{- TooManyCells.Peaks.Types Gregory W. Schwartz Collects the peak types used in the program. -} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} module TooManyCells.Peaks.Types where -- Remote import BirchBeer.Types (Label) import System.IO (Handle (..)) import qualified Data.IntSet as ISet import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IMap import qualified Data.Set as Set -- Local -- Basic newtype PeakCommand = PeakCommand { unPeakCommand :: String } newtype GenomecovCommand = GenomecovCommand { unGenomecovCommand :: String } newtype GenomeFile = GenomeFile { unGenomeFile :: String } newtype BedGraphFlag = BedGraphFlag { unBedGraphFlag :: Bool } newtype AllNodesFlag = AllNodesFlag { unAllNodesFlag :: Bool } newtype ClusterHandleMap = ClusterHandleMap { unClusterHandleMap :: IMap.IntMap Handle } newtype PeakNodes = PeakNodes { unPeakNodes :: ISet.IntSet } newtype PeakNodesLabels = PeakNodesLabels { unPeakNodesLabels :: IMap.IntMap (Set.Set Label) }