{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Test.Hspec import Servant.Client import Servant.API import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import System.Process (withCreateProcess, proc, CreateProcess) import System.IO.Silently (silence) import Network.HTTP.Client (newManager, defaultManagerSettings) import Data.Either (isLeft) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime) import Toxiproxy main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "Toxiproxy API" $ do it "get version" $ withToxiproxyServer $ run getVersion `shouldReturn` Right version it "post reset" $ withToxiproxyServer $ run postReset `shouldReturn` Right NoContent it "create, update, get and delete a proxy" $ withToxiproxyServer $ do let name = "myProxy" let proxy = Proxy { proxyName = name , proxyListen = "" , proxyUpstream = "" , proxyEnabled = False , proxyToxics = [] } run (createProxy proxy) `shouldReturn` Right proxy run getProxies `shouldReturn` Right (Map.fromList [(name, proxy)]) run (getProxy name) `shouldReturn` Right proxy let enabled = proxy { proxyEnabled = True } run (updateProxy name enabled) `shouldReturn` Right enabled run (deleteProxy name) `shouldReturn` Right NoContent run getProxies `shouldReturn` Right Map.empty it "populate proxies" $ withToxiproxyServer $ do let proxy1 = Proxy { proxyName = "myProxy" , proxyListen = "" , proxyUpstream = "" , proxyEnabled = False , proxyToxics = [] } let proxy2 = Proxy { proxyName = "myOtherProxy" , proxyListen = "" , proxyUpstream = "" , proxyEnabled = False , proxyToxics = [] } run (postPopulate [proxy1, proxy2]) `shouldReturn` Right (Populate [proxy1, proxy2]) it "create get, update and delete toxic" $ withToxiproxyServer $ do let name = "myProxy" let toxicName = "latency" let toxic = Toxic { toxicName = toxicName , toxicType = toxicName , toxicStream = "upstream" , toxicToxicity = 1 , toxicAttributes = Map.fromList [("latency", 1000), ("jitter", 0)] } let proxy = Proxy { proxyName = name , proxyListen = "" , proxyUpstream = "" , proxyEnabled = False , proxyToxics = [] } let proxyWithToxic = proxy { proxyToxics = [toxic] } let updatedToxic = toxic { toxicAttributes = Map.fromList [("latency", 1000), ("jitter", 0)] } run (createProxy proxy) `shouldReturn` Right proxy run (createToxic name toxic) `shouldReturn` Right toxic run (getToxics name) `shouldReturn` Right [toxic] run (getProxy name) `shouldReturn` Right proxyWithToxic run (updateToxic name toxicName updatedToxic) `shouldReturn` Right updatedToxic run (deleteToxic name toxicName) `shouldReturn` Right NoContent run (getToxics name) `shouldReturn` Right [] describe "Toxiproxy Helpers" $ do it "disabled temporarily using withDisabled" $ withToxiproxyServer $ do let proxy = Proxy { proxyName = "myProxy" , proxyListen = "" , proxyUpstream = "" , proxyEnabled = True , proxyToxics = [] } withProxy proxy $ \proxy -> do runThroughProxy getVersion `shouldReturn` Right version withDisabled proxy $ do resp <- runThroughProxy getVersion isLeft resp `shouldBe` True runThroughProxy getVersion `shouldReturn` Right version it "has temporary toxic using withToxic" $ withToxiproxyServer $ do let proxy = Proxy { proxyName = "myProxy" , proxyListen = "" , proxyUpstream = "" , proxyEnabled = True , proxyToxics = [] } let toxic = Toxic { toxicName = "latency" , toxicType = "latency" , toxicStream = "upstream" , toxicToxicity = 1 , toxicAttributes = Map.fromList [("latency", 1000), ("jitter", 0)] } withProxy proxy $ \proxy -> do runThroughProxy getVersion `shouldReturn` Right version withToxic proxy toxic $ do before <- getPOSIXTime runThroughProxy getVersion `shouldReturn` Right version after <- getPOSIXTime after - before > 1 `shouldBe` True runThroughProxy getVersion `shouldReturn` Right version withToxiproxyServer :: IO a -> IO a withToxiproxyServer f = silence $ withCreateProcess server $ \_ _ _ _ -> threadDelay 100000 >> f where server :: CreateProcess server = proc "toxiproxy-server" [] version :: Version version = "git-fe6bf4f" proxyUrl :: BaseUrl proxyUrl = BaseUrl Http "" 4444 "" runThroughProxy :: ClientM a -> IO (Either ServantError a) runThroughProxy f = do manager <- newManager defaultManagerSettings runClientM f (ClientEnv manager proxyUrl)