{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {- | Copyright: (c) 2018-2020 Kowainik SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 Maintainer: Kowainik Contains functions for pretty printing @toml@ types. @since 0.0.0 -} module Toml.Type.Printer ( PrintOptions(..) , defaultOptions , pretty , prettyOptions , prettyKey ) where import Data.Bifunctor (first) import Data.Coerce (coerce) import Data.Function (on) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import Data.List (sortBy) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Time (ZonedTime, defaultTimeLocale, formatTime) import Toml.Type.AnyValue (AnyValue (..)) import Toml.Type.Key (Key (..), Piece (..)) import Toml.Type.PrefixTree (PrefixMap, PrefixTree (..)) import Toml.Type.TOML (TOML (..)) import Toml.Type.Value (Value (..)) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified Data.Text as Text {- | Configures the pretty printer. @since 0.5.0 -} data PrintOptions = PrintOptions { {- | How table keys should be sorted, if at all. @since -} printOptionsSorting :: !(Maybe (Key -> Key -> Ordering)) {- | Number of spaces by which to indent. @since -} , printOptionsIndent :: !Int } {- | Default printing options. 1. Sorts all keys and tables by name. 2. Indents with 2 spaces. @since 0.5.0 -} defaultOptions :: PrintOptions defaultOptions = PrintOptions (Just compare) 2 {- | Converts 'TOML' type into 'Data.Text.Text' (using 'defaultOptions'). For example, this @ TOML { tomlPairs = HashMap.fromList [("title", AnyValue $ Text "TOML example")] , tomlTables = PrefixTree.fromList [( "example" <| "owner" , mempty { tomlPairs = HashMap.fromList [("name", AnyValue $ Text "Kowainik")] } )] , tomlTableArrays = mempty } @ will be translated to this @ title = "TOML Example" [example.owner] name = \"Kowainik\" @ @since 0.0.0 -} pretty :: TOML -> Text pretty = prettyOptions defaultOptions {- | Converts 'TOML' type into 'Data.Text.Text' using provided 'PrintOptions' @since 0.5.0 -} prettyOptions :: PrintOptions -> TOML -> Text prettyOptions options = Text.unlines . prettyTomlInd options 0 "" -- | Converts 'TOML' into a list of 'Data.Text.Text' elements with the given indent. prettyTomlInd :: PrintOptions -- ^ Printing options -> Int -- ^ Current indentation -> Text -- ^ Accumulator for table names -> TOML -- ^ Given 'TOML' -> [Text] -- ^ Pretty result prettyTomlInd options i prefix TOML{..} = concat [ prettyKeyValue options i tomlPairs , prettyTables options i prefix tomlTables , prettyTableArrays options i prefix tomlTableArrays ] {- | Converts a key to text @since 0.0.0 -} prettyKey :: Key -> Text prettyKey = Text.intercalate "." . NonEmpty.toList . coerce {-# INLINE prettyKey #-} -- | Returns pretty formatted key-value pairs of the 'TOML'. prettyKeyValue :: PrintOptions -> Int -> HashMap Key AnyValue -> [Text] prettyKeyValue options i = mapOrdered (\kv -> [kvText kv]) options . HashMap.toList where kvText :: (Key, AnyValue) -> Text kvText (k, AnyValue v) = tabWith options i <> prettyKey k <> " = " <> valText v valText :: Value t -> Text valText (Bool b) = Text.toLower $ showText b valText (Integer n) = showText n valText (Double d) = showDouble d valText (Text s) = showText s valText (Zoned z) = showZonedTime z valText (Local l) = showText l valText (Day d) = showText d valText (Hours h) = showText h valText (Array a) = "[" <> Text.intercalate ", " (map valText a) <> "]" showText :: Show a => a -> Text showText = Text.pack . show showDouble :: Double -> Text showDouble d | isInfinite d && d < 0 = "-inf" | isInfinite d = "inf" | isNaN d = "nan" | otherwise = showText d showZonedTime :: ZonedTime -> Text showZonedTime t = Text.pack $ showZonedDateTime t <> showZonedZone t where showZonedDateTime = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%T%Q" showZonedZone = (\(x,y) -> x ++ ":" ++ y) . (\z -> splitAt (length z - 2) z) . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%z" -- | Returns pretty formatted tables section of the 'TOML'. prettyTables :: PrintOptions -> Int -> Text -> PrefixMap TOML -> [Text] prettyTables options i pref asPieces = mapOrdered (prettyTable . snd) options asKeys where asKeys :: [(Key, PrefixTree TOML)] asKeys = map (first pieceToKey) $ HashMap.toList asPieces pieceToKey :: Piece -> Key pieceToKey = Key . pure prettyTable :: PrefixTree TOML -> [Text] prettyTable (Leaf k toml) = let name = addPrefix k pref -- Each "" results in an empty line, inserted above table names in "": tabWith options i <> prettyTableName name : -- We don't want empty lines between a table name and a subtable name dropWhile (== "") (prettyTomlInd options (i + 1) name toml) prettyTable (Branch k mToml prefMap) = let name = addPrefix k pref nextI = i + 1 toml = case mToml of Nothing -> [] Just t -> prettyTomlInd options nextI name t -- Each "" results in an empty line, inserted above table names in "": tabWith options i <> prettyTableName name : -- We don't want empty lines between a table name and a subtable name dropWhile (== "") (toml ++ prettyTables options nextI name prefMap) prettyTableName :: Text -> Text prettyTableName n = "[" <> n <> "]" prettyTableArrays :: PrintOptions -> Int -> Text -> HashMap Key (NonEmpty TOML) -> [Text] prettyTableArrays options i pref = mapOrdered arrText options . HashMap.toList where arrText :: (Key, NonEmpty TOML) -> [Text] arrText (k, ne) = let name = addPrefix k pref render toml = -- Each "" results in an empty line, inserted above array names "": tabWith options i <> "[[" <> name <> "]]" : -- We don't want empty lines between an array name and a subtable name dropWhile (== "") (prettyTomlInd options (i + 1) name toml) in concatMap render $ NonEmpty.toList ne ----------------------------------------------------- -- Helper functions ----------------------------------------------------- -- Returns an indentation prefix tabWith :: PrintOptions -> Int -> Text tabWith PrintOptions{..} n = Text.replicate (n * printOptionsIndent) " " -- Returns a proper sorting function mapOrdered :: ((Key, v) -> [t]) -> PrintOptions -> [(Key, v)] -> [t] mapOrdered f options = case printOptionsSorting options of Just sorter -> concatMap f . sortBy (sorter `on` fst) Nothing -> concatMap f -- Adds next part of the table name to the accumulator. addPrefix :: Key -> Text -> Text addPrefix key = \case "" -> prettyKey key prefix -> prefix <> "." <> prettyKey key