module Test.Toml.Parser.Integer ( integerSpecs ) where import Test.Hspec (Spec, context, describe, it) import Test.Toml.Parser.Common (integerFailOn, parseInteger) integerSpecs :: Spec integerSpecs = describe "integerP" $ do context "when the integer is in decimal representation" $ do it "can parse positive integer numbers" $ do parseInteger "10" 10 parseInteger "+3" 3 parseInteger "0" 0 it "can parse negative integer numbers" $ parseInteger "-123" (-123) it "can parse sign-prefixed zero as an unprefixed zero" $ do parseInteger "+0" 0 parseInteger "-0" 0 it "can parse both the minimum and maximum numbers in the 64 bit range" $ do parseInteger "-9223372036854775808" (-9223372036854775808) parseInteger "9223372036854775807" 9223372036854775807 it "can parse numbers with underscores between digits" $ do parseInteger "1_000" 1000 parseInteger "5_349_221" 5349221 parseInteger "1_2_3_4_5" 12345 it "does not parse incorrect underscores" $ do integerFailOn "1_2_3_" integerFailOn "13_" integerFailOn "_123_" integerFailOn "_13" integerFailOn "_" it "does not parse numbers with leading zeros" $ do parseInteger "0123" 0 parseInteger "-023" 0 context "when the integer is in binary representation" $ do it "can parse numbers prefixed with `0b`" $ do parseInteger "0b1101" 13 parseInteger "0b0" 0 it "does not parse numbers prefixed with `0B`" $ parseInteger "0B1101" 0 it "can parse numbers with leading zeros after the prefix" $ do parseInteger "0b000" 0 parseInteger "0b00011" 3 it "does not parse negative numbers" $ parseInteger "-0b101" 0 it "does not parse numbers with non-valid binary digits" $ parseInteger "0b123" 1 context "when the integer is in octal representation" $ do it "can parse numbers prefixed with `0o`" $ do parseInteger "0o567" 0o567 parseInteger "0o0" 0 it "does not parse numbers prefixed with `0O`" $ parseInteger "0O567" 0 it "can parse numbers with leading zeros after the prefix" $ do parseInteger "0o000000" 0 parseInteger "0o000567" 0o567 it "does not parse negative numbers" $ parseInteger "-0o123" 0 it "does not parse numbers with non-valid octal digits" $ parseInteger "0o789" 0o7 context "when the integer is in hexadecimal representation" $ do it "can parse numbers prefixed with `0x`" $ do parseInteger "0x12af" 0x12af parseInteger "0x0" 0 it "does not parse numbers prefixed with `0X`" $ parseInteger "0Xfff" 0 it "can parse numbers with leading zeros after the prefix" $ do parseInteger "0x00000" 0 parseInteger "0x012af" 0x12af it "does not parse negative numbers" $ parseInteger "-0xfff" 0 it "does not parse numbers with non-valid hexadecimal digits" $ parseInteger "0xfgh" 0xf it "can parse numbers when hex digits are lowercase" $ parseInteger "0xabcdef" 0xabcdef it "can parse numbers when hex digits are uppercase" $ parseInteger "0xABCDEF" 0xABCDEF it "can parse numbers when hex digits are in both lowercase and uppercase" $ do parseInteger "0xAbCdEf" 0xAbCdEf parseInteger "0xaBcDeF" 0xaBcDeF context "when there is underscore in hexadecimal, octal and binary representation" $ do it "can parse numbers with underscore in hexadecimal representation" $ do parseInteger "0xAb_Cd_Ef" 0xabcdef parseInteger "0xA_bcd_ef" 0xabcdef parseInteger "0x123_abc" 0x123abc parseInteger "0xa_b_c_1_2_3" 0xabc123 it "can't parse when underscore is between hexadecimal prefix and suffix" $ do integerFailOn "0x_Abab_ca" integerFailOn "0x_ababbac" it "can parse numbers with underscore in octal representation" $ do parseInteger "0o12_34_56" 0o123456 parseInteger "0o1_2345_6" 0o123456 parseInteger "0o76_54_21" 0o765421 parseInteger "0o4_5_3_2_6" 0o45326 it "can't parse when underscore is between octal prefix and suffix" $ do integerFailOn "0o_123_4567" integerFailOn "0o_1234567" it "can parse numbers with underscore in binary representation" $ do parseInteger "0b10_101_0" 42 parseInteger "0b10_10_10" 42 parseInteger "0b1_0_1" 5 parseInteger "0b1_0" 2 it "can't parse numbers when underscore is between binary prefix and suffix" $ do integerFailOn "0b_10101_0" integerFailOn "0b_101010" it "doesn't parse underscore not followed by any numbers" $ do integerFailOn "0b_" integerFailOn "0o_" integerFailOn "0x_" it "doesn't parse when number is ending with underscore" $ do integerFailOn "0b101_110_" integerFailOn "0b10101_" integerFailOn "0x1_23_daf_" integerFailOn "0x1214adf_" integerFailOn "0o1_15_41_" integerFailOn "0o1215147_"