{-# LANGUAGE CPP                       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GHCForeignImportPrim      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE JavaScriptFFI             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnliftedFFITypes          #-}

-- |WebSockets Connection (with GHCJS native support)
module Network.Top.WebSockets(
  ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString   as B
import           Network.Top.Types

#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
-- GHC-JS Version
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy              as L
import           Control.Applicative               (Alternative (empty, (<|>)))
import           Control.Exception
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM            as S
import qualified Data.JSString                     as S
import           Data.Maybe
import           GHCJS.Buffer
import qualified GHCJS.Buffer                      as Buffer
import           GHCJS.Foreign
import           GHCJS.Foreign.Internal
import           GHCJS.Marshal
import           GHCJS.Marshal.Pure
import           GHCJS.Types
import           JavaScript.Web.Blob.Internal      (Blob, SomeBlob (..))
import           JavaScript.Web.MessageEvent
import           JavaScript.Web.WebSocket          hiding (close)
import qualified JavaScript.Web.WebSocket          as JS
import           JavaScript.TypedArray.ArrayBuffer
import qualified JavaScript.TypedArray.ArrayBuffer as A
import           GHC.Exts
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Network.Top.Util
-- import JavaScript.TypedArray -- ArrayBuffer, SomeArrayBuffer(..))
-- import JavaScript.TypedArray.Internal -- ArrayBuffer, SomeArrayBuffer(..))

runWSApp :: Config -> WSApp r -> IO r
runWSApp cfg = bracket (newConnection cfg) close

-- |A WS connection
data Conn a = Conn {connConfig:: Config
                   ,connStatus :: S.TVar (ConnStatus a)
                   ,connMessages :: S.TQueue a}

-- |Connection Status
data ConnStatus a = ConnOpening
                  | ConnOpen {inp::IO a,out::a -> IO (),cls::IO ()}
                  | ConnClosed -- is this needed?

newConnection :: Config -> IO WSConnection
newConnection cfg = do
  conn <- Conn cfg <$> S.newTVarIO ConnClosed <*> S.newTQueueIO

  -- BUG: reopen connection without sending the protocol
  -- return $ Connection
  --    (open conn >>= \(i,o,c) -> i)
  --    (\v -> open conn >>= \(i,o,c) -> o v)
  --    (tillClose $ connStatus conn)
  (i,o,c) <- open conn
  return $ Connection i o (tillClose $ connStatus conn)

   tillClose st = do
     dbgS "[Close"
     toClose <- S.atomically $ do
       s <- S.readTVar st
       case s of
         ConnOpening -> S.retry
         ConnOpen _ _ cls -> return $ Just cls
         ConnClosed -> return Nothing

     fromMaybe (return ()) toClose
     dbgS "Close]"

-- changeStatus conn = S.atomically $ S.writeTVar (connStatus conn) ConnClosed

-- |Block till open
open c =
  fromMaybe <$> reopen c <*> (S.atomically $ do
    s <- S.readTVar (connStatus c)
    case s of
      ConnOpening -> S.retry
      ConnOpen i o c -> return $ Just (i,o,c)
      ConnClosed -> do
         S.writeTVar (connStatus c) ConnOpening
         return Nothing)

reopen c = do
  dbgS "[reopen"
  let cfg = connConfig c
  econn <- tryE (JS.connect $ JS.WebSocketRequest {
                    url= S.pack $ concat ["ws://",cfgIP cfg,":",show (cfgPort cfg),cfgPath cfg]
                    ,protocols=[S.pack $ T.unpack $ chatsProtocolT]
                    ,onClose  =  Just $ \_ -> closeConn c
                    ,onMessage = Just $ \event -> do
                        dbgS "received message"
                        case getDataFixed event of
                          Left e -> error e
                          Right bs -> S.atomically . S.writeTQueue (connMessages c) $ bs
                        -- case getDataFixed event of
                        --   StringData s -> dbgS "unexpected String message"
                        --   BlobData blob -> dbgS "unexpected Blob message"
                        --   ArrayBufferData ab -> S.atomically . S.writeTQueue (connMessages c) . L.fromStrict . toBS $ ab

  case econn of
    Left e -> do
      dbgS "Error while opening connection"
      threadDelay (seconds 5)
      reopen c

    Right ws -> do
            -- if there is data return it,
            -- otherwise if connection is open retry otherwise return Nothing
            -- inp = do
            --  mmsg <- S.atomically $
            --     ((Just <$> S.readTQueue (connMessages c))
            --                   <|> (Do
            --                           connClosed <- isClosed <$> S.readTVar (connStatus c)
            --                           case st of
            --                             ConnOpening -> retry
            --                             ConnOpen -> retry
            --                             ConnClosed -> return Nothing
            --                           S.check connClosed
            --                           return Nothing
            --                       ))
            --  case mmsg of
            --    Nothing -> open c >> mmsg
            --    Just msg -> return msg
             inp = do
               r <- S.atomically $ S.readTQueue (connMessages c)
               -- dbg ["received",show $ L.unpack r]
               return r

             out v = do
               -- dbg ["send",show $ L.unpack v]
               webSocketSend ws v
             -- out v = do
              --   r <- tryE (webSocketSend conn (L.toStrict v))
             --   case r of
             --     Left err -> do
             --       cls (unwords ["websockets output failed",show err])
             --       (_,o,_) <- reopen c
             --       o v

             --     Right () -> return ()

             cls reason = do
               -- closeConn conn reason
               JS.close Nothing Nothing ws -- (S.pack "FIX THIS") ws
               dbg [reason,"closed]"]

          let cls' = (cls "user request")
          js_asArrayBuffer ws
          S.atomically $ S.writeTVar (connStatus c) (ConnOpen inp out cls')
          dbgS "reopen]"
          return (inp,out,cls')
     closeConn conn = S.atomically $ S.writeTVar (connStatus conn) ConnClosed

-- closeConn conn reason = do
--    JS.close conn
--    dbg ["Closing connection",reason]

-- runWSApp :: Config -> WSApp r -> IO r
-- runWSApp cfg app = do
--         q <- S.newTQueueIO
--         closed <- S.newTVarIO False

--         let wsClose _ = close "WebSockets Close"

--             close reason = do
--               S.atomically (S.writeTVar closed True)
--               dbg ["connection closed",reason]

--             wsMessage e = do
--               dbgS "received message"
--               case getData e of
--                 StringData s -> close "unexpected String message"
--                 BlobData blob -> close "unexpected Blob message"
 --                 ArrayBufferData ab -> S.atomically . S.writeTQueue q . L.fromStrict . toBS $ ab
  -- ArrayBufferData ab -> Buffer.toByteString 0 Nothing . Buffer.createFromArrayBuffer $ ab
--         Conn <- JS.connect $ JS.WebSocketRequest {
--           url= S.pack $ concat ["ws://",ip cfg,":",show (port cfg),path cfg]
--           ,protocols=[S.pack "quid2.net"]
--           ,onClose=Just wsClose
--           ,onMessage=Just wsMessage}

--         let
--              out v = do
--                r <- tryE (webSocketSend conn (L.toStrict v))
--                case r of
--                  Left err -> do
--                    close (unwords ["websockets output failed",show err])
--                    return False
--                  Right () -> return True

--              -- if there is data return it,
--              -- otherwise if connection is open retry otherwise return Nothing
--              inp = S.atomically $
--                ((Just <$> S.readTQueue q)
--                              <|> (do
--                                      connClosed <- S.readTVar closed
--                                      S.check connClosed
--                                      return Nothing
--                                  ))
--         app $ Connection inp out

        --putStrLn (show . L.unpack . flat . typedBytes $ (ByType::ByType Bool))
        -- putStrLn (show $ B.unpack . shake128 32 . B.pack $ [])
        -- app $ WSConnection {sendMsg = webSocketSend conn . L.toStrict
        --                    ,receiveMsg = undefined}

-- printB :: B.ByteString -> IO ()
-- printB = print

toBS :: ArrayBuffer -> B.ByteString
toBS = Buffer.toByteString 0 Nothing . Buffer.createFromArrayBuffer
-- toBS1 = Buffer.toByteString 0 Nothing

webSocketSend :: WebSocket -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
webSocketSend ws bs | B.length bs == 0 = return ()
                    | otherwise = do
                        let (b, off, len) = fromByteString bs
                        -- dbgS $ unwords ["BUFFER OFF",show off,"LEN",show len]
                        js_sendByteString ws (getArrayBuffer b) off len

foreign import javascript safe "new DataView($3,$1,$2)" js_dataView :: Int -> Int -> JSVal -> JSVal

getDataFixed :: MessageEvent -> Either String B.ByteString -- MessageEventData
getDataFixed me = case js_getData me of
                (# 1#, r #) -> Left "Unexpected String"
                (# 2#, r #) -> Left "Unexpected Blob"
                (# 3#, r #) -> Right $ toBS r
{-# INLINE getDataFixed #-}

foreign import javascript unsafe
    --"$1.send(new Uint8Array($2,$3,$4));$r=new Uint8Array($2,$3,$4).byteLength"
    "$1.send(new Uint8Array($2,$3,$4))"
    js_sendByteString :: WebSocket -> ArrayBuffer -> Int -> Int -> IO ()

foreign import javascript unsafe
    "$r2 = $1.data;$r1 = typeof $r2 === 'string' ? 1 : ($r2 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? 3 : 2)"
    js_getData :: MessageEvent -> (# Int#, ArrayBuffer #)

-- By default, websockets would be in blob mode, so we need this.
foreign import javascript unsafe
    js_asArrayBuffer :: WebSocket -> IO ()

------------ GHC Version
import qualified Network.WebSockets       as WS

-- |Run a WebSockets Application, keep connection alive.
-- Automatically close sockets on WSApp exit
runWSApp ::
            Config    -- ^ Top configuration
         -> WSApp a   -- ^ Application to connect
         -> IO a      -- ^ Value returned from the application
runWSApp cfg app =
     WS.runClientWith (cfgIP cfg) (cfgPort cfg) (cfgPath cfg) opts [("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", chatsProtocol)] $ \conn -> do
       -- WS.forkPingThread conn 20 -- Keep connection alive avoiding timeouts (FIX: the server should send pings as this is required by browsers)
       --WS.sendClose conn (1000::Int)
       -- app $ Connection
       --   (eitherToMaybe <$> tryE (WS.receiveData conn))
       --   (\bs -> isRight <$> tryE (WS.sendBinaryData conn bs))
       app $ Connection
          (WS.receiveData conn)
          (WS.sendBinaryData conn)
          (WS.sendClose conn ("So long, and thanks for all the fish!"::B.ByteString))

     opts = WS.defaultConnectionOptions -- { WS.connectionOnPong = dbgS "gotPong"}

-- -- |Send a raw binary message on a WebSocket (untyped) connection
-- sendMsg :: WS.Connection -> L.ByteString -> IO ()
-- sendMsg = WS.sendBinaryData

-- -- |Receive a raw binary message from a WebSocket (untyped) connection
-- receiveMsg :: WS.Connection -> IO L.ByteString
-- receiveMsg conn = WS.receiveData conn
