{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Transient.EVars where

import Transient.Base
import Transient.Internals(runTransState,onNothing, EventF(..), killChildren)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Typeable

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Exception(SomeException)

import Data.List(nub)
import Control.Monad.State

data EVar a= EVar  (TChan (StreamData a)) deriving  Typeable

-- | creates an EVar.
-- Evars are event vars. `writeEVar` trigger the execution of all the continuations associated to the  `readEVar` of this variable
-- (the code that is after them).
-- It is like the publish-subscribe pattern but without inversion of control, since a readEVar can be inserted at any place in the
-- Transient flow.
-- EVars are created upstream and can be used to communicate two sub-threads of the monad. Following the Transient philosophy they
-- do not block his own thread if used with alternative operators, unlike the IORefs and TVars. And unlike STM vars, that are composable,
-- they wait for their respective events, while TVars execute the whole expression when any variable is modified.
-- The execution continues after the writeEVar when all subscribers have been executed.
-- Now the continuations are executed in parallel.
-- see https://www.fpcomplete.com/user/agocorona/publish-subscribe-variables-transient-effects-v

newEVar ::  TransIO (EVar a)
newEVar  = Transient $ do
   id <- genId
   ref <-liftIO  newBroadcastTChanIO
   return . Just $ EVar  ref

-- | delete al the subscriptions for an evar.
cleanEVar :: EVar a -> TransIO ()
cleanEVar (EVar  ref1)= liftIO $ atomically $ do
    writeTChan  ref1 SDone

-- | read the EVar. It only succeed when the EVar is being updated
-- The continuation gets registered to be executed whenever the variable is updated.
-- if readEVar is re-executed in any kind of loop, since each continuation is different, this will register
-- again. The effect is that the continuation will be executed multiple times
-- To avoid multiple registrations, use `cleanEVar`
readEVar :: EVar a -> TransIO a
readEVar (EVar  ref1)=  do
     tchan <-  liftIO . atomically $ dupTChan ref1
     r <- parallel $ atomically $  readTChan tchan

     case r of
        SDone -> empty
        SMore x -> return x
        SLast x -> return x
        SError e -> error ""
--            error $ "readEVar: "++ show e

-- |  update the EVar and execute all readEVar blocks with "last in-first out" priority
writeEVar (EVar  ref1) x= liftIO $ atomically $ do
       writeTChan  ref1 $ SMore x

-- | write the EVar and drop all the `readEVar` handlers.
-- It is like a combination of `writeEVar` and `cleanEVar`
lastWriteEVar (EVar ref1) x= liftIO $ atomically $ do
       writeTChan  ref1 $ SLast x

-- Finalization

type FinishReason= Maybe SomeException

data Finish= Finish (EVar FinishReason) deriving Typeable

-- | initialize the event variable for finalization.
-- all the following computations in different threads will share it
-- it also isolate this event from other branches that may have his own finish variable
initFinish :: TransIO Finish
initFinish= do
      fin <-  newEVar
      let f = Finish fin
      setData  f
      return  f

-- | set a computation to be called when the finish event happens
onFinish :: (FinishReason ->TransIO ()) -> TransIO ()
onFinish  close=  do
       Finish finish <- getSData <|> initFinish
       e <-  freeThreads $ readEVar finish
       close e  -- !!> "CLOSE"
       return ()

-- | trigger the event, so this closes all the resources
finish :: FinishReason -> TransIO ()
finish e= do
    liftIO $ putStr  "finish: " >> print e
    Finish finish <- getSData <|> initFinish
    lastWriteEVar finish e

-- | deregister all the finalization actions.
-- A initFinish is needed to register actions again
unFinish= do
    Finish fin <- getSData
    cleanEVar fin    -- !!> "DELEVAR"
   <|> return ()   -- !!> "NOT DELEVAR"

-- | kill all the processes generated by the parameter when finish event occurs
killOnFinish comp= do

   chs <- liftIO $ newTVarIO []
   onFinish $ const $ liftIO $ killChildren chs   -- !> "killOnFinish event"
   r <- comp
   modify $ \ s -> s{children= chs}
   return r

-- | trigger finish when the stream data return SDone
checkFinalize v=
           case v of
              SDone ->  finish Nothing >> stop
              SLast x ->  return x
              SError e -> liftIO ( print e) >> finish Nothing >> stop
              SMore x -> return x