# translate-cli Command Line Interface to translate words. The current translation supports german and english words. Input will be translated in both directions. ```sh ➜ ~ translate golden [en] golden [en] gold [en] or [en] aureate [en] gilded [de] golden [de] goldgelb [de] goldig [de] Goldfarbe [de] goldene Farbe ``` ## Initial setup `stack setup` ## Build `stack build` ## Run ### NPM * `npm i -g @andys8/translate-cli` * `translate ` ### Binary * Download compressed binary * [Linux](https://github.com/andys8/translate-cli/raw/master/bin/x86_64-linux/translate.tgz) * [OSX](https://github.com/andys8/translate-cli/raw/master/bin/x86_64-osx/translate.tgz) * Add manually to `PATH` * `translate ` ### Build from sources * Setup stack * `stack exec translate -- ` to translate ## Credits [Glosbe API](https://de.glosbe.com/a-api) is used for translation.