{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  ToySolver.Data.MIP.MPSFile
-- Copyright   :  (c) Masahiro Sakai 2012-2014
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  masahiro.sakai@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  non-portable (TypeFamilies)
-- A .mps format parser library.
-- References:
-- * <http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_synopsis.html>
-- * <http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_synopsis.html>
-- * <http://www.gurobi.com/documentation/5.0/reference-manual/node744>
-- * <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MPS_(format)>
module ToySolver.Data.MIP.MPSFile
  ( parseString
  , parseFile
  , parser
  , render
  ) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Interned
import Data.Interned.String

import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import Text.Parsec hiding (spaces, newline, Column)
import Text.Parsec.String
import Text.Printf

import Data.OptDir
import qualified ToySolver.Data.MIP.Base as MIP
import ToySolver.Internal.TextUtil (readUnsignedInteger)

type Column = MIP.Var
type Row = InternedString

data BoundType
  = LO  -- lower bound
  | UP  -- upper bound
  | FX  -- variable is fixed at the specified value
  | FR  -- free variable (no lower or upper bound)
  | MI  -- infinite lower bound
  | PL  -- infinite upper bound
  | BV  -- variable is binary (equal 0 or 1)
  | LI  -- lower bound for integer variable
  | UI  -- upper bound for integer variable
  | SC  -- upper bound for semi-continuous variable
  | SI  -- upper bound for semi-integer variable
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Enum, Bounded)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Parse a string containing MPS file data.
-- The source name is only | used in error messages and may be the empty string.
parseString :: SourceName -> String -> Either ParseError MIP.Problem
parseString = parse parser

-- | Parse a file containing MPS file data.
parseFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either ParseError MIP.Problem)
parseFile = parseFromFile parser

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

space' :: Parser Char
space' = oneOf [' ', '\t']

spaces' :: Parser ()
spaces' = skipMany space'

spaces1' :: Parser ()
spaces1' = skipMany1 space'

commentline :: Parser ()
commentline = do
  _ <- char '*'
  _ <- manyTill anyChar P.newline
  return ()

newline' :: Parser ()
newline' = do
  _ <- P.newline
  skipMany commentline
  return ()

tok :: Parser a -> Parser a
tok p = do
  x <- p
  msum [spaces1', lookAhead (try (char '\n' >> return ())), eof]
  return x

row :: Parser Row
row = liftM intern ident

column :: Parser Column
column = liftM MIP.toVar ident

ident :: Parser String
ident = tok $ many1 $ noneOf [' ', '\t', '\n']

stringLn :: String -> Parser ()
stringLn s = string s >> newline'

sign :: Num a => Parser a
sign = (char '+' >> return 1) <|> (char '-' >> return (-1))

number :: Parser Rational
number = tok $ do
  b <- (do{ s <- option 1 sign; x <- nat; y <- option 0 frac; return (s * (fromInteger x + y)) })
    <|> frac
  c <- option 0 e
  return (b*10^^c)
    digits = many1 digit

    nat :: Parser Integer
    nat = liftM readUnsignedInteger digits

    frac :: Parser Rational
    frac = do
      char '.'
      s <- digits
      return (readUnsignedInteger s % 10^(length s))

    e :: Parser Integer
    e = do
      oneOf "eE"
      f <- msum [ char '+' >> return id
                , char '-' >> return negate
                , return id
      liftM f nat

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | MPS file parser
parser :: Parser MIP.Problem
parser = do
  many commentline

  _name <- nameSection

  -- http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_objsen.html
  -- CPLEX extends the MPS standard by allowing two additional sections: OBJSEN and OBJNAME.
  -- If these options are used, they must appear in order and as the first and second sections after the NAME section. 
  objsense <- optionMaybe $ objSenseSection
  objname  <- optionMaybe $ objNameSection

  rows <- rowsSection

  -- http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_usercuts.html
  -- The order of sections must be ROWS USERCUTS.  
  usercuts <- option [] userCutsSection

  -- http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_lazycons.html
  -- The order of sections must be ROWS USERCUTS LAZYCONS.
  lazycons <- option [] lazyConsSection

  (cols, intvs1) <- colsSection
  rhss <- rhsSection
  rngs <- option Map.empty rangesSection
  bnds <- option [] boundsSection

  -- http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_quadobj.html
  -- Following the BOUNDS section, a QMATRIX section may be specified.
  qobj <- msum [quadObjSection, qMatrixSection, return []]

  -- http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_sos.html
  -- Note that in an MPS file, the SOS section must follow the BOUNDS section.
  sos <- option [] sosSection

  -- http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_qcmatrix.html
  -- QCMATRIX sections appear after the optional SOS section. 
  qterms <- liftM Map.fromList $ many qcMatrixSection

  -- http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_indicators.html
  -- The INDICATORS section follows any quadratic constraint section and any quadratic objective section.
  inds <- option Map.empty indicatorsSection

  string "ENDATA"

  let objrow =
        case objname of
          Nothing -> head [r | (Nothing, r) <- rows] -- XXX
          Just r  -> intern r
      objdir =
        case objsense of
          Nothing -> OptMin
          Just d  -> d
      vs     = Map.keysSet cols `Set.union` Set.fromList [col | (_,col,_) <- bnds]
      intvs2 = Set.fromList [col | (t,col,_) <- bnds, t `elem` [BV,LI,UI]]
      scvs   = Set.fromList [col | (SC,col,_) <- bnds]
      sivs   = Set.fromList [col | (SI,col,_) <- bnds]

  let explicitBounds = Map.fromListWith f
        [ case typ of
            LO -> (col, (Just (MIP.Finite val), Nothing))
            UP -> (col, (Nothing, Just (MIP.Finite val)))
            FX -> (col, (Just (MIP.Finite val), Just (MIP.Finite val)))
            FR -> (col, (Just MIP.NegInf, Just MIP.PosInf))
            MI -> (col, (Just MIP.NegInf, Nothing))
            PL -> (col, (Nothing, Just MIP.PosInf))
            BV -> (col, (Just (MIP.Finite 0), Just (MIP.Finite 1)))
            LI -> (col, (Just (MIP.Finite val), Nothing))
            UI -> (col, (Nothing, Just (MIP.Finite val)))
            SC -> (col, (Nothing, Just (MIP.Finite val)))
            SI -> (col, (Nothing, Just (MIP.Finite val)))
        | (typ,col,val) <- bnds ]
          f (a1,b1) (a2,b2) = (g a1 a2, g b1 b2)
          g _ (Just x) = Just x
          g x Nothing  = x

  let bounds = Map.fromList
        [ case Map.lookup v explicitBounds of
            Nothing ->
              if v `Set.member` intvs1
                -- http://eaton.math.rpi.edu/cplex90html/reffileformatscplex/reffileformatscplex9.html
                -- If no bounds are specified for the variables within markers, bounds of 0 (zero) and 1 (one) are assumed.
                (v, (MIP.Finite 0, MIP.Finite 1))
                (v, (MIP.Finite 0, MIP.PosInf))
            Just (Nothing, Just (MIP.Finite ub)) | ub < 0 ->
                If no bounds are specified, CPLEX assumes a lower
                bound of 0 (zero) and an upper bound of +∞. If only a
                single bound is specified, the unspecified bound
                remains at 0 or +∞, whichever applies, with one
                exception. If an upper bound of less than 0 is
                specified and no other bound is specified, the lower
                bound is automatically set to -∞. CPLEX deviates
                slightly from a convention used by some MPS readers
                when it encounters an upper bound of 0 (zero). Rather
                than automatically set this variable’s lower bound to
                -∞, CPLEX accepts both a lower and upper bound of 0,
                effectively fixing that variable at 0. CPLEX resets
                the lower bound to -∞ only if the upper bound is less
                than 0. A warning message is issued when this
                exception is encountered.
              (v, (MIP.NegInf, MIP.Finite ub))
              lp_solve uses 1 as default lower bound for semi-continuous variable.
              But Gurobi Optimizer uses 0 as default lower bound for semi-continuous variable.
              Here we adopt Gurobi's way.
            Just (Nothing, ub) | v `Set.member` scvs ->
              (v, (MIP.Finite 1, fromMaybe MIP.PosInf ub))
            Just (lb,ub) ->
              (v, (fromMaybe (MIP.Finite 0) lb, fromMaybe MIP.PosInf ub))
        | v <- Set.toList vs ]

  let rowCoeffs :: Map Row (Map Column Rational)
      rowCoeffs = Map.fromListWith Map.union [(row, Map.singleton col coeff) | (col,m) <- Map.toList cols, (row,coeff) <- Map.toList m]

  let f :: Bool -> (Maybe MIP.RelOp, Row) -> [MIP.Constraint]
      f _isLazy (Nothing, _row) = []
      f isLazy (Just op, row) = do
        let lhs = [MIP.Term c [col] | (col,c) <- Map.toList (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty row rowCoeffs)]
                  ++ Map.findWithDefault [] row qterms
        let rhs = Map.findWithDefault 0 row rhss
        (op2,rhs2) <-
          case Map.lookup row rngs of
            Nothing  -> return (op, rhs)
            Just rng ->
              case op of
                MIP.Ge  -> [(MIP.Ge, rhs), (MIP.Le, rhs + abs rng)]
                MIP.Le  -> [(MIP.Ge, rhs - abs rng), (MIP.Le, rhs)]
                MIP.Eql ->
                  if rng < 0
                  then [(MIP.Ge, rhs + rng), (MIP.Le, rhs)]
                  else [(MIP.Ge, rhs), (MIP.Le, rhs + rng)]
        return $
          { MIP.constrLabel     = Just $ unintern row
          , MIP.constrIndicator = Map.lookup row inds
          , MIP.constrIsLazy    = isLazy
          , MIP.constrBody      = (lhs, op2, rhs2)

  let mip =
        { MIP.dir                     = objdir
        , MIP.objectiveFunction       =
            ( Just (unintern objrow)
            , [MIP.Term c [col] | (col,m) <- Map.toList cols, c <- maybeToList (Map.lookup objrow m)] ++ qobj
        , MIP.constraints           = concatMap (f False) rows ++ concatMap (f True) lazycons
        , MIP.sosConstraints        = sos
        , MIP.userCuts              = concatMap (f False) usercuts
        , MIP.varInfo               =
            [ ( v
              , MIP.VarInfo
                { MIP.varBounds = Map.findWithDefault MIP.defaultBounds v bounds
                , MIP.varType   =
                    if v `Set.member` sivs then
                    else if v `Set.member` intvs1 && v `Set.member` scvs then
                    else if v `Set.member` intvs1 || v `Set.member` intvs2 then
                    else if v `Set.member` scvs then
            | v <- Set.toAscList vs

  return mip

nameSection :: Parser (Maybe String)
nameSection = do
  string "NAME"
  n <- optionMaybe $ try $ do
  return n

objSenseSection :: Parser OptDir
objSenseSection = do
  try $ stringLn "OBJSENSE"
  d <-  (try (stringLn "MAX") >> return OptMax)
    <|> (stringLn "MIN" >> return OptMin)
  return d

objNameSection :: Parser String
objNameSection = do
  try $ stringLn "OBJNAME"
  name <- ident
  return name

rowsSection :: Parser [(Maybe MIP.RelOp, Row)]
rowsSection = do
  try $ stringLn "ROWS"

userCutsSection :: Parser [(Maybe MIP.RelOp, Row)]
userCutsSection = do
  try $ stringLn "USERCUTS"

lazyConsSection :: Parser [(Maybe MIP.RelOp, Row)]
lazyConsSection = do
  try $ stringLn "LAZYCONS"

rowsBody :: Parser [(Maybe MIP.RelOp, Row)]
rowsBody = many $ do
  op <- msum
        [ char 'N' >> return Nothing
        , char 'G' >> return (Just MIP.Ge)
        , char 'L' >> return (Just MIP.Le)
        , char 'E' >> return (Just MIP.Eql)
  name <- row
  return (op, name)

colsSection :: Parser (Map Column (Map Row Rational), Set Column)
colsSection = do
  try $ stringLn "COLUMNS"
  body False Map.empty Set.empty
    body :: Bool -> Map Column (Map Row Rational) -> Set Column -> Parser (Map Column (Map Row Rational), Set Column)
    body isInt rs ivs = msum
      [ do isInt' <- try intMarker
           body isInt' rs ivs
      , do (k,v) <- entry
           let rs'  = Map.insertWith Map.union k v rs
               ivs' = if isInt then Set.insert k ivs else ivs
           seq rs' $ seq ivs' $ body isInt rs' ivs'
      , return (rs, ivs)

    intMarker :: Parser Bool
    intMarker = do
      _marker <- ident 
      string "'MARKER'"
      b <-  (try (string "'INTORG'") >> return True)
        <|> (string "'INTEND'" >> return False)
      return b

    entry :: Parser (Column, Map Row Rational)
    entry = do
      col <- column
      rv1 <- rowAndVal
      opt <- optionMaybe rowAndVal
      case opt of
        Nothing -> return (col, rv1)
        Just rv2 ->  return (col, Map.union rv1 rv2)

rowAndVal :: Parser (Map Row Rational)
rowAndVal = do
  r <- row
  val <- number
  return $ Map.singleton r val

rhsSection :: Parser (Map Row Rational)
rhsSection = do
  try $ stringLn "RHS"
  liftM Map.unions $ many entry
    entry = do
      _name <- ident
      rv1 <- rowAndVal
      opt <- optionMaybe rowAndVal
      case opt of
        Nothing  -> return rv1
        Just rv2 -> return $ Map.union rv1 rv2

rangesSection :: Parser (Map Row Rational)
rangesSection = do
  try $ stringLn "RANGES"
  liftM Map.unions $ many entry
    entry = do
      _name <- ident
      rv1 <- rowAndVal
      opt <- optionMaybe rowAndVal
      case opt of
        Nothing  -> return rv1
        Just rv2 -> return $ Map.union rv1 rv2

boundsSection :: Parser [(BoundType, Column, Rational)]
boundsSection = do
  try $ stringLn "BOUNDS"
  many entry
    entry = do
      typ   <- boundType
      _name <- ident
      col   <- column
      val   <- if typ `elem` [FR, BV, MI, PL]
               then return 0
               else number
      return (typ, col, val)

boundType :: Parser BoundType
boundType = tok $ do
  msum [try (string (show k)) >> return k | k <- [minBound..maxBound]]

sosSection :: Parser [MIP.SOSConstraint]
sosSection = do
  try $ stringLn "SOS"
  many entry
    entry = do
      typ <-  (try (string "S1") >> return MIP.S1)
          <|> (string "S2" >> return MIP.S2)
      name <- ident
      xs <- many (try identAndVal)
      return $ MIP.SOSConstraint{ MIP.sosLabel = Just name, MIP.sosType = typ, MIP.sosBody = xs }

    identAndVal :: Parser (Column, Rational)
    identAndVal = do
      col <- column
      val <- number
      return (col, val)

quadObjSection :: Parser [MIP.Term]
quadObjSection = do
  try $ stringLn "QUADOBJ"
  many entry
    entry = do
      col1 <- column
      col2 <- column
      val  <- number
      return $ MIP.Term (if col1 /= col2 then val else val / 2) [col1, col2]

qMatrixSection :: Parser [MIP.Term]
qMatrixSection = do
  try $ stringLn "QMATRIX"
  many entry
    entry = do
      col1 <- column
      col2 <- column
      val  <- number
      return $ MIP.Term (val / 2) [col1, col2]

qcMatrixSection :: Parser (Row, [MIP.Term])
qcMatrixSection = do
  try $ string "QCMATRIX"
  r <- row
  xs <- many entry
  return (r, xs)
    entry = do
      col1 <- column
      col2 <- column
      val  <- number
      return $ MIP.Term val [col1, col2]

indicatorsSection :: Parser (Map Row (Column, Rational))
indicatorsSection = do
  try $ stringLn "INDICATORS"
  liftM Map.fromList $ many entry
    entry = do
      string "IF"
      r <- row
      var <- column
      val <- number
      return (r, (var, val))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

type M a = Writer ShowS a

execM :: M a -> String
execM m = execWriter m ""

writeString :: String -> M ()
writeString s = tell $ showString s

writeChar :: Char -> M ()
writeChar c = tell $ showChar c

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

render :: MIP.Problem -> Either String String
render mip | not (checkAtMostQuadratic mip) = Left "Expression must be atmost quadratic"
render mip = Right $ execM $ render' $ nameRows mip

render' :: MIP.Problem -> M ()
render' mip = do
  let probName = ""

  -- NAME section
  -- The name starts in column 15 in fixed formats.
  writeSectionHeader $ "NAME" ++ replicate 10 ' ' ++ probName

  -- OBJSENSE section
  -- Note: GLPK-4.48 does not support this section.
  writeSectionHeader "OBJSENSE"
  case MIP.dir mip of
    OptMin -> writeFields ["MIN"]
    OptMax -> writeFields ["MAX"]

  let (Just objName, obj) = MIP.objectiveFunction mip

  -- OBJNAME section
  -- Note: GLPK-4.48 does not support this section.
  writeSectionHeader "OBJNAME"
  writeFields [objName]

  let renderRows cs = do
        forM_ cs $ \c -> do
          let (_,op,_) = MIP.constrBody c
          let s = case op of
                    MIP.Le  -> "L"
                    MIP.Ge  -> "G"
                    MIP.Eql -> "E"
          writeFields [s, fromJust $ MIP.constrLabel c]

  -- ROWS section
  writeSectionHeader "ROWS"
  writeFields ["N", objName]
  renderRows [c | c <- MIP.constraints mip, not (MIP.constrIsLazy c)]

  -- USERCUTS section
  unless (null (MIP.userCuts mip)) $ do
    writeSectionHeader "USERCUTS"
    renderRows (MIP.userCuts mip)

  -- LAZYCONS section
  let lcs = [c | c <- MIP.constraints mip, MIP.constrIsLazy c]
  unless (null lcs) $ do
    writeSectionHeader "LAZYCONS"
    renderRows lcs

  -- COLUMNS section
  writeSectionHeader "COLUMNS"
  let cols :: Map Column (Map String Rational)
      cols = Map.fromListWith Map.union
             [ (v, Map.singleton l d)
             | (Just l, xs) <-
                 MIP.objectiveFunction mip :
                 [(MIP.constrLabel c, lhs) | c <- MIP.constraints mip ++ MIP.userCuts mip, let (lhs,_,_) = MIP.constrBody c]
             , MIP.Term d [v] <- xs
      f col xs =
        forM_ (Map.toList xs) $ \(row, d) -> do
          writeFields ["", unintern col, row, showValue d]
      ivs = MIP.integerVariables mip `Set.union` MIP.semiIntegerVariables mip
  forM_ (Map.toList (Map.filterWithKey (\col _ -> col `Set.notMember` ivs) cols)) $ \(col, xs) -> f col xs
  unless (Set.null ivs) $ do
    writeFields ["", "MARK0000", "'MARKER'", "", "'INTORG'"]
    forM_ (Map.toList (Map.filterWithKey (\col _ -> col `Set.member` ivs) cols)) $ \(col, xs) -> f col xs
    writeFields ["", "MARK0001", "'MARKER'", "", "'INTEND'"]

  -- RHS section
  let rs = [(fromJust $ MIP.constrLabel c, rhs) | c <- MIP.constraints mip ++ MIP.userCuts mip, let (_,_,rhs) = MIP.constrBody c, rhs /= 0]
  writeSectionHeader "RHS"
  forM_ rs $ \(name, val) -> do
    writeFields ["", "rhs", name, showValue val]

  -- BOUNDS section
  writeSectionHeader "BOUNDS"
  forM_ (Map.toList (MIP.varInfo mip)) $ \(col, vinfo) -> do
    let (lb,ub) = MIP.varBounds vinfo
        vt = MIP.varType vinfo
    case (lb,ub) of
      (MIP.NegInf, MIP.PosInf) -> do
        -- free variable (no lower or upper bound)
        writeFields ["FR", "bound", unintern col]
      (MIP.Finite 0, MIP.Finite 1) | vt == MIP.IntegerVariable -> do
        -- variable is binary (equal 0 or 1)
        writeFields ["BV", "bound", unintern col] 

      (MIP.Finite a, MIP.Finite b) | a == b -> do
        -- variable is fixed at the specified value
        writeFields ["FX", "bound", unintern col, showValue a]

      _ -> do
        case lb of
          MIP.PosInf -> error "should not happen"
          MIP.NegInf -> do
            -- Minus infinity
            writeFields ["MI", "bound", unintern col]
          MIP.Finite 0 | vt == MIP.ContinuousVariable -> return ()
          MIP.Finite a -> do
            let t = case vt of
                      MIP.IntegerVariable -> "LI" -- lower bound for integer variable
                      _ -> "LO" -- Lower bound
            writeFields [t, "bound", unintern col, showValue a]

        case ub of
          MIP.NegInf -> error "should not happen"
          MIP.PosInf | vt == MIP.ContinuousVariable -> return ()
          MIP.PosInf -> do
            when (vt == MIP.SemiContinuousVariable || vt == MIP.SemiIntegerVariable) $
              error "cannot express +inf upper bound of semi-continuous or semi-integer variable"
            writeFields ["PL", "bound", unintern col] -- Plus infinity
          MIP.Finite a -> do
            let t = case vt of
                      MIP.SemiContinuousVariable -> "SC" -- Upper bound for semi-continuous variable
                      MIP.SemiIntegerVariable ->
                        -- Gurobi uses "SC" while lpsolve uses "SI" for upper bound of semi-integer variable
                      MIP.IntegerVariable -> "UI" -- Upper bound for integer variable
                      _ -> "UP" -- Upper bound
            writeFields [t, "bound", unintern col, showValue a]

  -- QMATRIX section
  -- Gurobiは対称行列になっていないと "qmatrix isn't symmetric" というエラーを発生させる
  let qm = Map.map (2*) $ quadMatrix obj
  unless (Map.null qm) $ do
    writeSectionHeader "QMATRIX"
    forM_ (Map.toList qm) $ \(((v1,v2), val)) -> do
      writeFields ["", unintern v1, unintern v2, showValue val]

  -- SOS section
  unless (null (MIP.sosConstraints mip)) $ do
    writeSectionHeader "SOS"
    forM_ (MIP.sosConstraints mip) $ \sos -> do
      let t = case MIP.sosType sos of
                MIP.S1 -> "S1"
                MIP.S2 -> "S2"
      writeFields $ t : maybeToList (MIP.sosLabel sos)
      forM_ (MIP.sosBody sos) $ \(var,val) -> do
        writeFields ["", unintern var, showValue val]

  -- QCMATRIX section
  let xs = [ (fromJust $ MIP.constrLabel c, qm)
           | c <- MIP.constraints mip ++ MIP.userCuts mip
           , let (lhs,_,_) = MIP.constrBody c
           , let qm = quadMatrix lhs
           , not (Map.null qm) ]
  unless (null xs) $ do
    forM_ xs $ \(row, qm) -> do
      -- The name starts in column 12 in fixed formats.
      writeSectionHeader $ "QCMATRIX" ++ replicate 3 ' ' ++ row
      forM_ (Map.toList qm) $ \((v1,v2), val) -> do
        writeFields ["", unintern v1, unintern v2, showValue val]

  -- INDICATORS section
  -- Note: Gurobi-5.6.3 does not support this section.
  let ics = [c | c <- MIP.constraints mip, isJust $ MIP.constrIndicator c]
  unless (null ics) $ do
    writeSectionHeader "INDICATORS"
    forM_ ics $ \c -> do
      let Just (var,val) = MIP.constrIndicator c
      writeFields ["IF", fromJust (MIP.constrLabel c), unintern var, showValue val]

  -- ENDATA section
  writeSectionHeader "ENDATA"

writeSectionHeader :: String -> M ()
writeSectionHeader s = writeString s >> writeChar '\n'

-- Fields start in column 2, 5, 15, 25, 40 and 50
writeFields :: [String] -> M ()
writeFields xs = f1 xs >> writeChar '\n'
    -- columns 1-4
    f1 [] = return ()
    f1 [x] = writeString (' ' : x)
    f1 (x:xs) = do
      writeString $ printf " %-2s " x
      f2 xs

    -- columns 5-14
    f2 [] = return ()
    f2 [x] = writeString x
    f2 (x:xs) = do
      writeString $ printf "%-9s " x
      f3 xs

    -- columns 15-24
    f3 [] = return ()
    f3 [x] = writeString x
    f3 (x:xs) = do
      writeString $ printf "%-9s " x
      f4 xs

    -- columns 25-39
    f4 [] = return ()
    f4 [x] = writeString x
    f4 (x:xs) = do
      writeString $ printf "%-14s " x
      f5 xs

    -- columns 40-49
    f5 [] = return ()
    f5 [x] = writeString x
    f5 (x:xs) = do
      writeString $ printf "%-19s " x
      f6 xs

    -- columns 50-
    f6 [] = return ()
    f6 [x] = writeString x
    f6 _ = error "MPSFile: >6 fields (this should not happen)"

showValue :: Rational -> String
showValue c =
  if denominator c == 1
    then show (numerator c)
    else show (fromRational c :: Double)
nameRows :: MIP.Problem -> MIP.Problem
nameRows mip
  = mip
  { MIP.objectiveFunction = (Just objName', obj)
  , MIP.constraints = f (MIP.constraints mip) ["row" ++ show n | n <- [(1::Int)..]]
  , MIP.userCuts = f (MIP.userCuts mip) ["usercut" ++ show n | n <- [(1::Int)..]]
  , MIP.sosConstraints = g (MIP.sosConstraints mip) ["sos" ++ show n | n <- [(1::Int)..]]
    (objName, obj) = MIP.objectiveFunction mip
    used = Set.fromList $ catMaybes $ objName : [MIP.constrLabel c | c <- MIP.constraints mip ++ MIP.userCuts mip] ++ [MIP.sosLabel c | c <- MIP.sosConstraints mip]
    objName' = fromMaybe (head [name | n <- [(1::Int)..], let name = "obj" ++ show n, name `Set.notMember` used]) objName

    f [] _ = []
    f (c:cs) (name:names)
      | isJust (MIP.constrLabel c) = c : f cs (name:names)
      | name `Set.notMember` used = c{ MIP.constrLabel = Just name } : f cs names
      | otherwise = f (c:cs) names

    g [] _ = []
    g (c:cs) (name:names)
      | isJust (MIP.sosLabel c) = c : g cs (name:names)
      | name `Set.notMember` used = c{ MIP.sosLabel = Just name } : g cs names
      | otherwise = g (c:cs) names

quadMatrix :: MIP.Expr -> Map (MIP.Var, MIP.Var) Rational
quadMatrix e = Map.fromList $ do
  let m = Map.fromListWith (+) [(if v1<=v2 then (v1,v2) else (v2,v1), c) | MIP.Term c [v1,v2] <- e]
  ((v1,v2),c) <- Map.toList m
  if v1==v2 then
    [((v1,v2), c)]
    [((v1,v2), c/2), ((v2,v1), c/2)]

checkAtMostQuadratic :: MIP.Problem -> Bool
checkAtMostQuadratic mip =  all (all f) es
    es = snd (MIP.objectiveFunction mip) :
         [lhs | c <- MIP.constraints mip ++ MIP.userCuts mip, let (lhs,_,_) = MIP.constrBody c]
    f :: MIP.Term -> Bool
    f (MIP.Term _ [_]) = True
    f (MIP.Term _ [_,_]) = True
    f _ = False

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