{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} module Control.Monad.Trace.ErrorTrace ( ErrorTrace(..) , _ErrorTrace , etError , etTrace ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.DeepSeq import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Data.Monoid import Data.Profunctor import Data.Sequence as S import Data.List import Data.Typeable import GHC.Generics -- | A datatype containing an error and its provenience(s). -- data ErrorTrace t e = ErrorTrace { _etError ∷ !e -- ^ The error , _etTrace ∷ ![Seq t] -- ^ The list of traces (for each path tried) } deriving (Typeable, Generic) instance (NFData t, NFData e) ⇒ NFData (ErrorTrace t e) instance Monoid e ⇒ Monoid (ErrorTrace t e) where mempty = ErrorTrace mempty mempty mappend (ErrorTrace e tr) (ErrorTrace e' tr') = ErrorTrace (e <> e') (tr <> tr') instance (Show t, Show e) ⇒ Show (ErrorTrace t e) where showsPrec p ErrorTrace{..} = showParen (p > 10) $ foldr (.) id (intersperse (" ∥ "++) $ (foldr (.) id . intersperse ('.':) . fmap shows . F.toList) <$> _etTrace) . (" ⇑ " ++) . shows _etError -- | An isomorphism @'ErrorTrace' t e ≅ (e, 'Seq' t)@. -- _ErrorTrace ∷ ( Choice p , Functor f ) ⇒ p (ErrorTrace t e) (f (ErrorTrace t' e')) → p (e, [Seq t]) (f (e', [Seq t'])) _ErrorTrace = dimap (uncurry ErrorTrace) . fmap $ \ErrorTrace{..} → (_etError, _etTrace) -- | A lens @'ErrorTrace' t e → e@. -- etError ∷ Functor f ⇒ (e → f e') → ErrorTrace t e → f (ErrorTrace t e') etError inj ErrorTrace{..} = flip ErrorTrace _etTrace <$> inj _etError -- | A lens @'ErrorTrace' t e → Seq t@. -- etTrace ∷ Functor f ⇒ ([Seq t] → f [Seq t']) → ErrorTrace t e → f (ErrorTrace t' e) etTrace inj ErrorTrace{..} = ErrorTrace _etError <$> inj _etTrace