  , FunctionalDependencies

module Data.Trie.Class where

import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import qualified Data.Trie as BT
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

import Data.Function.Syntax
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
-- import Data.Map.TernaryMap as TM

-- | Class representing tries with single-threaded insertion, deletion, and lookup.
-- @forall ts ps a. isJust $ lookupPath ps (insertPath ps a ts)@
-- @forall ts ps. isNothing $ lookupPath ps (deletePath ps ts)@
class Trie p s t | t -> p where
  lookup :: p s -> t s a -> Maybe a
  insert :: p s -> a -> t s a -> t s a
  delete :: p s -> t s a -> t s a

lookupWithDefault :: Trie p s t => a -> p s -> t s a -> a
lookupWithDefault x = fromMaybe x .* lookup

member :: Trie p s t => p s -> t s a -> Bool
member = isJust .* lookup

notMember :: Trie p s t => p s -> t s a -> Bool
notMember = not .* member

-- * Conversion

fromFoldable :: (Foldable f, Monoid (t s a), Trie p s t) => f (p s, a) -> t s a
fromFoldable = F.foldr (uncurry insert) mempty

-- * Ternary Map

-- instance Ord k => Trie [] k TernaryMap where
--   lookup = TM.lookup
--   delete = TM.delete

-- * ByteString-Trie

-- | Embeds an empty ByteString passed around for type inference.
newtype BSTrie q a = BSTrie {unBSTrie :: (q, BT.Trie a)}

makeBSTrie :: BT.Trie a -> BSTrie BS.ByteString a
makeBSTrie x = BSTrie (mempty,x)

getBSTrie :: BSTrie BS.ByteString a -> BT.Trie a
getBSTrie (BSTrie (_,x)) = x

instance Trie Identity BS.ByteString BSTrie where
  lookup = (BT.lookup *. snd . unBSTrie) . runIdentity
  insert (Identity ps) x (BSTrie (q,xs)) = BSTrie (q, BT.insert ps x xs)
  delete (Identity ps) (BSTrie (q,xs)) = BSTrie (q, BT.delete ps xs)