{- TooManyCells.MakeTree.Cluster Gregory W. Schwartz Collects the functions pertaining to the clustering of columns. -} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module TooManyCells.MakeTree.Cluster ( hdbscan , clustersToClusterList , hClust , hSpecClust , assignClusters , dendrogramToClusterList , treeToClusterList , clusterDiversity ) where -- Remote import BirchBeer.Types import BirchBeer.Utility (getGraphLeaves, getGraphLeavesWithParents, dendrogramToGraph, dendToTree, treeToGraph) import Control.Monad (join) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List (sortBy, groupBy, zip4, genericLength) import Data.Int (Int32) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes, mapMaybe) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Tree (Tree (..)) import Data.Tuple (swap) import H.Prelude (io) import Language.R as R import Language.R.QQ (r) import Math.Clustering.Hierarchical.Spectral.Sparse (hierarchicalSpectralCluster, B (..)) import Math.Clustering.Hierarchical.Spectral.Types (clusteringTreeToDendrogram, getClusterItemsDend, EigenGroup (..)) import Math.Diversity.Diversity (diversity) import Statistics.Quantile (continuousBy, s) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) import Safe (headMay) import TextShow (showt) import qualified Control.Lens as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B import qualified Data.Clustering.Hierarchical as HC import qualified Data.Csv as CSV import qualified Data.Foldable as F import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as G import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Sparse.Common as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU import qualified Math.Clustering.Hierarchical.Spectral.Dense as HSD import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra as H -- Local import TooManyCells.MakeTree.Adjacency import TooManyCells.MakeTree.Types import TooManyCells.Matrix.Types import TooManyCells.Matrix.Utility import TooManyCells.Diversity.Types -- | Cluster cLanguage.R.QQ (r)olumns of a sparse matrix using HDBSCAN. hdbscan :: RMatObsRow s -> R s (R.SomeSEXP s) hdbscan (RMatObsRow mat) = do [r| library(dbscan) |] clustering <- [r| hdbscan(mat_hs, minPts = 5) |] return clustering -- | Hierarchical clustering. hClust :: SingleCells -> ClusterResults hClust sc = ClusterResults { _clusterList = clustering , _clusterDend = dendToTree cDend } where cDend = fmap ( V.singleton . (\ (!w, _, !y) -> CellInfo { _barcode = w, _cellRow = y } ) ) dend clustering = assignClusters . fmap ( fmap ((\(!w, _, !y) -> CellInfo w y)) . HC.elements ) . flip HC.cutAt (findCut dend) $ dend dend = HC.dendrogram HC.CLINK items euclDist euclDist x y = sqrt . sum . fmap (** 2) $ S.liftU2 (-) (L.view L._2 y) (L.view L._2 x) items = (\ fs -> zip3 (V.toList $ _rowNames sc) fs (fmap Row . take (V.length . _rowNames $ sc) . iterate (+ 1) $ 0) ) . S.toRowsL . unMatObsRow . _matrix $ sc -- | Assign clusters to values. Thanks to hierarchical clustering, we can have -- a cell belong to multiple clusters. assignClusters :: [[a]] -> [(a, [Cluster])] assignClusters = concat . zipWith (\c -> flip zip (repeat c)) (fmap ((:[]) . Cluster) [1..]) -- | Find cut value. findCut :: HC.Dendrogram a -> HC.Distance findCut = continuousBy s 9 10 . VU.fromList . F.toList . flattenDist where flattenDist (HC.Leaf _) = Seq.empty flattenDist (HC.Branch !d !l !r) = (Seq.<|) d . (Seq.><) (flattenDist l) . flattenDist $ r -- | Convert the cluster object from hdbscan to a cluster list. clustersToClusterList :: SingleCells -> R.SomeSEXP s -> R s [(Cell, Cluster)] clustersToClusterList sc clustering = do io . hPutStrLn stderr $ "Calculating clusters." clusters <- [r| clustering_hs$cluster |] return . zip (V.toList . _rowNames $ sc) . fmap (Cluster . fromIntegral) $ (R.fromSomeSEXP clusters :: [Int32]) -- | Hierarchical spectral clustering. hSpecClust :: DenseFlag -> EigenGroup -> NormType -> Maybe NumEigen -> SingleCells -> (ClusterResults, ClusterGraph CellInfo) hSpecClust (DenseFlag isDense) eigenGroup norm numEigen sc = ( ClusterResults { _clusterList = clustering , _clusterDend = dendToTree dend } , gr ) where clustering :: [(CellInfo, [Cluster])] clustering = concatMap (\ (!ns, (_, !xs)) -> zip (maybe [] F.toList xs) . repeat . fmap Cluster $ ns ) . F.toList . flip getGraphLeavesWithParents 0 . unClusterGraph $ gr gr = dendrogramToGraph dend dend = clusteringTreeToDendrogram tree tree = hSpecCommand norm isDense . unMatObsRow . _matrix $ sc items = V.zipWith (\x y -> CellInfo x y) (_rowNames sc) (fmap Row . flip V.generate id . V.length . _rowNames $ sc) hSpecCommand TfIdfNorm False = hierarchicalSpectralCluster eigenGroup True (fmap unNumEigen numEigen) Nothing Nothing items . Left hSpecCommand BothNorm False = hierarchicalSpectralCluster eigenGroup True (fmap unNumEigen numEigen) Nothing Nothing items . Left hSpecCommand _ False = hierarchicalSpectralCluster eigenGroup False (fmap unNumEigen numEigen) Nothing Nothing items . Left hSpecCommand TfIdfNorm True = HSD.hierarchicalSpectralCluster eigenGroup True (fmap unNumEigen numEigen) Nothing Nothing items . Left . sparseToHMat hSpecCommand BothNorm True = HSD.hierarchicalSpectralCluster eigenGroup True (fmap unNumEigen numEigen) Nothing Nothing items . Left . sparseToHMat hSpecCommand _ True = HSD.hierarchicalSpectralCluster eigenGroup False (fmap unNumEigen numEigen) Nothing Nothing items . Left . sparseToHMat dendrogramToClusterList :: HC.Dendrogram (V.Vector CellInfo) -> [(CellInfo, [Cluster])] dendrogramToClusterList = concatMap (\ (!ns, (_, !xs)) -> zip (maybe [] F.toList xs) . repeat . fmap Cluster $ ns ) . F.toList . flip getGraphLeavesWithParents 0 . unClusterGraph . dendrogramToGraph treeToClusterList :: Tree (TreeNode (V.Vector CellInfo)) -> [(CellInfo, [Cluster])] treeToClusterList = concatMap (\ (!ns, (_, !xs)) -> zip (maybe [] F.toList xs) . repeat . fmap Cluster $ ns ) . F.toList . flip getGraphLeavesWithParents 0 . unClusterGraph . treeToGraph -- | Find the diversity of each leaf cluster. clusterDiversity :: Order -> LabelMap -> ClusterResults -> Either String [(Cluster, Diversity, Size)] clusterDiversity (Order order) (LabelMap lm) = do let getDiversityOfCluster :: [(CellInfo, [Cluster])] -> Either String [(Cluster, Diversity, Size)] getDiversityOfCluster = join . fmap ( sequence . fmap (\ (!c, !xs) -> do diversities <- fmap (Diversity . diversity order) . sequence . fmap cellInfoToLabel $ xs return (c, diversities, Size $ genericLength xs) ) ) . groupCellsByCluster cellInfoToLabel :: CellInfo -> Either String Label cellInfoToLabel = flip (Map.findWithDefault (Left "\nCell missing a label.")) (fmap Right lm) . Id . unCell . _barcode groupCellsByCluster :: [(CellInfo, [Cluster])] -> Either String [(Cluster, [CellInfo])] groupCellsByCluster = sequence . fmap assignCluster . groupBy ((==) `on` (headMay . snd)) . sortBy (compare `on` (headMay . snd)) assignCluster :: [(CellInfo, [Cluster])] -> Either String (Cluster, [CellInfo]) assignCluster [] = Left "\nEmpty cluster." assignCluster all@(x:_) = do cluster <- fromMaybe (Left "\nNo cluster for cell.") . fmap Right . headMay . snd $ x return (cluster, fmap fst all) getDiversityOfCluster . _clusterList