotNode ∷ (TodoItem → HSV) → (TodoItem → Shape) → TodoItem → String showDotNode colorFn shapeFn item = printf " %s [label=\"%s\\n%s\\n%s\", fillcolor=%s, shape=\"%s\"];" (makeName item) (itemStatus item) (unwords $ itemTags item) (itemName item) (show $ colorFn item) (show $ shapeFn item) showDotEdge ∷ (TodoItem, TodoItem) → String showDotEdge (x,y) | itemStatus x == "GROUP" = "" | otherwise = printf " %s -> %s;" (makeName y) (makeName x) showSubgraph ∷ Subgraph → String showSubgraph (Subgraph label items) | null items = "" | otherwise = " subgraph \"cluster_" ⧺ makeId label ⧺ "\" {\n" ⧺ " label=\"" ⧺ label ⧺ "\";\n" ⧺ (unlines $ map (" " ⧺) $ map showItem items) ⧺ "\n }" where showItem item = makeName item ⧺ ";" -- | Return DOT output for Todos showAsDot ∷ (TodoItem → HSV) -- ^ Function to determine node color → (TodoItem → Shape) -- ^ Function to determine node shape → [Todo] -- ^ Todo list → String showAsDot colorFn shapeFn todos = (showD colorFn shapeFn) (map toDot todos)