{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | For the generated instances you'll typically need the following
-- extensions:
-- >{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, ConstraintKinds, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Generics.Traversable.TH
  ( deriveGTraversable
  , gtraverseExpr
  ) where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Control.Monad
import Data.Generics.Traversable.Core
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List

err s = error $ "Data.Generics.Traversable.TH: " ++ s

getDataInfo name = do
  info <- reify name
    decl =
      case info of
        TyConI d -> d
        _ -> error ("can't be used on anything but a type constructor of an algebraic data type")

  return $
    case decl of
      DataD    _ n ps cs _ -> (n, map varName ps, map conA cs)
      NewtypeD _ n ps c  _ -> (n, map varName ps, [conA c])
      _ -> err ("not a data type declaration: " ++ show decl)

-- | Return a lambda expression which implements 'gtraverse' for the given
-- data type.
gtraverseExpr :: Name -> Q Exp
gtraverseExpr typeName = do
  (typeName, typeParams, constructors) <- getDataInfo typeName
  f <- newName "f"
  x <- newName "x"

    lam = lamE [varP f, varP x] $ caseE (varE x) matches

    -- Con a1 ... -> pure Con <*> f a1 <*> ...
    mkMatch (c, n, _)
     = do args <- replicateM n (newName "arg")
            applyF e arg =
              varE '(<*>) `appE` e `appE`
                (varE f `appE` varE arg)
            body = foldl applyF [| $(varE 'pure) $(conE c) |] args
          match (conP c $ map varP args) (normalB body) []
    matches = map mkMatch constructors


-- | Example usage:
-- >data MyType = MyType
-- >
-- >deriveGTraversable ''MyType
-- It tries to create the necessary instance constraints, but is not very
-- smart about it For tricky types, it may fail or produce an
-- overconstrained instance. In that case, write the instance declaration
-- yourself and use 'gtraverseExpr' to derive the implementation:
-- >data MyType a = MyType
-- >
-- >instance GTraversable (MyType a) where
-- >  gtraverse = $(gtraverseExpr ''MyType)
deriveGTraversable :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveGTraversable name = do
  info <- reify name
  ctx <- newName "c"

  (typeName, typeParams, constructors) <- getDataInfo name

    appliedType = foldl AppT (ConT typeName) $ map VarT typeParams

    -- instance (...) => GTraversable ctx MyType where { ... }
    inst =
      instanceD context (conT ''GTraversable `appT` varT ctx `appT` pure appliedType) [ do
          -- gtraverse = ...
          funD 'gtraverse [ clause [] (normalB $ gtraverseExpr typeName) [] ]

    context = sequence userContext

    types = nub [ t | (_,_,ts) <- constructors, t <- ts ]

#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
-- see https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9270
    userContext = [ varT ctx `appT` pure t | t <- types ]
    userContext = [ classP ctx [pure t] | t <- types ]

  sequence [inst]

conA (NormalC c xs)   = (c, length xs, map snd xs)
conA (InfixC x1 c x2) = conA (NormalC c [x1, x2])
conA (ForallC _ _ c)  = conA c
conA (RecC c xs)      = (c, length xs, map (\(_,_,t)->t) xs)
varName (PlainTV n) = n
varName (KindedTV n _) = n