# Toodles [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/aviaviavi/toodles.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/aviaviavi/toodles) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/toodles.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/toodles) Toodles scrapes your entire repository for TODO entries and organizes them so you can manage your project directly from the code. View, filter, sort, and edit your TODO's with an easy to use web application. When you make changes via toodles, the edits will be applied directly the TODO entries in your code. When you're done, commit and push your changes to share them with your team! ![Toodles Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/DEwzMYn.png) ### TODO details Specify details about your TODO's so that you can filter and sort them with ease! Specify details within parenthesis and separate with the `|` delimeter. ```python # TODO(assignee|p=1|keys=vals|#tags) ``` #### Priority The key `p=` will be interpreted as a priority number #### KeyVals Use arbitrary key value pairs `=|=|...` and design any organization scheme you wish! A good use for this is to enter dates of deadlines for TODO's that you can sort on in Toodles #### Tags A detail starting with `#`, eg `#bug|#techdebt|#database|...` will be interpreted as a tag, which can be used to label and group your TODO's. #### Assign Assign your TODO's to someone. Any plain word that will be interpreted as an assignee. ```python # TODO(bob) - something we need to do later ``` ### Per Project Configuration You can configure toodles by putting a `.toodles.yaml` file in the root of your project. See this repo's `.toodles.yaml` for the full configuration spec. Currently via config you can: - Set files to ignore via a list of regular expressions - Specify your own flags to scan for other than the built-ins (TODO, FIXME, XXX) ### Scanned Languages These languages will be scanned for any TODO's: - C/C++ - C# - Elixir - Erlang - Go - Haskell - Java - Javascript - Kotlin - Lua - Objective-C - PHP - Plaintext files (`*.txt`) - Protobuf - Python - React Javascript (JSX) - Ruby - Rust - Scala - Shell / Bash - Swift - Typescript - Vue (scripts only) - Yaml Submit a PR if you'd like a language to be added. There will eventually be support for this to be user configurable ### Installing The easiest way to get toodles is via [stack](https://docs.haskellstack.org). Just a `stack install toodles` and you're done! Alternatively, with GHC 8.4.3 you can use [cabal](https://www.haskell.org/cabal/download.html). If there is desire for it I can look into precompiled distribution. ### Running Invoking `toodles` with no arguments will treat the current directory as the project root and will start a server on port 9001. You can set these with the `-d` and `-p` flags, respectively. ```bash # $ toodles -d -p # for more info run: # $ toodles --help $ toodles -d /path/to/your/project -p 9001 # or simply $ toodles ``` #### Running with Docker You can run a pre-built toodles for your current directory via docker: ```bash # execute toodles for the directory you are currently in: $ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/repo -p 9001:9001 aviaviavi/toodles ``` Just mount your project into the container's `/repo` and direct a port of your choice to the container's `9001`. For convenience this repository also provides a `Dockerfile` to automatically build toodles. ```bash # to build container run: $ cd /path/to/toodles/repo $ docker build -t toodles . # afterwards you can run the following command to execute toodles for the # directory you are currently in: $ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/repo -p 9001:9001 toodles ``` ### Current Limitations Due to the parser's current simplicity, Toodles won't see TODO's in multiline initiated comment. For instance in javascript ```javascript // TODO(#bug) this would be parsed /* TODO(#bug) this will _not_ be picked up by toodles */ ``` ### Background I work at a small startup called DotDashPay and over time the TODOs in our code base continued building up to the point where it was difficult to use them holistically. While the information in the TODOs was actually very useful and methodically written, the fact that were couldn't easily organize them started to weigh on us as mounting tech debt. While not our main product focus, we try hard to find opportunities to build tools that make use of the organization schemes we already have in place, since doing so is a big win for us. Toodles became a nights and weekends side project to use the pre-existing TODO scheme we had spent years using, but had never effectively capitalized on. A quick plug if you also like building great tools, like working in a fast paced startup environment, and are located in the SF Bay Area: Reach out at careers@dotdashpay.com and come work with us! ### Contributing Contributions in any form are welcome! A few bits of info: - Don't be shy, ask questions! Contributing to Toodles should be welcoming for people at any level of programming familiarity. Whether it's a new feature, bug fix, or docs, any contribution is very appreciated. - Before you start coding, please comment or mark a particular issue as "in progress", or even open your pull request as a work in progress (WIP). This is to help avoid having multiple people work on the same thing. - If github issues don't cut it, feel free to reach out on twitter [@avi_press](https://twitter.com/avi_press)