#!/usr/bin/env ./execthirdlinedocker.sh -- development -- set -e && docker run -it -v /c/Users/magocoal/OneDrive/Haskell/devel:/devel agocorona/transient:05-02-2017 bash -c "runghc -j2 -isrc -i/devel/transient/src /devel/transient/tests/$1 $2 $3 $4" -- compile and run within a docker image -- set -e && executable=`basename -s .hs ${1}` && docker run -it -v $(pwd):/work agocorona/transient:05-02-2017 bash -c "ghc /work/${1} && /work/${executable} ${2} ${3}" import qualified Prelude as Pr(return) import Prelude hiding ((>>=),(>>),return) import Transient.Base import Transient.EVars import Transient.Indeterminism import System.Exit import Data.Monoid import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.State import System.Random import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception.Base import Data.List --instance Monoid Int where -- mempty = 0 -- mappend = (+) main= do keep' $ do let -- genElem :: a -> TransIO a genElem x= do -- generates synchronous and asynchronous results with various delays isasync <- liftIO randomIO delay <- liftIO $ randomRIO (1, 1000) liftIO $ threadDelay delay if isasync then async $ return x else return x liftIO $ putStrLn "--Testing thread control + Monoid + Applicative + async + indetermism---" collect 100 $ do -- gather the result of 100 iterations i <- threads 0 $ choose [1..100] -- test 100 times. 'loop' for 100 times nelems <- liftIO $ randomRIO (1, 100) -- :: TransIO Int nthreads <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0,nelems) -- different numbers of threads r <- threads nthreads $ foldr (+) 0 $ map genElem [1..nelems] -- sum sync and async results using applicative assert (r == sum[1..nelems]) $ return () liftIO $ putStrLn "--------------checking parallel execution, Alternative, events --------" ev <- newEVar r <- collect 3 $ readEVar ev <|> ((choose [1..3] >>= writeEVar ev) >> stop) assert (sort r== [1,2,3]) $ return () liftIO $ print "SUCCESS" exit () exitSuccess