-- |
-- Module      : Crypto.TripleSec.Class
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Sam Protas <sam.protas@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Crypto.TripleSec.Class where

import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Monoid ((<>))

import           Control.Monad.Except
import           Crypto.Random
import qualified Crypto.Cipher.XSalsa as XSalsa
import qualified Crypto.KDF.Scrypt as Scrypt
import           Crypto.Cipher.Types (ctrCombine, makeIV)
import           Crypto.Hash.Algorithms (SHA512, Keccak_512)
import           Crypto.MAC.HMAC

import qualified Crypto.TripleSec.Internal as I
import           Crypto.TripleSec.Internal (ByteArray, convert)
import           Crypto.TripleSec.Utils
import           Crypto.TripleSec.Constants
import           Crypto.TripleSec.Types

-- | Represents the action of decrypting with the TripleSec protocol.
-- Fully implemented with default functions. Any instance's must provide a way to represent failure with a
-- 'TripleSecException'.
class (MonadError TripleSecException m) => CanTripleSecDecrypt m where
  -- | Decrypt a ciphertext with a passphrase.
  -- @ decrypt passphrase ciphertext @
  decrypt :: (ByteArray ba)
          => ba     -- ^ Passphrase
          -> ba     -- ^ Ciphertext
          -> m ba   -- ^ Plaintext
  decrypt pass cipherText = do
    (prefix, providedSalt, lessPrefix) <- checkPrefix cipherText
    decryptor <- newCipherWithSalt pass providedSalt
    decryptCommon decryptor prefix lessPrefix

  -- | Decrypt a ciphertext with a 'TripleSec' cipher.
  -- This function allows decrypting multiple ciphertexts without continually paying for the expensive key-derivation
  -- process. This function will only work if the given cipher's salt matches that of the ciphertext, otherwise it
  -- throws a 'MisMatchedCipherSalt'.
  -- For a simpler alternative, please see 'decrypt'.
  decryptWithCipher :: (ByteArray ba)
                    => TripleSec ba
                    -> ba     -- ^ Ciphertext
                    -> m ba
  decryptWithCipher cipher cipherText = do
    (prefix, providedSalt, lessPrefix) <- checkPrefix cipherText
    checkCipher cipher providedSalt
    decryptCommon cipher prefix lessPrefix

  -- | Create a new 'TripleSec' cipher with a provided salt.
  -- Creating a cipher with a specific salt is useful if you know you have several ciphertexts to decrypt, all of which
  -- were encrypted with the same cipher (salt + passphrase). Creating the cipher once up front allows you to save
  -- time, cpu, and memory by avoiding the expensive key-derivation on subsequent decryptions.
  -- @ newCipherWithSalt passphrase salt @
  newCipherWithSalt :: (ByteArray ba)
                    => ba     -- ^ Passphrase
                    -> ba     -- ^ Salt
                    -> m (TripleSec ba)
  newCipherWithSalt pass salt = do
    checkSalt salt
    when (I.length pass == 0) $ throwError $ CipherInitException ZeroLengthPassword
    let dk = Scrypt.generate paramsScrypt pass salt
    let macKeys =I.take (macKeyLen * 2) dk
    let sha512Key = I.take macKeyLen macKeys
    let keccak512Key = I.drop macKeyLen macKeys
    let cipherKeys = I.drop (macKeyLen * 2) dk
    let aesKey = I.take cipherKeyLen cipherKeys
    let twoFishKey = I.take cipherKeyLen $ I.drop cipherKeyLen cipherKeys
    let xSalsaKey  = I.drop (cipherKeyLen * 2) cipherKeys
    let twoFishCipher = trustedCipherInit twoFishKey
    let aesCipher = trustedCipherInit aesKey
    return TripleSec { passwordSalt = salt
                     , hmacKeccak512 = convert . (hmac keccak512Key :: ByteArray ba => ba -> HMAC Keccak_512)
                     , hmacSHA512 = convert . (hmac sha512Key :: ByteArray ba => ba -> HMAC SHA512)
                     , aes = aesCipher
                     , twoFish = twoFishCipher
                     , xSalsa = xSalsaKey }

-- | Represents the action of encrypting and decrypting with the TripleSec protocol.
-- Fully implemented with default functions. Any instance's must provide a source of randomness and be an instance of
-- 'CanTripleSecDecrypt'.
class (CanTripleSecDecrypt m, MonadRandom m) => CanTripleSec m where
  -- | Encrypt a plaintext with a passphrase.
  -- @ encrypt passphrase plaintext @
  encrypt :: (ByteArray ba)
          => ba     -- ^ Passphrase
          -> ba     -- ^ Plaintext
          -> m ba   -- ^ Ciphertext
  encrypt pass plaintext = do
    cipher <- newCipher pass
    encryptWithCipher cipher plaintext

  -- | Encrypt a plaintext with a 'TripleSec' cipher.
  -- This function allows encrypting multiple plaintexts without continually paying for the expensive key-derivation
  -- process. Please consider your use case and any risks that come from repeated usage of the same salt for encrypting
  -- different pieces of information.
  -- For a simpler alternative, please see 'encrypt'.
  encryptWithCipher :: (ByteArray ba)
                    => TripleSec ba
                    -> ba     -- ^ Plaintext
                    -> m ba
  encryptWithCipher cipher plaintext = do
    when (I.length plaintext == 0) $ throwError $ EncryptionException ZeroLengthPlaintext
    let prefix = packedMagicBytes <> packedVersionBytes <> passwordSalt cipher
    ivs <- getRandomBytes totalIvLen
    let (aesIv, lessAesIv) = I.splitAt ivLen ivs
    let (twoFishIv, xSalsaIv) = I.splitAt ivLen lessAesIv
    let xSalsaCipher = XSalsa.initialize 20 (xSalsa cipher) xSalsaIv
    let xSalsaEncrypted = xSalsaIv <> xSalsaCombine xSalsaCipher plaintext
    let twoFishEncrypted = twoFishIv <> ctrCombine (twoFish cipher) (fromJust $ makeIV twoFishIv) xSalsaEncrypted
    let aesEncrypted = aesIv <> ctrCombine (aes cipher) (fromJust $ makeIV aesIv) twoFishEncrypted
    let sha3HMACed = hmacKeccak512 cipher $ prefix <> aesEncrypted
    let sha512HMACed = hmacSHA512 cipher $ prefix <> aesEncrypted
    return $
      prefix <>
      sha512HMACed <>
      sha3HMACed <>

  -- | Create a new 'TripleSec' cipher.
  newCipher :: (ByteArray ba)
            => ba                 -- ^ Passphrase
            -> m (TripleSec ba)
  newCipher pass = do
    salt <- getRandomBytes saltLen
    newCipherWithSalt pass salt

decryptCommon :: (ByteArray ba, CanTripleSecDecrypt m) => TripleSec ba -> ba -> ba -> m ba
decryptCommon cipher prefix macsAndEncrypted = do
  let (providedSHA512, lessSHA512) = I.splitAt macOutputLen macsAndEncrypted
  let (providedSHA3, encryptedPayload) = I.splitAt macOutputLen lessSHA512
  let toMac = prefix <> encryptedPayload
  when (providedSHA512 /= hmacSHA512 cipher toMac) $ throwError $ DecryptionException InvalidSha512Hmac
  when (providedSHA3 /= hmacKeccak512 cipher toMac) $ throwError $ DecryptionException InvalidKeccakHmac
  let (aesIV, lessAESiv) = I.splitAt ivLen encryptedPayload
  let aesDecrypted = ctrCombine (aes cipher) (fromJust $ makeIV aesIV) lessAESiv
  let (twoFishIV, lessTwoFishIv) = I.splitAt ivLen aesDecrypted
  let twoFishDecrypted = ctrCombine (twoFish cipher) (fromJust $ makeIV twoFishIV) lessTwoFishIv
  let (xSalsaIV, lessXSalsaIV) = I.splitAt salsaIvLen twoFishDecrypted

  return $ xSalsaCombine (initXSalsa (xSalsa cipher) xSalsaIV) lessXSalsaIV