{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-} module PrettySpec (spec) where import Data.Map qualified as Map import Data.Text (Text) import QuoteStr (quoteStr) import Test.Hspec (it, shouldBe, Spec) import Toml tomlString :: Table -> String tomlString = show . prettyToml parse_ :: Text -> Either String Table parse_ str = forgetTableAnns <$> parse str spec :: Spec spec = do it "renders example 1" $ show (encode (Map.singleton ("x" :: Text) (1 :: Integer))) `shouldBe` [quoteStr| x = 1|] it "renders example 2" $ fmap tomlString (parse_ "x=1\ny=2") `shouldBe` Right [quoteStr| x = 1 y = 2|] it "renders example lists" $ fmap tomlString (parse_ "x=[1,'two', [true]]") `shouldBe` Right [quoteStr| x = [1, "two", [true]]|] it "renders empty tables" $ fmap tomlString (parse_ "x.y.z={}\nz.y.w=false") `shouldBe` Right [quoteStr| [x.y.z] [z] y.w = false|] it "renders empty tables in array of tables" $ fmap tomlString (parse_ "ex=[{},{},{a=9}]") `shouldBe` Right [quoteStr| [[ex]] [[ex]] [[ex]] a = 9|] it "renders multiple tables" $ fmap tomlString (parse_ "a.x=1\nb.x=3\na.y=2\nb.y=4") `shouldBe` Right [quoteStr| [a] x = 1 y = 2 [b] x = 3 y = 4|] it "renders escapes in strings" $ fmap tomlString (parse_ "a=\"\\\\\\b\\t\\r\\n\\f\\\"\\u007f\\U0001000c\"") `shouldBe` Right [quoteStr| a = "\\\b\t\r\n\f\"\u007F\U0001000C"|] it "renders multiline strings" $ fmap tomlString (parse_ [quoteStr| Everything-I-Touch = "Everything I touch\nwith tenderness, alas,\npricks like a bramble." Two-More = [ "The west wind whispered,\nAnd touched the eyelids of spring:\nHer eyes, Primroses.", "Plum flower temple:\nVoices rise\nFrom the foothills", ]|]) `shouldBe` Right [quoteStr| Everything-I-Touch = """ Everything I touch with tenderness, alas, pricks like a bramble.""" Two-More = [ """ The west wind whispered, And touched the eyelids of spring: Her eyes, Primroses.""" , "Plum flower temple:\nVoices rise\nFrom the foothills" ]|] it "renders floats" $ fmap tomlString (parse_ "a=0.0\nb=-0.1\nc=0.1\nd=3.141592653589793\ne=4e123") `shouldBe` Right [quoteStr| a = 0.0 b = -0.1 c = 0.1 d = 3.141592653589793 e = 4.0e123|] it "renders special floats" $ fmap tomlString (parse_ "a=inf\nb=-inf\nc=nan") `shouldBe` Right [quoteStr| a = inf b = -inf c = nan|] it "renders empty documents" $ fmap tomlString (parse_ "") `shouldBe` Right "" it "renders dates and time" $ fmap tomlString (parse_ [quoteStr| a = 2020-05-07 b = 15:16:17.990 c = 2020-05-07T15:16:17.990 d = 2020-05-07T15:16:17.990Z e = 2020-05-07T15:16:17-07:00 f = 2021-09-06T14:15:19+08:00 g = 0008-10-11T12:13:14+15:00|]) `shouldBe` Right [quoteStr| a = 2020-05-07 b = 15:16:17.99 c = 2020-05-07T15:16:17.99 d = 2020-05-07T15:16:17.99Z e = 2020-05-07T15:16:17-07:00 f = 2021-09-06T14:15:19+08:00 g = 0008-10-11T12:13:14+15:00|] it "renders quoted keys" $ fmap tomlString (parse_ "''.'a b'.'\"' = 10") `shouldBe` Right [quoteStr| ""."a b"."\"" = 10|] it "renders inline tables" $ fmap tomlString (parse_ [quoteStr| x = [[{a = 'this is a longer example', b = 'and it will linewrap'},{c = 'all on its own'}]]|]) `shouldBe` Right [quoteStr| x = [ [ {a = "this is a longer example", b = "and it will linewrap"} , {c = "all on its own"} ] ]|] it "factors out unique table prefixes in leaf tables" $ fmap tomlString (parse_ [quoteStr| [x] i = 1 p.q = "a" y.z = "c"|]) `shouldBe` Right [quoteStr| [x] i = 1 p.q = "a" y.z = "c"|]