{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric,DefaultSignatures,UndecidableInstances,ScopedTypeVariables,
	OverlappingInstances,TypeOperators,FlexibleContexts,FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fcontext-stack=50 #-}

Module      : Text.XML.ToFromXML
Description : A library for reading and writing Haskell data from/to XML files
Copyright   : (C) Robert Reitmeier, 2014
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : concat ["public","< a t >","thinking","-","machines",".","net"]
Stability   : experimental
Portability : n/a

In order to write a Haskell value to an XML file, the value's type just has to be an instance of 'Generic'
(usually one would use the @deriving 'Generic'@ clause in the @data@ defintion).
Then, the 'writeToXMLFile' will write an XML file representing the value.
This value can be read again using 'readFromXMLFile'. See the following example
(pragma syntax below is broken, how can one correctly incorporate comments in a haddock code block?):

>{ -# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #- }
>{ -# OPTIONS_GHC -fcontext-stack=50 #- }
>import Text.XML.ToFromXML
>-- GHC.Generics is exported by ToFromXML
>data Test = Test { str::String, something::(Int,Char) }
>	deriving (Generic,Show,Eq)
>main = do
>	let test = Test "abc" (42,'z')
>	writeToXMLFile "test.xml" test
>	putStrLn $ "writeToXMLFile : " ++ show test
>	-- readFromXMLFile's return type can be inferred in this example,
>	-- otherwise it would have to be declared
>	test' <- readFromXMLFile "test.xml"
>	putStrLn $ "readFromXMLFile: " ++ show test'
>	putStrLn $ if test==test' then "OK." else "ERROR!"

Remark: Both 'writeToXMLFile' and 'readFromXMLFile' require the value type
@a@'s generic represention @Rep a@ be an instance of @GFromToXML@, but this is automatically fulfilled.

The generated XML file is

><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
><CONSTRUCTOR name="Test">
>  <ARG-1 selector="str">abc</ARG-1>
>  <ARG-2 selector="something">
>    <PAIR>
>      <FIRST>42</FIRST>
>      <SECOND>z</SECOND>
>    </PAIR>
>  </ARG-2>

The general intention of this module is to keep the generated XML as intuitive and
easy to read as possible. For example, we do flatten nested pairs used by "GHC.Generics"
to represent n-tuples, and TABs and CRs are used to encode long text,
so it keeps its formatting (unfortunately, CDATA sections are not supported with
the Node types used in "Text.XML.Expat.Pickle").

One might need to increase the context stack size with the @-fcontext-stack@ option
when compiling code using this module.

A test suite is included in the package, see @TestToFromXML.hs@ in the package's test directory.
module Text.XML.ToFromXML (
	module GHC.Generics
	) where

import GHC.Generics

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

import Text.XML.Expat.Pickle
import Text.XML.Expat.Tree
import qualified Text.XML.Expat.Format as Format

import Text.Printf

import Data.Char
import Data.Word
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Int
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.Complex
import Data.Array.IArray

-- | For the picklers, are using nodes with both tag and text being Strings.
type Pickler a = PU (ListOf (UNode String)) a

class GToFromXML f where
	gXMLPickler :: Pickler (f p)

We do not want our XML to be cluttered with nested tuples, so we flatten
these in the XML representation.
class PickleProdN f where
	-- | Given the current index in the flattened tuple, pickleProdN returns the incremented index and the pickler.
	pickleProdN :: Int -> (Int,Pickler (f p))

Pickling a product is done by first pickling the first component, and then pickling the second
component with the current index @i1@ returned by the first @pickleProdN i@.
The current index @i2@ after @pickleProdN i1@ is returned.
instance (PickleProdN f1,PickleProdN f2) => PickleProdN (f1 :*: f2) where
	pickleProdN i = (i2,xpWrap (uncurry (:*:),\ (a :*: b) -> (a,b)) $ xpPair p1 p2) where
		(i1,p1) = pickleProdN i
		(i2,p2) = pickleProdN i1

argTagNames = [ "ARG-" ++ show i | i <- [1..] ]

instance (GToFromXML f) => PickleProdN (M1 S NoSelector f) where
	pickleProdN i = (i+1,xpElemNodes (argTagNames!!i) gXMLPickler)

For constructor arguments, one can also leave out the selector attribute
(like Haskell syntax allows leaving out record syntax).
This makes it easier to manually write data XML.
instance (GToFromXML f,Selector s) => PickleProdN (M1 S s f) where
	pickleProdN i = (i+1,picklearg) where
		selname = selName (undefined :: M1 S s f p)
		picklearg = xpAlt (\_->0) [
			xpElemWithAttr (argTagNames!!i) "selector" selname gXMLPickler,
			xpElemNodes (argTagNames!!i) gXMLPickler ]

instance (PickleProdN (f1 :*: f2)) => GToFromXML (f1 :*: f2) where
	gXMLPickler = snd (pickleProdN 0)

instance (GToFromXML f1,GToFromXML f2) => GToFromXML (f1 :+: f2) where
	gXMLPickler = xpAlt selfun [
		xpWrap (L1,\ (L1 x) -> x) gXMLPickler,
		xpWrap (R1,\ (R1 x) -> x) gXMLPickler ] where
		selfun (L1 _) = 0
		selfun (R1 _) = 1

We won't construct a tag for @M1 D@, since it is unnecessary and cluttering the XML.
Although, it might add to safety...
instance (GToFromXML f,Datatype d) => GToFromXML (M1 D d f) where
	gXMLPickler = xpWrap (M1,unM1) gXMLPickler

The CONSTRUCTOR tag contains a name attribute with the constructor's name.
Strictly speaking it is unnecessary to encode the name as well, but improves readability
and might add to safety...
instance (GToFromXML f,Constructor c) => GToFromXML (M1 C c f) where
	gXMLPickler = xpWrap (M1,unM1) $ xpElemWithAttr "CONSTRUCTOR" "name" conname gXMLPickler where
		conname = conName (undefined :: M1 C c f p)

-- | No tag created for @M1 S NoSelector@, this is handled in 'PickleProdN'.
instance (GToFromXML f) => GToFromXML (M1 S NoSelector f) where
	gXMLPickler = xpWrap (M1,unM1) gXMLPickler

-- | No tag created for @M1 S s@, this is handled in 'PickleProdN'.
instance (GToFromXML f,Selector s) => GToFromXML (M1 S s f) where
	gXMLPickler = xpWrap (M1,unM1) gXMLPickler

-- | A helper function injecting an attribute with a given/fixed value in a tag.
xpElemWithAttr tag attrname attrval pickler = xpWrap (snd,\b->((),b)) $
	xpElem tag (xpAttrFixed attrname attrval) pickler

@V1@ is not an instance of 'GToFromXML', because we can't serialize data of an empty type since there
are no constructors. It shouldn't be necessary to serialize an empty type, so @V1@ should be rejected by the type checker.

instance GToFromXML U1 where
	gXMLPickler = xpLift U1

instance (ToFromXML a) => GToFromXML (K1 R a) where
	gXMLPickler = xpWrap (K1,unK1) xMLPickler

The class 'ToFromXML' declares that there is a pickler for the instance type
wrapped by the generic representation's @K1@ constructor.
There are instances for data types that we do want to encode in more precise way, not
following the generic pattern. For example, we want to encode unit @()@ as a
distinct tag @\<UNIT\/\>@, not as text content generated with show/read.
We give a default signature and definition which we can use conveniently by
just stating @instance ToFromXML Word32@ for numeric types, for example.

Special chars are represented in XML by Haskell's escape sequences.
A char is not embraced by single quotes in the tag content (as it would be using the default instance).

Since unfortunately CDATA sections are not supported with
the Node types used in "Text.XML.Expat.Pickle" we are relying on,
a String has to be represented in XML as a tag's text content, using the common Haskell escape sequences.
For better readability and prevention of very long lines in the XML file, after each @'\r'@, @'\n'@ and @'\t'@
the same character is inserted unescaped after the character's escape sequence.
The unescaped character is removed again when parsing the String.
For example, @"abc\ndef"@ will be written in the XML file as @"abc\\n\ndef"@,
with the LF escaped (i.e. @"\\n"@) and followed by a real LF (@'\n'@).
Injecting line breaks and tabs makes long text much more readable und editable by humans
(which is one of the original purposes of XML).
The real LF will be filtered out again while parsing the XML file String.

class ToFromXML a where
	-- | An instance of 'ToFromXML' provides a pickler for type @a@.
	xMLPickler :: Pickler a
	-- | The default signature of 'xMLPickler' requires 'Read' and 'Show' instances
	default xMLPickler :: (Read a,Show a) => Pickler a
	-- | The default definition via 'xpPrim' uses show and read to convert the value to XML tag text content.
	xMLPickler = xpContent xpPrim

instance ToFromXML () where
	xMLPickler = xpElemNodes "UNIT" xpUnit

instance (ToFromXML a) => ToFromXML [a] where
	xMLPickler = xpElemNodes "LIST" $ xpList0 $ xpElemNodes "ITEM" xMLPickler

instance ToFromXML Int
instance ToFromXML Int8
instance ToFromXML Int16
instance ToFromXML Int32
instance ToFromXML Int64
instance ToFromXML Integer
instance ToFromXML Word
instance ToFromXML Word8
instance ToFromXML Word16
instance ToFromXML Word32
instance ToFromXML Word64
instance ToFromXML Float
instance ToFromXML Double
instance (Show a,Read a,Integral a) => ToFromXML (Ratio a)
instance (Show a,Read a) => ToFromXML (Complex a)

instance ToFromXML Bool where
	xMLPickler = xpAlt selfun [
		xpElemNodes "TRUE"  $ xpLift True,
		xpElemNodes "FALSE" $ xpLift False ] where
		selfun True  = 0
		selfun False = 1

instance ToFromXML Char where
	xMLPickler = xpContent $ xpWrap ( fst.head.readLitChar, (`showLitChar` "") ) xpText

instance ToFromXML String where
	xMLPickler = xpContent pickleContentString

skipPickleString = (`elem` ['\r','\n','\t'])

Pickles a string to/from text content with escaping 
pickleContentString :: PU String String
pickleContentString = xpWrap ( readLitString, showLitString ) xpText0 where
	readLitString "" = ""
	readLitString (c:ss) | skipPickleString c = readLitString ss
	readLitString s  = let [(c,ss)] = readLitChar s in c : readLitString ss
	showLitString "" = ""
	showLitString (c:ss) | skipPickleString c = showLitChar c $ c : showLitString ss
	showLitString (c:ss) = showLitChar c $ showLitString ss

Pickler for a Map.
Didn't use 'xpMap' because @show@ing keys as attributes might be inconvenient/unreadable for more complex key types.
instance (Ord k,ToFromXML k,ToFromXML v) => ToFromXML (Map.Map k v) where
	xMLPickler = xpElemNodes "MAP" $ xpWrap (Map.fromList,Map.toList) $ xpList $ 
		xpElemNodes "ASSOC" $ xpPair
			(xpElemNodes "KEY"  xMLPickler)
			(xpElemNodes "ELEM" xMLPickler)

instance (ToFromXML v) => ToFromXML (IntMap.IntMap v) where
	xMLPickler = xpElemNodes "INTMAP" $ xpWrap (IntMap.fromList,IntMap.toList) $ xpList $ 
		xpElem "ELEM" (xpAttr "index" xpPrim) xMLPickler

-- Didn't use an attribute for the dimension of the tuple because this is not checkable by a schema.
instance (ToFromXML a,ToFromXML b) => ToFromXML (a,b) where
	xMLPickler = xpElemNodes "PAIR" $ xpPair (xpComponent 0) (xpComponent 1)

instance (ToFromXML a,ToFromXML b,ToFromXML c) => ToFromXML (a,b,c) where
	xMLPickler = xpElemNodes "TRIPLE" $ xpTriple (xpComponent 0) (xpComponent 1) (xpComponent 2)

instance (ToFromXML a,ToFromXML b,ToFromXML c,ToFromXML d) => ToFromXML (a,b,c,d) where
	xMLPickler = xpElemNodes "QUADRUPLE" $ xp4Tuple (xpComponent 0) (xpComponent 1) (xpComponent 2) (xpComponent 3)

instance (ToFromXML a,ToFromXML b,ToFromXML c,ToFromXML d,ToFromXML e) => ToFromXML (a,b,c,d,e) where
	xMLPickler = xpElemNodes "QUINTUPLE" $ xp5Tuple (xpComponent 0) (xpComponent 1) (xpComponent 2) (xpComponent 3) (xpComponent 4)

instance (ToFromXML a,ToFromXML b,ToFromXML c,ToFromXML d,ToFromXML e,ToFromXML f) => ToFromXML (a,b,c,d,e,f) where
	xMLPickler = xpElemNodes "SEXTUPLE" $ xp6Tuple (xpComponent 0) (xpComponent 1) (xpComponent 2) (xpComponent 3) (xpComponent 4) (xpComponent 5)

-- | Pickle a tuple's i\'th component. The component tag names are distinct, otherwise hexpat-pickle confuses this with a list and gives a parse error.
xpComponent :: (ToFromXML a) => Int -> Pickler a
xpComponent i = xpElemNodes (componentnames!!i) xMLPickler where
	componentnames = [ "FIRST","SECOND","THIRD","FOURTH","FIFTH","SIXTH" ]

instance (ToFromXML a) => ToFromXML (Maybe a) where
	xMLPickler = xpAlt selfun [
		xpElemNodes "NOTHING" $ xpLift Nothing,
		xpElemNodes "JUST"    $ xpWrap (Just, \ (Just a) -> a ) xMLPickler ] where
		selfun Nothing  = 0
		selfun (Just _) = 1

instance (ToFromXML a,ToFromXML b) => ToFromXML (Either a b) where
	xMLPickler = xpAlt selfun [
		xpElemNodes "LEFT"  $ xpWrap ( Left,  \ (Left  a) -> a ) xMLPickler,
		xpElemNodes "RIGHT" $ xpWrap ( Right, \ (Right b) -> b ) xMLPickler ] where
		selfun (Left  _) = 0
		selfun (Right _) = 1

instance (ToFromXML a,Ord a) => ToFromXML (Set.Set a) where
	xMLPickler = xpElemNodes "SET" $ xpWrap (Set.fromList,Set.toList) $ xpList $
		xpElemNodes "ELEM" xMLPickler

-- TODO: Insert ToFromXML instances for date and time types, maybe in conformance to XSD types?

-- Here we assume that array index types (usually 'Int') are sufficiently simple to be represented as string in an attribute.
instance (Ix i,Show i,Read i,ToFromXML e) => ToFromXML (Array i e) where
	xMLPickler = xpWrap (list2arr,arr2list) $ xpElem "ARRAY" xpbounds $ xpList $
		xpElemNodes "ELEM" xMLPickler where
			xpbounds = xpPair (xpAttr "lowerBound" xpPrim) (xpAttr "upperBound" xpPrim)
			arr2list arr = (bounds arr,elems arr)
			list2arr (bounds,arrelems) = listArray bounds arrelems

-- This is the catch-all instance, leading to the generic @Rep a@ representation
instance (Generic a,GToFromXML (Rep a)) => ToFromXML a where
	xMLPickler = xpWrap (to,from) gXMLPickler

Converts generic Haskell data to a (strict) 'ByteString' containing the XML representation.
In most cases, the data type would probably be @deriving 'Generic'@ using the @DeriveGeneric@ language pragma.
toXML :: (Generic a,GToFromXML (Rep a)) => a -> BS.ByteString
toXML x = Format.format' $ Format.indent 2 $ pickleTree (xpRoot gXMLPickler) (from x)

Construct generic Haskell data from a (strict) 'ByteString' containing the XML representation.
fromXMLEither will return 'Left' in case of a 'XMLParseError', 'Right' otherwise.
fromXMLEither :: (GToFromXML f) => BS.ByteString -> Either String (f p)
fromXMLEither bs = case parse' defaultParseOptions bs of
	Left (XMLParseError errmsg loc) ->
		Left $ printf "XMLParseError at %s:\n    %s" (show loc) errmsg
	Right tree ->
		unpickleTree' (xpRoot gXMLPickler) tree

Convenience function wrapping around 'fromXMLEither', throwing an error in case of a parsing error.
fromXML :: (Generic a,GToFromXML (Rep a)) => BS.ByteString -> a
fromXML bs = case fromXMLEither bs of
	Left  errmsg -> error errmsg
	Right x      -> to x

Action writing an XML representation of generic Haskell data to a file.
The underlying writeFile operation is strict.
writeToXMLFile :: (Generic a,GToFromXML (Rep a)) => FilePath -> a -> IO ()
writeToXMLFile filepath a = BS.writeFile filepath $ toXML a

Action reading generic Haskell data from an XML file.
The underlying readFile operation is strict.
readFromXMLFile :: (Generic a,GToFromXML (Rep a)) => FilePath -> IO a
readFromXMLFile filepath = BS.readFile filepath >>= return . fromXML